Part 25

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Jack felt the wind rush by him as he fell through the air.  He had to close his eyes to keep himself from focusing on the rapidly approaching ground.  When his chest slammed into something solid.  Desperately, Jack's hands grabbed a hold of the long spikes along the dragon's neck.  Relief filled him for just a spit second, before the dragon slightly turned its massive head to glare at him with a single blazing white reptilian eye.  The dragon let loose a rumbling growl and bared its sharp blood stained teeth, before changing its course.  Jack tightened him grip as the dragon sped up into the air.  Forcing his body firmly against the dragon's throat as the wind whirled passed him.  Jack clenched his jaw firmly to fight off his fear of heights.  He only had a short amount of time.  He couldn't stay like this.  Jack tried to pull himself up, but couldn't get a solid hold.  The dragon was ascending too fast!  Jack swallowed glancing down at the rest of the dragon, when an idea came to him. 

Adjusting himself, Jack waited for the dragon's wing to move forward.  The moment it did, he used that mere second to brace his foot against it to push himself up onto the neck.  The dragon jerked its head at the feeling, letting out a deep threatening snarl.  He clearly wasn't happy that Jack was touching him.  Quickly slipping a leg between a gap of neck spikes, Jack set himself in and held on tightly to the spike before him.  His legs gripping the neck scales even tighter, just as the dragon froze in midair.  Jack closed his eyes and kept his head low, feeling like they were suddenly in a freefall.  His stomach tingled with butterflies as the dragon gracefully fell backward out of the sky and began to spin rapidly as they descended.  Jack let out a yell as his muscles strained to keep him against the dragon.  Keeping his eyes closed up tight, he refused to look.  He couldn't tell what was up or down anymore.  Everything was spinning too fast to even see much of anything.  It was all just a blur.  All he knew was that they were falling and FAST! 

The dragon roared aggressively into the air and suddenly spread its wings out.  The wings jerked them violently out of their spin and Jack opened his eyes in time to see the ground was RIGHT BENEATH THEM!  The dragon didn't stop though, it merely spread its wings to keep itself from slamming into the ground.  Using its gained sped to swoop over the ground and head straight for the tower!  Jack whined softly, leaning in the opposite direction as the dragon tilted toward the tower.  Bracing for impact, Jack watched the dragon scrap its neck along the tower as they shot by.  When the dragon leveled itself back out, it peeked to see if he was still there.  The second he saw him, it flashed its teeth and let out another roar.  Jack felt frozen to the spot.  He didn't want to move.  Jumping on this creature was insane!  Why did Akatosh want him to do this?  The dragon circled the tower and Jack spotted Mark watching in horror from the crumbed stone stairs.  Jack forgot his fear for a spilt second.  What would Mark do?  Jack glanced over the dragon quickly.  Everything had a weakness.  A dragon had to have one too. 

The scales were far too strong.  He had already seen that nothing penetrated them.  Jack's eyes fell on the large wings.  Noticing a few arrows sticking in the bat-like skin.  Jack's eyes widened in surprise.  The wings!  He could bring him down!  Grabbing the spikes, Jack shifted carefully trying to make his way farther down the dragons back.  He just had to get close enough.  At the start of the very large spine spikes, Jack shifted onto his knees and removed his iron dagger.  Shifting with the dragon as it started to circle back toward the tower, Jack cast the spell for telekinesis.  Sending the dagger quickly out over the wing, aiming for the largest portion of wing.  Then gestured with his hand to sink the dagger into the wing, slicing through the length of the skin.  The rushing wind forced the tear open wide and the dragon let out a agonized roar!  Jack lost the dagger as the dragon's body faulted in the air.  Holding on for dear life, Jack watched the dragon struggle to stay up as it tried to slow down, but couldn't.  The dragon's shoulder slammed into the tower and sent them spinning before it crashed into the ground. 

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