Part 24

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Irileth panted softly and upon noticing Mark and Jack were in the room, told him seriously.  "You two should come too. We need anyone with knowledge on this matter".  Farengar finally looked up from the dragonstone, stating a bit overly exited.  "A dragon? How exciting! Where was it seen? What was it doing"?  Irileth crossed her arms and rolled her eyes when she answered sourly.  "I'd take this a bit more seriously if I were you. If a dragon does decide to attack Whiterun, I don't know if we can stop it. Let's go".  She gestured toward the stairs just off by the throne.  Mark started to walk, when Farengar shoved passed him to walk out ahead of them.  Jack gritted his teeth, mumbling out.  "Why that no good-".  Mark cut him off to say casually.  "Hey. He's not worth our time right now. Come on. We've got much bigger problems".  Jack reluctantly nodded, following Mark out as he added bitterly.  "I hope he trips on that robe".  

The moment they reached the top of the stairs, the Jarl waved a Whiterun guard closer to him.  Jack hadn't noticed the guard was walking with them.  The guard moved closer as the Jarl asked him seriously.  "Irileth tells me you came from the western watchtower"?  The guard straightened up respectfully before he answered.  "Yes, my lord".  Irileth stepped up beside the guard, telling him reassuringly.  "Tell him what you told me. About the dragon".  The guards voice shook, when his eyes drifted from Irileth to the Jarl to say.  "Uh...That's right... We saw it coming from the south. It was fast... Faster than anything I have ever seen"!  The Jarl's brow bent with worry, when he asked rather calmly.  "What did it do? Is it attacking the watchtower"?  The guard shook his head, stating a bit shaken up.  "No, my lord. It was just starting to circle overheard when I left. I never ran so fast in my life... I thought it would have come after me for sure".  The Jarl dropped a comforting hand on the guard's shoulder, telling him confidently.  "Good work, son. We'll take it from here. Head down to the barracks for some food and rest. You've earned it". 

When the Jarl removed his hand, the guard bowed quickly and took his leave.  The Jarl then turned to Irileth, telling her bluntly.  "Irileth, you'd better gather up some guardsmen and get down there".  She bowed her head respectably, stating proudly.  "I've already ordered my men to muster near the main gate".  The Jarl gives her a small smirk, telling her softly.  "Good. Don't fail me".  She bows her head again, turning on her heel to leave immediately.  The Jarl then turned his attention on Mark and Jack.  His expression changing to one of hopefulness.  Jack's stomach twisted.  He already could tell what the Jarl was going to say, before he came out and tenderly told them.  "I would like your help again. I want you two to go with Irileth and help her fight this dragon".  Jack shrank away behind Mark.  This is exactly what he didn't want.  He had seen what the dragon did to Helgen.  There was no stopping it!  Mark reached back to take Jack's shaking hand in his as the Jarl continued on.  "You survived Helgen. So, you have more experience with dragons than anyone else here. I have heard already about the service you did for me by retrieving the dragonstone for Farengar. That won't be forgotten. Please do this for me".

Jack shook his head, mumbling out to Mark desperately.  "Mark, please. We have to go. I've seen what these things can do. We can't...".  Mark looked torn between doing what his Jarl expected from him and what Jack wanted.  Turning his gaze confidently to the Jarl, Mark told him.  "We will do what we can".  Jack gave Mark a look of pure terror as Farengar spoke up confidently.  "I should go along too. I'd very much like to see a dragon".  The Jarl's stern voice echoed throughout the wooden rafters as he snapped back.  "No! I can't afford to risk both Irileth and you. I need you here working on ways to defend this city against the dragon"!  Jack shot a reluctant glance at Farengar, who bowed with distaste to the Jarl, answering as politely as he could.  "As you command".  Mark quickly began to walk back down the steps, dragging Jack along behind him.  Jack tried to twist his wrist free as they walked, snapping back at Mark.  "What the fuck, Mark?! Were you not listening to me before? I saw what the dragon did to Helgen! There is no fighting it! It will destroy everything! Our best chance is to-".  Mark stopped short at the doors to turn and face Jack, snapping back defensively.  "To what? To run? Say we keep running, Jack. What happens when there is no place left to run? What then? Sometimes all it takes is one person to change the tides of battle. I may not be that guy, but I'm not going to sit back and watch others die".

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