Part 86

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Jack inhaled in shock, forgetting how to breathe shortly after. Mark drew Jack's glass sword from his belt slowly beside him. Mark's eyes never leaving the form above them, but the fear was evident in his eyes. Jack shot a look at Septimus, but Septimus was entirely distracted with the lexicon cube in his hands. Turning it over and over as he talked to himself. Jack glanced back up at the form to see a huge eye in the center open. All the eyes were a sickly faded brownish green color, but the one in the center was the most unique. For its eye was not just the largest. It also had two pupils that were merged together to form an eerie abyssal figure of infinity. Two slimy looking tentacles emerged from the body, beckoning him closer like two open arms. Jack didn't want to approach it. Unfortunately, there was no other way out of here. He was cornered. Straightening himself up to his full height, Jack slowly made his way past Mark to the snowy ramp. 

Mark grabbed his arm firmly, seriously muttering to him in a hushed voice. "Jack, don't. We don't know what that is." Jack nodded, then let out a small reluctant sigh, before answering uneasily. "I know... but I have a feeling that if it wanted us dead... It would have done it by now. It's our only way out. Let's just see what it wants." Mark shook his head, but Jack was already making his way up to it. The slimy looking tentacles grew more active as he approached. Slithering over the ground like a snakes tail, or wigging along the icy walls like a string in a gentle breeze. All the eyes turned on him and Jack shuddered a little. This thing was really freaking him out and making his skin crawl. He stopped short of the tentacles on the ground, not wanting to get any closer to it. A thick slimy tentacle left the wall to reach for his face and Jack cringed, taking a step back. The creature smelled heavily of swamp water.

The tentacle's slimy pointed tip flicked just shy of his cheekbone as he turned his head away to avoid the contact. The mass drifted farther out to get a better look at him. Then bellowed out in a slow deeply calming voice. "Come closer. Bask in my presence." When Jack stayed where he was, one of the tentacles on the ground shot up to wrap around his arm. Jack winced at how tightly the thing held him, pulling him closer despite his resistance. It pulled him three steps closer to the large eye, then loosened its grip on him. Jack watched the tentacle untangle from his arm, asking it nervously. "Who are you?" The large eye stared at him unblinkingly as it somehow answer boldly. "I am Hermaeus Mora. I am the guardian of the unseen and knower of the unknown. I have been watching you, Mortal. Most impressive." A tentacle drifted up Jack's arm from his elbow to his shoulder, causing Jack to flinch slightly.

Glancing over his shoulder, he saw Mark starting to move closer, but the tentacles were starting to weave around him. Putting him in a protecting circle that isolated him from Mark. Yet, left gaps for him to see Mark clearly. Jack was afraid to swat the tentacles away. He didn't want to invoke a gods wrath. So instead, he clenched his jaw to fight off his shivers and asked him a bit wearily. "What do you want from me?" Another tentacle moved up his chest to brush the tip across his jawline, upon telling him warmly. "You're continuing aid to Septimus renders him increasingly obsolete. He has served me well, but his time is nearing its end. Once that infernal lock box is opened, he will have exhausted his usefulness to me. When that time comes, you shall take his place as my emissary. What say you?" Just behind the protective tentacles, Mark shouted out to Jack firmly. "Jack, don't listen to him! He's a daedric lord! A demon!"

Jack knew he didn't like this creature for a reason. Septimus had done disturbing things to win the favor of this creature... and here this thing was. So willing to throw Septimus aside for something he found more interesting? He didn't trust this thing in the slightest. Its sliver tongued words were poison. Hermaeus's large eye never blinked, or looked away from him. Probably reading his body langue carefully. If it was concerned about Mark changing his mind, it didn't show it. In fact, it didn't even seem to acknowledge Mark at all. Jack shook his head slowly as he locked guarded eyes with it. The tentacle stroking his jaw stopped to lift Jack's chin a bit higher. Staring him down as it told him in that same calm collected tone. "Think on this carefully. For I know what you want, but to get it... You must compete the task Septimus has given you. Only then will I share my knowledge with you."

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