Part 100

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Jack swung his legs off the bed, snatching Dragonbane and his bag. Mark climbed off the bed, collecting his own stuff as Jack opened the door. The Captain gestured for them to follow him up onto the deck and they did. On the top deck, Jack took in the grim dawn. Compared to the winter mountains they had left, Solsthiem was a desert. The land they were heading to looked more suited for bugs. There was no green to be seen. The place was mostly dirt and the houses were made from clay like structures. What few plants he could see around the docks were a deep red color and practically looked dried out. Even the sky was different here. It was so cloudy with dark brownish red colors from the dawn. Even the ocean water appeared to be black and grim looking. Mark leaned on the rail of the ship, stating out just as dry at the landscape. "Divines above... The place looks dead. How can anyone live here?" The Captain rested his hip against the side of the rail, answering as he crossed his muscular arms over his chest. "When you aren't allowed anywhere... You can make your home anywhere. Just keep your heads down and don't cause too much trouble."

Jack took in the landscape as the ship drifted slowly into the harbor over calm waves. It was there by the docks that he saw it. A large pillar of rock pointing high into the sky with a bright green light shooting up from the top into the dark clouds above. Something about it made him feel very uneasy. He could feel the strange power radiating off it from where he stood. Tapping Mark's arm, he pointed to the pillar. Mark's grip on the ships railing tightened as he asked breathlessly. "What is that?" The Captain glanced over his shoulder to look, replying in a solemn voice. "That is what I wanted you to see. That is what some of the locals here call an 'All-maker stone.' One of six sacred rocks that supposedly protects the island. In all the years that I have traveled this route... I've never seen it active. Until now." Jack swallowed nervously, asking through a small exhale. "Is that good or bad?" The captain gave him a shrug, saying softly. "Like I said... I don't know. I just thought you'd want to see it."

Mark straightened up, asking gruffly. "Why is that exactly?" The Captain pointed to the group of people that they could now see around the pillar, telling them seriously. "Because the last time I was here... The cultists were messing with that thing. So, if I was looking for them-" Jack cut him off, finishing for him with a casual tone. "Then you'd start there. I agree." Turning to face the Captain, Jack extended a hand to shake his, while stating respectfully. "Thank you, Captain. I won't forget this." The Captain shook his hand firmly, then suddenly pulled him into a firm hug. Close to his ear, the Captain whispered to him discreetly. "Don't trust anybody here. I'll wait in the harbor for as long as I can. But if they force me to leave... I'm not coming back for you." Jack nodded, softly answering. "I understand. You got me this far. That's everything I wanted." The Captain released him, and Jack caught sight of Mark slowly removing his hand from his sword hilt. Shrugging off his bag, he pulled out a coin pouch with a thousand gold coins. It was a hefty price, but what they had agreed on for passage.

The Captain took the coin pouch, then cursed under his breath when his eyes drifted toward the dock they were pulling into. Jack turned to see a dark elf, strutting along the wooden dock to receive them. The dunmer was dressed to impress in his fancy brown and tan robes that were well tailored to his slender body type. He walked like a noble and his expression seemed to reflect his high and mighty attitude. The Captain let out a throaty groan but changed his expression to a smile as he walked across the ship to meet the man. The dunmer stopped on the dock, looking over the ship with distaste as he spitefully said aloud. "Captain Gjalund, we haven't seen you in a while. Been too busy to do business with us?" The Captain flashed the dunmer the fakest smile Jack had ever seen but told the dunmer respectfully. "It's not easy to avoid Ulfric's patrols. If it were. Your people would be the ones sailing to us for supplies. We do only what we can." The dunmer scoffed loudly, snapping back sternly. "And while you take your time, Nord. Our people starve. I do hope you brought better supplies than last time. We may be starving, but we do have standards."

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