Part 68

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Jack watched the boy roll his eyes at Mark, starting down the steps to retrieve his wooden sword. As the boy walked, he grumbled out over his shoulder to Mark. "You forget your place. You can't harm me. I'm the Jarl's son". Mark placed a comforting hand on Jack's shoulder, asking him warmly. "Are you alright"? Jack nodded, but internally he was still stinging. Mages have always struggled to keep things under control, but that was why the guilds and colleges were so important. To help train others to master control over their abilities and to help them progress them farther to help people. Mark's hand slid across his shoulders to pull him closer, whispering next to his ear. "Don't let his words sink in, Jack. People without will always hate or envy those that have something they don't". Jack nodded, but it was hard for him to close himself off from it. He wanted to silence them by proving them wrong. 

Mark's eyes turned to two passing guards, who glanced in their direction. Their expressions were a mystery because of their full face helmets. However, as one guard turned to his partner, the man's spiteful tone expressed his mood. "The Imperials think we need their laws. Pfft. Skyrim was better off without these cowardly mages". His partner, a slender woman, nodded and then added in with a hopeful jab. "If we are lucky, Ulfric will bring his army through here and rid us of the college. I'd give him my full support then". The guards laughed as they moved on with their patrol. Mark watched them for a moment, then patted Jack between the shoulder blades, telling him firmly. "We aren't staying here. We should go up to the college. With our luck, these guards will be the ones to turn on us". Jack agreed whole heartedly. He didn't feel safe among these cold Nords.

He followed Mark down the steps to the horses. Taking their reins and walking toward the narrow stone entranceway to the bridge that spanned across to the college. The closer they got to the entranceway, the more the houses seemed to be uninhabitable. They were little more than snow buried shadows of what was left of their foundations. It gave Jack the chills, like walking through a haunted graveyard. Jack glanced back over his shoulder to see the guards and a few towns people watching them with cold stares. It was so creepy that Jack forced himself to look away. As they reached the steps, Jack slowed his pace a bit. He could feel magic at work in the archway. Raising a hand to stop Mark in his tracks before they entered, he stared at the seemingly empty path ahead. An illusion? Or was there something else at work here? He didn't know exactly what, but he could feel the power in it. A powerful mage had put this down and he didn't want to know what it did to those not welcome.

Mark glanced around the archway, then asked Jack curiously. "So... Do we ring a doorbell or play twenty questions"? Jack shot Mark a doubtful look, when a woman's voice called out to them from somewhere close by. "Cross the bridge at your own peril! The way is dangerous and the gate will not open. You shall not gain entry"! Mark huffed softly, asking her in a loud and clear voice. "Why are you out here then? Are you the gatekeeper"? The woman's voice was calm and collected as she stated out. "I am here to assist those seeking the wisdom of the college. And if, in the process, my presence helps to deter those who might seek to do harm, so be it. The more important question is; Why are you here"? Jack took a deep breath, then announced respectfully. "My name is Jack Mcloughlin. I'm the mage transferring in from the Imperial City's Arcane University. Sent by Raminus Polus, The Arch-mage".

There was an eerie silence, before the woman answered coyly. "Raminus Polus? He isn't the Arch-mage in Arcane". Mark glanced at Jack with a lost expression, but Jack stayed calm. Straightening himself up, Jack answered a bit distressed. "He is now. Hannibal Traven... Gave his life in order to bring an end to Mannimarco's reign of terror. With only two remaining council members, Tar-Meena stepped down to further her research in Daedric cults. Which left Raminus with the position of Arch-mage. Now may we enter the college"? She was quiet again for a moment, before saying cautiously. "Perhaps... But what is it that you expect to find within"? Jack decided that the best why to get in was to be honest. So, he told her outright. "I personally want to unravel the mysterious of the Aetherius. Although, I also am seeking the knowledge of the Elder Scrolls at present".

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