Part 47

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Jack dreamed about their old shack of a home back in Cyrodiil.  Around Christmas time, the lake would be frozen over and the lower class families would be skating around the ice.  The freshly fallen snow would turn the city and its surroundings into a beautiful winter wonderland.  Jack could clearly remember the streets in town smelling of spiced baked goods and fruity mulled wines.  He loved Christmas.  Not for any material reason, but because everything felt so much brighter and cheerful.  They had been struggling to make a living for themselves in the Imperial City.  Jack had to work long nights at the tavern.  Mark fought long days in the arena.  Times had been rough.  While the upper classes celebrated with decorated trees and heavy feasts.  The lower classes built snowmen, skated on the ice, and entertained everyone with stories or songs. 

On rare occasions the emperor would send tidings of goodwill in the form of sweets or gift baskets.  They couldn't afford a tree and besides that their little shack couldn't fit one.  Jack remembered trudging through the snow to get home from a long day in the tavern.  His shift had ended and he was a little reluctant to just go home.  His stomach had been in knots over the fact that he didn't have anything for Mark.  His wages had been cut and his boss seemed to deliberately give all the men Christmas off.  Women always brought in more money on Christmas.  He tried not to let it get to him, but it did a bit.  He wanted to be a mage so badly... but entrance fees into a guild like that were tough to save for.  Especially, if you wanted to eat or stay alive.  Jack cupped his hands before his mouth and blew into them to keep them warm against the cold. 

Firewood wasn't cheap, but he just had to get dinner started and stay warm until Mark got home.  It didn't matter how cold it was.  Mark's warmth was always enough.  Jack recalled walking into the house and feeling so warm and fuzzy.  Mark was already home.  Sitting on the bed with a small white box.  Jack closed the door, moving reluctantly closer to tell Mark the bad news.  He had nothing for him.  Mark never gave him the chance to answer.  He had known already.  Standing up, Mark handed him the box, telling him warmly as he pressed his forehead to his.  "Don't say anything. Just open it".  Jack bite his cold lip, slowly pulling open the lid.  Jack stared at the contents with a bright smile and chuckled.  Of all the things he thought it was.  This was better.  A small Holly branch.  Mark rubbed his shoulders lovingly, saying nervously.  "I know you wanted a tree... but this was all I could get. Do you like it"? 

Jack sniffled, looking up into Mark's big brown eyes as he answered whole-heartedly.  "It's exactly what I wanted and so much more".  Mark's smile was so bright that Jack couldn't help but kiss him.  It was the perfect Christmas.  Slowly Jack opened his eyes, feeling a tear run down his cheek.  He loved that memory.  He didn't know why he had dreamed about it, but he was glad he still remembered it.  Then as his body woke up more, he put it together.  The place smelled of spiced baked goods and fruity mulled wines.  Sitting up, Jack sniffed the air and heard Mark chuckle beside him.  Jack looked over at Mark, saying innocently.  "What is so funny"?  Mark put his hands behind his head, before smugly answering.  "I've been trying to wake you for hours...but I should have known that food would do it". 

Jack rolled his eyes, telling him a little distracted.  "It's been awhile since I smelled that. The university was always so far from the market and I was always so busy studying without you there... I missed it".  Mark smirked up at him, moving his hand to Jack's cheek to brush away a tear.  Jack leaned into his warm palm, sleepily telling Mark.  "I had a really good dream and you were in it".  Mark slowly sat up, purring out.  "I was"?  Jack thought about telling him, when his eyes focused on what Mark was wearing.  He was dressed already.  He had gone to bed practically naked last night.  Mark kissed his forehead, whispering to him in a deep buttery voice.  "Here. I got you something earlier".  Mark moved his leg and flipped back the blanket to reveal a small green box with red ribbon.  Jack's heart skipped.  Pulling the box closer, he slowly pulled off the ribbon and opened the lid. 

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