Part 39

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Jack tried to stand up straighter, but still held onto Mark for support, when he asked Delphine seriously.  "You can start by telling us who you are and what you want with me".  Delphine straightened up to her full height, proudly informing them.  "I'm one of the last members of the Blades. A very long time ago, the Blades were dragonslayers, and we served the Dragonborn, the greatest dragonslayer. For the last two hundred years, since the last Dragonborn emperor, the Blades have been searching for a purpose. Now that dragons are coming back, our purpose is clear again. We need to stop them".  Mark turned sharp eyes on Jack, stating aloud in a sour tone.  "The Blades failed. Martin Septim died. As did the emperor they protected before him. If time has taught us anything it's that the Blades were overrated". 

Delphine drew her sword, snapping back at him angrily.  "How dare you! I'm not going to let you dishonor the Blades like that"!  Jack raised his hand to try and calm them both, but they weren't paying attention to him.  Mark simply moved closer to her, yelling back.  "The Blades dishonored themselves! The fact that you are even trying to defend a legacy you weren't around to see is distasteful. The Blades fell two hundred years ago and you think because you know about them that you can be one? Go back to the Inn, little girl. You know nothing about how to slay a dragon and Jack is better off WITHOUT your help"!  Delphine moved closer practically screaming out.  "I AM A BLADE! My family is a descendant to one of the surviving Blades! I know more about them than you do, NORD"! 

Mark smirked, telling her a bit smugly.  "Than your a descendant of a coward, because the others had the decency to die in the Oblivion Crisis".  Delphine lunged for Mark and Mark shoved Jack backward out of harms way.  Mark raised his arm as she brought her katana sword down.  Her katana clanged violently against his iron arm brace and Mark countered by stepping in to land a punch to her face.  The force knocked Delphine into the snow and Jack gasped.  Delphine reached for her katana, but Mark stepped on her wrist to stop her.  In a deep threatening voice, Mark told her seriously.  "It's easy to kill bandit's that can't afford armor. But I'm not so easily taken down".  Delphine spat on his boot, snapping back bitterly.  "You have no honor! How dare you hit a woman"!  Mark causally picked up her katana, telling her just as bitterly.  "You attacked an unarmed man with a sword. I highly doubt you care anything about honor. Or even know what it is". 

Jack bit his lower lip.  He agreed with Mark.  Skyrim was a place were even the women were just as lethal as men.  To show any restraint could mean your life.  Although, he wasn't without a heart.  Delphine was trying to live in a life she must have grown up hearing about.  As much as he didn't trust her and Mark didn't like her... She did have information.  He hated to admit it, but he was the Dragonborn.  He couldn't left himself push away those that could possibly help him.  Jack forced himself to rise as Mark moved away toward the bones of the Dragon to collect their swords in heated silence.  Delphine stayed laying in the snow like a wounded animal.  Jack felt for her.  Slowly approaching her, he gently told her.  "I wasn't there when the Blades fell from glory... but if you help me. Maybe we can bring them back to their former glory". 

Mark approached with their swords, telling him sternly.  "Jack"!  Jack shrugged at Mark, telling them both loudly.  "I didn't ask to be the dragonborn, but the world will judge me for it! I don't want to be remembered for turning people away, because I was too proud to give anyone a chance".  Mark gestured to Delphine, growling back.  "We can't trust her"!  Jack reached out for Delphine's hand, staring down at her as he stated seriously.  "I proved myself. Now, Prove to me that I need you're help. Give me a reason to restore the Blades, if you care about them that much".  Mark groaned, but Delphine slowly sat up, staring at Jack's hand a bit surprised.  After an uncertain moment, she took Jack's hand and he pulled her up on to her feet.  Delphine nodded to him confidently and Jack told her swiftly.  "Don't make me regret this". 

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