Part 48

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Jack made his way down the steps, barely getting into the room before Delphine said in a brisk tone. "You made it out alive at least. Did you learn anything useful"? Jack hefted his bag up, removing the last two journals as he answered lightly. "The Thalmor know nothing about the dragons". Delphine crossed her arms, giving him a doubtful look as she skeptically replied. "Really? That seems hard to believe. You're sure about that"? Jack shot her a glare of his own. Why did she send him if she wasn't going to believe him? Dropping the journals heavily onto the table, Jack shot back at her. "Yes, I'm sure. According to these. They suspect Ulfric might be behind it and they're looking for someone called Esbern".

Delphine's attitude suddenly changed into one of excitement and disbelief. Uncrossing her arms, she swiped the journals off the table to find the one with Esbern's name. Quickly flipping through it, she spoke mostly to herself. "Esbern? He's alive?! I thought the Thalmor must have got him years ago. That crazy old man...". Jack glanced at Mark who simply shrugged carelessly. Delphine's eyes were glued to the journal as she muttered out to herself. "Figures the Thalmor would be on his trail, though, if they were trying to figure out what's going on with the dragons". Jack cleared his throat lightly to bring her attention up from the book, before he asked casually. "Who's Esbern and why would the Thalmor want him"?

Delphine rolled her eyes, replying a bit sarcastically. "You mean, aside from wanting to kill every Blade they can lay their hands on"? Mark groaned loudly in frustration from his spot by the wall. Jack had to admit that he was growing tired of her song and dance too...but he was trying to keep himself together. Despite the fact that she was being a bit more unbearable than usual. Delphine closed the journal in her hand with a loud 'bam'. Then told Jack bluntly. "Esbern was one of the Blades archivists, back before the Thalmor smashed us during the Great War. He knew everything about the ancient dragon lore of the Blades. Obsessed with it, really. Nobody paid much attention to it back then. I guess he wasn't as crazy as we all thought".

Mark scoffed loudly, prodding in sharply. "Why am I not surprised to hear that? Seems the Blades failed due to the lack of knowing their own tradition and history. How ironic". Delphine slammed the journal on the table to scold Mark for his remark. "Hold your tongue, Nord, or loose it! You weren't there! It was a different time! We were tasked with more important things than worrying about dead myths and legends". Mark leaned off the wall a bit to sneer out with a smirk. "Well, it looks to me like those myths and legends aren't so dead now, are they"? Delphine's face contorted into a murderous glare, but Mark just casually leaned back to add in carelessly. "You never heard the words; History repeats itself? Then again... I guess not". Delphine started to move around the table, but Jack moved into her way. Quickly trying to defuse the tension as he interjected. "What we know for sure is that the Thalmor think the Blades know about the dragons. Which means, they will be going after this Esbern shortly". Delphine stopped in her tracks to add in more collected. "True, but we don't know where to even start looking for him".

Jack pointed his index finger at her, saying with a small smile. "That is where you are wrong. They seem to think that he is hiding out in Riften". Delphine took a step back, lost in her own thoughts for a moment, before she muttered out softly. "Riften, eh? Then he's probably down in the Ratway. It's where I'd go". Delphine straightened up to her full height, turning to face Jack as she told him seriously. "You better get to Riften. Talk to Brynjolf. He's...well-connected. A good starting point at least". Jack didn't get a chance to say a word, because Mark pushed off the wall then to snap out. "What?! You go get him! Jack just got back! It's christmas and he deserves a day off from all this shit"! Delphine stepped around Jack to shoot back bitterly. "Do you think the Thalmor are going to take a day off, because it's a holiday? You're dumber than you look"!

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