Part 84

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The cloudy grey sunlight awake Jack, causing him to groggily take everything in. The first thing he noticed was that he had been moved away from the fire. He was bundled up in the blanket with Mark, but they were with the horses in the tattered building. He could hear the cold wind whistling softly through the broken pieces of the roof, but he felt so warm. Mark was sleeping with his back against Tim's body. While he was sleeping with his to Agro's. Agro looked as tired as he felt. He wondered if she had been sleeping at all these last few hours. Only to have his answer known. A wolf howled in the distance and Agro jerked her head up to listen more clearly. The sound of the wolves faded away and Agro slowly laid her head back down. Reaching out of the blanket, he pet her neck, whispering to her in a soft voice. "Easy, girl. We're ok here." 

Agro nickered weakly, before a loud rumble came from her stomach. Moving his hand down her body to rub her back, he told her in a regretful voice. "I'm sorry it took me so long. The ruins were deeper than I had thought. Don't worry. We'll be heading back to the inn soon. Just hang on for me." Agro's eyes closed like she was finally considering sleep and he bit his lip anxiously. He couldn't ride her like this. She was exhausted. Behind him, Mark told him in a groggy voice. "We should head out very soon. Tim's stomach started doing that earlier." Jack stretched, slowly making his way onto his feet. Agro didn't stir and nor did Tim. He felt like a horrible owner. Mark sat up himself, telling him a little more awake. "The wolves have been making them nervous all night. With how hungry they are, I think they are getting worried about being attacked. I tried to find them some grass... but everything here is dead."

Jack nodded, replying without a second thought. "Alright. Then let's head out now. We'll walk them back." Mark saddled up Tim and gathered up their things, before taking Tim's reins and coaxing him to his feet. Jack hated putting a saddle on Agro in her state, but he couldn't carry everything for her. He did manage to cast a spell to lighten the gear on both of them. It wasn't much, but it was something. Coaxing Agro to her feet took some effort though. She was so tired that as she stumbled from the building, she reared in fright. Jack quickly cast a spell to calm her down and brought her head close to his chest. She was practically sleep walking. Mark lead the way and progress was slow as they trudged through the freshly fallen snow. Jack could barely feel his legs, but he refused to stop moving. Winterhold wasn't too far. He just had to keep Agro moving.

The cold wind was brutal and twice Tim sank down into the snow to rest. Mark had to shove Tim, until he stood back up. As tired as the horses were it wasn't safe to have them rest out in the cold wind. Tim's thick coat kept him pretty warm and hardly... but Jack was discovering that Agro wasn't handling the cold as well. Her nose was running and every so often she'd stop and shiver violently. She barely kept her head above the snow. Draping an arm over her neck, he managed to keep her moving, trying to use his own body to block the wind from her face. Winterhold was in sight. They were almost there. When Agro went down. Jack tugged on her bridal, trying to point out the town as he told her excitedly. "I know. I know. Look! Just a bit farther, Eggroll! You can do it! I believe in you!" Agro tried to curl up on the cold snow, her body shivering much more than normal.

Mark stopped Tim, yelling back to Jack over the wind. "Stay with her! I'll take Tim and see if they have a cold resistance potion at the traders for her!" Jack hugged Agro tightly, yelling back. "Mark, please hurry!" Mark coaxed Tim on, managing to get Tim into a trot as they headed downhill to the town. Jack removed his wool cloak, draping it over her and rubbing her sides to generate some kind of heat. The cold bit at his own skin, but he didn't care. He was more worried about her. He cursed the wind and felt helpless. When a deep voice seemed to whisper his name on the wind. Paarthurnax? Thinking about him brought to mind a shout and he turned toward the wind and shouted into the sky. "LOK VAH KOOR!" The shout rang out over the valley. Instantly, the snow stopped falling, the wind stopped assaulting them, and the cloudy skies parted to reveal a warm sun.

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