Part 54

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Jack removed his arms tentatively from around Mark's shoulders. His hands were still shaking, but he tried to cover it up by telling Mark sternly. "Be careful, damn it! This place probably has all kinds of traps set up"! Mark put a comforting hand on his shoulder, only to have it brushed off by Jack's hand. Jack didn't want to sound mean. Mark had just scared him so badly that his body was in shock. Moving on ahead, Jack entered into the room to see two open tiny rooms and a closed door to the left. Without looking back at Mark, Jack pointed to the closed door, mumbling out. "That's got to be the way". Mark grabbed his arm firmly to stop him, leaning over his shoulder to whisper softly into his ear. "I'm sorry. I'll be more careful". Jack sighed, patting Mark's side as an answer. 

His emotions were still a little too rattled to give him any verbal response. Mark understood though. Releasing his arm to rub his shoulder, while stating aloud playfully to break the tension. "Ok, Jack. Here's what we're going to do... I'm going to do my thing and you don't be an idiot". Mark patted his shoulder one last time, heading for the closed door as Jack shot after him sourly. "Wait! We're a team! MARK"! Mark reached the door at the same time Jack rushed up along side him. Lightly shoving Mark's shoulder, Jack told him bluntly. "And what do you mean 'don't be an idiot'? You're the one who always messes up". Mark placed a hand on Jack's face, telling him with a smug smirk. "Jack, Just don't screw it up this time. Just use your magic to warn me of danger. How hard can that be"?

Jack swatted Mark's hand away from his face, snapping back. "I'm not going to screw it up! You don't screw it up! Learn to watch where you're going"! Mark was about to add something to the conversation, when the door opened on its own and a gloved fist cold clocked Mark across the jaw. Mark hadn't expected it and was knocked off his feet to the floor in a daze. The man raised his arms like a professional brawler, shuffling his feet as he pulled an arm back, aiming for Jack this time. Jack raised his hand, sending out a few volts of electricity at the man from his finger tips. The man fell back across the ground, spasming out until his arm drifted into a bear trap set up by the door. The man let out a loud groan through clenched teeth, before falling unconscious. Looking down at Mark, Jack tried to suppress a chuckle as he asked him. "Ya alright, Mark"?

Mark slowly rose up onto all fours, grumbling out dryly. "Ugh, That hurt. Guy pacts quite a punch. Why didn't he hit you first"? Jack shrugged, extending a hand to help Mark up as he answered smugly. "Don't get salty at me. You were probably the first guy he saw. You made a great target". Mark straightened back up to his full height, rubbing his jaw and grumbling out. "Ya...Well...It was probably your loud mouth that alerted him in the first place". Jack rolled his eyes, groaning out as he carefully stepped into the room. "Ugh! We don't have time for this. Just follow me and watch your step". Carefully stepping around the discarded empty mead bottles and bear traps, Jack opened the iron gate at the back of the room. As they ventured into the next room, Jack told Mark much softer. "Thank you".

Mark patted his chest with a firm hand, answering happily. "You're welcome, buddy". Mark's banter always cleared his head. He didn't understand why it always worked, but now that he had snapped at Mark a bit... He felt calmer. In situations like this he needed a clear head. He may have been new to all this, but at least Mark knew what he was doing. Mark headed up the slippery stone steps and stepped over a rope to open the next iron gate. Jack stepped over the rope trap too, following Mark into a room filled with fresh air and sunlight. In the center circle of the sunlight that was streaming down into the tunnel from high above, there was green grass and vines growing. Jack stared up for a moment, enjoying the refreshing smell of fresh clear air and the warmth of the sun.

He guessed that this might be a well somewhere in Riften. Although, it was hard to tell when all he could see was blue sky above. Mark cautiously walked into the next room, before calling back at him casually. "Jack! This way. I found the Ragged Flagon". Jack took one last deep breath of the fresh air, then moved on to follow Mark. The room was small with a table in the center, heavily loaded down with supplies. Laying on the ground by the table was a man with his throat slit. Mark stepped over the body to point at the wooden door, telling him calmly. "See the symbol carved into the door? It's a shadowmark of the Thieves Guild. We better be careful. We are certain to run into a few of them down here". Jack was listening, but moved away toward a tunnel across the room.

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