Part 50

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Jack smiled against Mark's throat. This was just one of many reasons why he loved Mark. Mark just had a way of making him feel good. Jack pressed his lips against Mark's throat, gently kissing his warm skin. Mark's hands pulled Jack up onto his knees over him, squeezing his ass before his warm hands moved up his back. Jack lifted his head, sliding his own hands back to cup Mark's jaw. Even if Mark could see through the blindfold... It gave the illusion that he couldn't. So, Jack tilted Mark's head back to tenderly kiss him. He wanted the kiss to be everything that he was. It would start off innocent and playful, then become more lustful. He became so enthralled in the kiss that he didn't notice when one of Mark's hands left his back. Until, Jack heard a soft rustle from the box. 

Jack broke the kiss, glancing toward the box. Mark's hand was just moving away from it. Jack was going to ask why, but he soon felt it. Mark had dipped his fingers in the jar and was tentatively applying some to his ass. A deep throated chuckle left Mark, when he leaned in to kiss Jack's collarbone sweetly. Jack moved his hands to grab Mark's shoulders, flinching from the sensation. The lube was a bit cold, but the more Mark rubbed it in, the warmer it got. Jack bit his lip trying to hide his face as he practically leaned over Mark's shoulder. If it wasn't for Mark's arm wrapping tightly around his waist to keep him still, he was sure he would have crawled over Mark's shoulder from embarrassment. Mark grazed his teeth across Jack's shoulder, sending a shiver down Jack's spine.

One of Mark's finger slowly inserted into his ass, causing Jack to inhale sharply. He just didn't know where all Mark's confidence came from. Mark never seemed to be embarrassed or shy about anything. Yet, even with how many times he had slept with Mark... He still couldn't stop himself from blushing. Mark added another finger, sinking them in deeper as he purred out to him. "You're so tense, Jack. Are you cold"? Jack lifted his head out of it's daze. He had been so caught up in what Mark was doing to him that he somehow didn't realize what his own body was doing. His legs were tense and his fingers were digging into Mark's shoulder. When did he get so tense? Forcing himself to relax, he mumbled out into Mark's ear. "I think it's the cold". Jack reluctantly leaned away from Mark's chest to test it.

The second he did, he shivered from the sudden temperature change. Huddling back up against Mark, he chuckled out. "Ya. You're the only thing keeping me warm at the moment". Mark's hands slid down to the backs of Jack's thighs, pulling them a little wider apart. Jack took a deep breath. He knew what was coming next. Mark pressed his lips against his ear, asking him in a deep buttery voice. "Sit down nice and slow for me"? Carefully, Jack lowered himself down as Mark adjusted beneath him. The second he felt Mark's hard cock, he hesitated. Neither one of them moved as Jack told him in a shaky voice. "Mark...I just thought of something". Mark kissed his neck, purring out calmly. "What is it, Jackaboy"?

Jack didn't want to say it. He had encouraged this...but it was important. Taking a deep breath, Jack mumbled out. "Maybe we shouldn't do this. The last time... What if a dragon shows up like at Riften"? Mark smiled, trailing his lips up Jack's neck to nip his earlobe, saying. "Then I'll tell it to wait its turn". Jack couldn't suppress his smile. Mark could be so cocky. Shaking his head, Jack replied casually. "Mark... I'm serious". Mark reached up to push the blindfold up off his face, staring him in the eyes as he answered. "Jack, In this life we only get so many chances to really enjoy ourselves. Danger is always lurking in every dark corner of the world. All that matters is how we choose to live in this moment". Jack let his hands slide down Mark's arm as he mumbled out. "But people could die because of me"?

Mark shrugged, retorting innocently. "So, don't call it with that seductive moan of yours". Jack rolled his eyes, but Mark started kissing him before he could argue more. Mark's hand slid from Jack's thigh up his stomach to hold Jack's neck. Jack could have broken the kiss despite Mark's hand trying to hold him into it. He just didn't want to. He wanted Mark. He felt selfish and greedy putting himself before the people of Riverwood... but he didn't want to be like the Greybeards. To live the life of a recluse monk. Mark's cock inched inside him as he lowered onto it, causing a muffled moan to slip into their hungry kiss. Mark chuckled, pulling Jack's legs out past his hips as he whispered breathlessly over Jack's lips. "Don't start, Jack". Jack chuckled sarcastically. As if he could control it. It just happened.

The DragonbornOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora