Part 22

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Mark lead the way up some steep steps, but Jack found himself slowing down to a stop.  He was getting that weird feeling again.  That powerful aura of dread.  Was it more draugr?  Mark stopped at the top of the steps, calling down to Jack wearily, without even glancing his way.  "Jack? I think you should see this".  Jack climbed the rest of the way up to stand beside Mark.  Mark pointed ahead and Jack followed his gaze.  A large cavern.  A large hole in the ceiling shone down on a raised stone platform and onto a stone coffin.  A few feet behind the coffin was a weird curved wall that had been constructed there.  Upon it was a large design of a dragon head and something written below.  Jack stared at it in disbelief.  The power he was feeling... was it coming from that weird wall?  Starting to cautiously walk toward it, Jack told Mark curiously.  "You're not going to believe this... but I think that wall is the source of that weird power we were feeling earlier".  Mark grabbed Jack's arm before he could climb the steps onto the platform, saying sternly.  "A wall? The draugr were guarding a wall? Jack, I don't believe that for a second. My gut is telling me something else". 

Jack flashed him a grin, stating happily.  "You're not afraid of a wall, are you"?  Mark shot back a stern glare as he growling back.  "It's not the wall I'm worried about. My gut is telling me to worry about THAT".  Mark pointed toward the single stone coffin and Jack simply shrugged.  They made enough noise that it would've awaken by now if it was alive.  Jack pried Mark's hand off his arm, stating boldly.  "The other draugr got up as soon as they heard noise, right? Well, we've been talking. It hasn't gotten up. We're safe".  Mark rolled his eyes, climbing up onto the platform and creeping toward the coffin.  Jack watched him slide a cautious hand over the lid, listening to Mark mutter sourly.  "I'm telling you. This is too easy. All those draugr guarding this place. The traps. Just to give it to us at the end? Not likely".  Jack scoffed, replying loudly.  "The key was a final test that only the worthy would pass. I passed. I win the knowledge. You're just being paranoid".  Jack moved closer to the weird wall and frowned.  The paragraph below the carved dragon head design was written in another language.  A language he couldn't read.

Staring at the language intently, Jack asked Mark curiously.  "Mark? What language do you think this is? Do you know it"?  From somewhere behind him, Mark replied simply.  "Looks like dragon runes".  Jack blinked, asking a bit perplexed.  "Dragon runes? How do you know? Can you read them"?  Mark chuckled sarcastically, stating aloud.  "Saw it on the cover of one of my mother's old story books. And no, I can't read it. There is not a nord today that can... except maybe the Greybeards, but they see no one".  Jack was about to ask about the Greybeards, when something caught his eye.  Some of the words on the wall were turning colors.  Glowing.  Moving closer to get a better look, Jack jerked his head back as the words seem to seer into his eyes!  His vision blurred and he covered his eyes with his hands, groaning softly.  Mark raced over to place a hand on his shoulder, asking nervously.  "Jack? You alright? What happened"?  Jack lowered his hands and blinked for a second or two.  His vision clearing back up, before he told Mark.  "I'm not sure. I think it did something to me".

Mark's grip tightened on his shoulder as he snapped out.  "Well, take a rubbing of the wall and let's get out of here".  Jack shrugged off his knapsack, when a loud 'BANG' made them both jump.  Whipping around, Jack saw the heavy stone lid had been knocked clear off the coffin.  Mark turned wide eyes on Jack, stating in blunt terror.  "Paranoid, was I"?  Jack quickly drew his glass sword, bitterly snapping back at Mark.  "Now is not the time, Mark"!  Mark drew his great sword, snapping back.  "Then I will simply say it. I TOLD YOU SO"!  Jack groaned loudly, watching the draugr climb out of his coffin.  Mark raised his sword and engaged him, but the draugr simply took a deep breath and shouted out.  "FUS"!  With that simple word, Mark and Jack were blasted off their feet by some strong gust of wind!  Mark was blasted off the raised platform and out of sight.  While Jack was blasted back against the solid stone wall.  The impacted knocked all the air from Jack's lungs and he fell limply to the cold ground.

