Part 122

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Jack watched the werebears walk away, making sure that they left them alone. It was a powerful feeling to have all this new power. While at the same time, a part of him tried to rationalize that these new powers were evil in nature. He couldn't help feeling like he could use these powers to do some good though. To help change the world for the better. Jack looked down at his hand, flexing his fingers. His body felt so new and different. He felt supercharged. He felt incredibly stronger from what he was. Raising his hand up, he summoned Sam to him. Snatching Sam firmly in his hand, he felt a pulse radiate from him. Sam was adjusting to his new power level. Tuning to him on a deeper level. Behind him, Mark's voice was full of concern when he asked him hesitantly. "Jack? Are you still with me?" Jack turned around to face him, inhaling deeply through his nose. Mark took a step back, his eyes widening in slight disbelief. Jack turned Sam to look at himself.  Upon looking through Sam's eyes for a minute, he understood why Mark was so concerned.

Just as Sam's eyes were glowing a bright green. So too were Jack's. The moment Sam finished tuning to him though, the glow disappeared from his eyes. Jack turned Sam away from him, ending the spell to tell him a little shakily. "I'm still here. I'm just... I feel like a stranger in my own body. All this knowledge and power... It's not me... but it appeals to me." Mark moved closer quickly, telling Jack bluntly. "Only use what you have too. Nothing more. I can't imagine any of it being very good. What you did to them... Jack... Mages have gone to war to get their hands on that kind of power." Jack swallowed nervously, mumbling out softly. "I can see why... Mark, think of how many people you can save by-" Mark grabbed his face, cutting him off as he forced him to look at him and told him seriously. "NO! Jack, listen to me. Power is like a drug. The more you give in to it, the more you lose yourself. If you aren't careful it will turn you into something you are not." Jack shook his head, putting a hand on Mark's chest as he told him. "Mark, we can use it to help people. To make them give up information-"

Mark's grip on his face tightened as he shouted out. "NO! Listen to yourself. The second you start using a power like that... you take away a person's will. Their ability to come around and see the error of their ways. A power like that, even if used with the best of intentions... can easily corrupt the soul. Some of the best intentions, started the greatest wars. You need to tread carefully." Jack nodded reluctantly, stating out softly. "Ya... I'm sorry, Mark. I thought..." Mark pulled Jack closer to kiss his forehead lovingly, then hugged him tightly. Jack buried his head in Mark's neck, holding Mark just as tightly. These new powers unsettled him. They made him question himself and everything he believed in. Mark broke up the tension though by pulling away and telling Sam firmly. "You should remind him who he is. Otherwise, what good are you?" Sam pulsed a bit offended, until Jack stroked his head to calm him. To Mark, Jack told him lightly in Sam's defense. "Mark, he channels my power and helps me cast. He can't control my power anymore than I can... He just gives off feelings."

Mark shrugged, uttering out. "Well, I'm sure you both can figure something out." Jack kissed Mark's cheek, whispering to him lovingly. "Besides, it's your job to rein me in." Mark smirked, then began walking as he uttered back to him. "Come on. We should find somewhere to rest. I need to relax and sharpen my blades." Jack jogged up beside Mark, retorting seriously. "We can't! We should go to Miraak right now! We've wasted enough-" Mark stopped short, shooting him a tired expression as he grumbled back. "Jack... We haven't slept. We need to eat. And you need to get used to your new self. We can't just charge in without thinking this through first. Just a few hours. Enough to prepare ourselves." Jack's stomach growled, making him bit his lower lip as a blush formed across his cheeks. Mark chuckled, patting Sean's shoulder as he told him smugly. "See? That's the Jack I know and love." Jack rolled his eyes, watching Suzie stagger back to the Skaal village. With a heavy sigh, he followed Mark into the woods.

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