Part 78

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Jack snuggled in Mark's embrace a bit longer, before Mark sat back to look at the golden door that awaited them. Jack couldn't read his expression as well as he would have liked, but it was clear that he seemed reluctant to move on. Mark moved away to pick up his discarded sword, pointing with it back up the way they came as he told him tenderly. "I think we should go back. We can take the elevator we found back to the top floor and from there we can reach the surface." Panic ran through Jack as he staggered to his feet, answering a little put off. "What do you mean? We can't go back. Not now. We are so close. I can feel it. Mark, there are still two people missing. We can't abandon them!" Mark walked up the first few steps, stating bluntly. "I'm taking you back to the surface and then I'll continue on my own." Jack took a step back in shock, muttering out dryly. "All that stuff about me not fighting my battles alone... But you can! How is that fair, Mark!" 

Mark turned stony eyes on him, saying disheartened. "Life isn't fair, Jack! Otherwise, we wouldn't be here to begin with. I'm doing this to protect you!" Jack raised his hands to gesture around him at the ash piles of Falmer, saying stubbornly. "I don't need protecting! I can handle myself. I'm not a child!" Mark's expression turned suddenly cold as he retorted with soft eyes. "Jack... I'm protecting you from yourself." Jack lowered his arms, speechless. He couldn't believe Mark would say that to him after everything they had been through. Mark let out a heavy sigh, telling him gently. "Jack... Don't look at me like that. You know that I'm not doing this to hurt you. It's just places like this change people and I don't want to loose you to it." Jack shook his head, he didn't know what else to do. His throat was getting tight and his eyes were starting to water. He didn't want Mark to leave him behind.

Mark gestured to the ruins around them, adding in solemnly. "Places like this tempt even the nicest Mages to seek something beyond their understanding. This place could drive you mad. It could make you desire more power. I don't think I want you down here to risk that happening to you." Jack fought past the knot in his throat to strain out sternly. "I'm not like other Mages! That won't happen to me!" Mark pointed his sword to the ash piles, sourly stating out. "Then why did you do that?! Tell me that you were in your right mind doing THAT to them!" Jack turned his gaze away from Mark, his heart filling with shame as he stammered out weakly. "That... They... Mark, they would have tried to kill us. I was only-" Mark cut him off to say firmly. "We could have easily snuck around them, Jack. They weren't doing us any harm. They are a race of people trying to defend their home like any other. The second you attacked first, you crossed a line. You used your power for genocide... In that moment... I was afraid of you. I've never feared what you could do before, but now I'm wondering if you have as much control over it as you think."

Tears ran down Jack's face as he stammered out in a pleading voice. "Mark, don't say that... Please. It was an accident. I was upset. Even you get upset." Mark huffed loudly, shooting back. "Yes! I get upset, but I don't slaughter people to satisfy myself! Your lack of control cost them their lives in the most horrifying way! You didn't even kill them quickly! You wanted them to suffer... and that scares me the most." Jack shuffled his feet uncomfortably, trying to reason with Mark as he told him cautiously. "I'm sorry. I know what I did was wrong... but I thought I was doing the right thing! They were murderers!" Mark walked down the steps to stand before him and said in a tender voice. "Tell me, Jack... Where is the line that defines a murderer for a human? Would you have shown more restraint if they looked more human, Jack?" Jack couldn't answer. Mark was right. He hadn't been thinking. He just let his heated emotions decide for him.

Mark took his arm, telling him softly. "I'm taking you back to the surface. The fresh air should help you clear your head." Jack stepped back, yanking his arm from Mark's grip. He wasn't going back. He wasn't going to let Mark believe he was becoming a monster. Jack reached out for Mark's cheek and Mark flinched from him. Seeing that cut Jack to the core. Mark expected him to hurt him? Jack's hand shook, before he lowered it and spun on his heels to race for the doors farther in. He was going to rescue the other two explorers and prove to Mark that he wasn't a monster! Mark shouted his name, but he was already making his way through the doors. Running out into the next hall, he took a sharp turn to the left and ran down the steps. Straight ahead was another set of golden doors. Jack didn't think. His mind was clouded with a rush of hurt emotions. He could handle the world hating him... but not Mark.

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