The draugr took in both of them, before turning his attention on Jack.  Jack realized he must have been closer to him.  Jack weakly forced himself  up on all fours as the draugr slowly moved closer toward him.  This draugr wasn't like any they had seen before.  This draugr wore a helmet with large black horns and full bodied armor over his dried out skin.  The draugr was taller too.  Towering at six foot.  As the draugr approached he seemed to whisper menacingly.  "Dovahkiin. Dir".  Jack heard the words and froze in shock.  He could understand him.  'Dragonborn. Die'.  How did he know that?  The draugr lifted his ancient nord axe, but the only thing that made Jack snap out of shock was Mark yelling out to him.  "Jack! Move"!  Jack rolled up against the wall as the axe came down where his neck had once been.  The steel clanging against the stone platform.  Jack climbed to his feet, but before he could dash around.  The draugr lifted his arm to block his exit, raising his axe again.  Before the Draugr could bring it down, Mark raced up behind him swinging his own blade.  The draugr stopped his swing to quickly turn and grab Mark's blade, before it reached his neck! 

Jack licked his lips and raised his hand to shower the draugr in flames!  The draugr flinched, groaning in agony but didn't turn to ash like the others had.  This one was much stronger!  The draugr swung his axe toward Jack and Jack ducked.  Quickly moving away as the opening presented itself.  Mark shoved hard into the draugr, the second Jack was clear.  Slamming the draugr against the wall and grabbing his throat.  Jack glanced around frantic.  What could he do?  The draugr was too strong!  Mark wouldn't be able to hold him for long!  Beside the coffin, Jack spotted a pink crystal.  It was a long shot, but he had to try.  Cupping the crystal in his hands, Jack began to quickly recite the spell.  He had never tried this spell before... but it had to work.  The draugr kneed Mark between the legs and shoved him back across the floor with a deep chuckle.  Jack drew his dagger and hoped for the best as he throw it.  The dagger pierced through the draugr's old armor and into his chest.  At first, the draugr was unfazed.  Simply pulling it back out, but then he dropped it weakly.  Falling to his knees as his bright shining eyes faded to grey and a misty light drifted from the draugr's body to the crystal.

The draugr's body fell limply to the floor, while Jack watched the pink crystal in his hand turn black.  He had managed to capture the draugr's soul.  His dark bloodthirsty soul.  Only an evil soul could turn the crystal black.  Mark stayed on the ground, clutching his own jewels as he groaned out bitterly.  "Bastard was lucky. One more second and I would have clobbered him".  Jack rolled his eyes, smirking at Mark.  Jack's mind was drifting off though as he stared at the wall.  The markings he couldn't read before... he could now.  Softly in a low voice, he read aloud.  "Het nok faal vahlock, deinmaar do dovahgolz ahrk aan fus do unslaad rahgol ahrk vulom".  Mark slowly sat up, forgetting his pain to say utterly stunned.  "What did you just say"?  Jack kept his eyes on the wall as his vision turned the runes into something clearer.  Then he answered Mark calmly.  "Here lies 'The Guardian', keeper of the dragonstone and a force of eternal rage and darkness".  Mark climbed to his feet, shaking his head as he told Jack nervously.  "That's not what I meant. You can read that?! How is that even possible"? 

Jack shrugged, honestly answering a little scared.  "I don't know. I think the wall gave me something.  Better vision maybe"?  Mark glanced at the wall, then back at him, saying gently.  "Jack... You didn't just read it. You spoke it. There are only a handful of people in Skyrim who can say a word or two... It's practically a dead language. Yet, you spoke it like you have known it since birth".  Jack bite his lip nervously, before asking Mark a bit terrified.  "Mark, what is happening to me"?  Mark shrugged, pulling Jack into a comforting hug.  Then sweetly told Jack as he rubbed his back.  "I don't know... but I think we need to get out of here and find out".  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

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