Part 46

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Mark straightened up to pour Jack a bowl of stew, handing it off to him with a warm smile.  Jack took it, his fingers sliding over Mark's.  Smiling back, Jack told him jokingly.  "You know...I never would have made it home. Even if the Troll hadn't surprised me".  Mark poured himself a bowl, asking over his shoulder curiously.  "Oh ya? Why is that? You can hunt and cook".  Jack stirred his stew with his spoon, staring meekly up at Mark with a smirk as he replied coolly.  "I don't have your warmth".  Mark turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow.  Jack let his smirk turn into a smile and he leaned in to kiss Mark's warm lips.  Mark stayed still, letting Jack tenderly kiss him as it sank in.  When Jack pulled away, Mark shifted closer to him.  Jack snuggled closer, starting to eat as the fire popped and crackled in front of them. 

Somewhere in the dark a wolf howled and a few more joined in.  Jack stiffened up, glancing around a bit worried.  He didn't want to be attacked right now.  He just wanted to relax for a while.  Mark wrapped a comforting arm around his shoulders, telling him in a low soft voice.  "It's aright".  Jack turned worried eyes on Mark, when Argo began to snort uncomfortably.  Tim started to follow suit and Jack followed Mark's eyes to movement in the dark.  A large black wolf slowly moved into the light of the fire.  The black wolf bared its teeth, letting out a low growl.  Jack very slowly began to move his hand out from the blanket.  He wasn't really sure if he was ready to cast any spells yet, but he'd try.  To his shock, Mark grabbed his wrist and forced him to lower it.  Jack watched Mark slowly slip out from the blanket.  Although, instead of going for his sword, he picked up a large cut of meat that he had laid out in the snow. 

Mark carefully tossed the piece to the feet of the wolf and it flinched back surprised.  The wolf sniffed the piece and snatched it up.  Jack was about to tell Mark about the dangers of feeding a wild animal, when he saw smaller shapes trot into the light.  Puppies.  The wolf turned to them, growling.  The puppies slowed down to stare from their mother to them.  They hadn't learned to fear humans yet.  Mark smiled warmly as Jack placed a hand on his shoulder.  The black wolf turned away, leading her pups silently back into the darkness.  Mark slipped back under the blanket with Jack, telling him sweetly.  "They're just hungry. I had to travel a bit to even find this elk. I can't imagine trying to hunt with noisy pups. I saw her earlier. She saw me with it".  Jack smirked, but told him cautiously.  "What if her pack comes around? Feeding them will only bring more around". 

Mark took a few bites of his stew, before he answered warmly.  "They'll come just because they will smell a fresh kill. Besides, we can't eat all of this ourselves. If some of the wildlife wants to share, I'm happy too. They got to eat too you know. A lot of the wolves in Skyrim go days without food. Its tough pickings with bears and sabers scaring the herds off all the time".  Jack  flashed Mark a bright smile, playfully teasing him.  "I forgot you were such a big softy for dogs".  Mark chuckled, answering lightheartedly.  "The moment this is all over with and we settle into our little cabin together. We will get a dog of our own. She'll be the child that we'll never have".  Jack rolled his eyes, but smiled.  He could picture it all in his mind and it was beautiful.  Mark finished his first bowl, glancing up at the night sky as he added in dreamily.  "Can you imagine little hunting trips like this? Camping out under the stars. Just us".  Jack finished his first bowl, chuckling out.  "I don't think we'd get much hunting done". 

Mark lowered his gaze from the sky to stare at him, when he asked with a wicked smile.  "You're right. We'd never leave the tent".  Jack rolled his eyes again, slowly standing up from the blanket as he answered just as wickedly.  "No. Not that. I meant that something always distracts us".  Mark stretched out his legs, mumbling out playfully smug.  "It's usually sex. I'm just so hot that you can't take your hands off me for long. Must be my veiny muscles".  Jack chuckled sarcastically, bending down to scoop up some snow while Mark was distracted with flexing his arms.  Forming a snowball, Jack told Mark quickly.  "Sounds like you need to cool off".  The moment Mark looked at him, Jack threw the snowball at his chest.  The effort to throw it hurt a bit, but Jack was feeling playful. 

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