Part 106

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Jack awoke to the soft pleasant sound of humming. He thought it was Mark, but the sound was too light. Too feminine. Opening his eyes, he was surprised to see Frea sitting with her legs crossed in front of the open wooden door to the next tunnel. She was rolling up some white cloth, her eyes staring out into the tunnel in despair. Jack stiffly sat up, placing a hand to his chest. Even though he had healed himself, his chest still felt too warm and painful. The pain was similar to the feeling of being punched... only by something like a troll. Wincing, he overheard Frea tell him sweetly. "Careful now. We are safe for now. Take it slow." Jack peeked inside his changed tunic shirt to see the large bruise over his chest. That explained the pain. Frea got up, moving over to him as she told him softly. "You're lucky to be alive. I've seen many mages take hits like that... The fire burned straight through to their lungs. Killed them almost instantly. But you... The All-maker must be looking out for you."

Jack huffed sarcastically, groaning out under his breath. "Or one very slimy Daedric Lord... Can't say he did it out of the goodness of his heart... but I'm still here." Frea dropped a hand on his shoulder, telling him proudly. "Whatever the reason. You were very brave. I admire that." Jack nodded, scanning around to ask curiously. "Where is Mark?" Frea's face fell a little and she shifted aside to reveal him. Mark was laying on a bedroll at the other side. His armor had been removed and he was covered in bandages. Jack rose to his knees, his heart bursting from his chest. His voice quivered with worry, when he asked. "What happened?" Frea gestured to him, answering in a calm voice. "He's ok. After you went down... He went down. The wounds he suffered from the daedric blades didn't allow his body to heal. He was bleeding out. I saved him. Stubborn dog... The whole time, he just kept telling me to save the potions for you. You were fine." Jack swallowed passed the lump forming in his throat, his hands starting to shake a little.

Frea didn't notice at first, because her eyes were on Mark's sleeping form as she continued. "Even with the healing potions though... They only managed to stable him. So, I've been changing his bandages every few hours. They seemed to have done enough though. Every time I change them, his cuts are a bit more faded. May take a bit, but he is healing on his own now." Frea glanced back at him, noticing his shaking and asked with worry. "Jack? Are you ok?" Jack couldn't stop himself; he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close. Frea was startled at first but hugged him back. Her hands rubbed his back, telling him warmly. "He means a lot to you, yes?" Jack's voice was gone. All he could do was nod into his neck. She shushed him like a mother comforting a scared child, cooing to him sweetly. "Shhh, He's fine. Easy now." Jack lifted his head to sniffle and say to her sincerely. "Thank you, Frea." She grinned at him, brushing a tear away from his cheek as she told him softly. "You're welcome. Now go. You should be with him. It will help him heal faster. Trust me. I know."

Jack didn't hesitate. She helped him stand and he staggered over to Mark stiffly. Dropping down by Mark, he placed a hand on his bare arm. Mark didn't move, but he was breathing steadily. Jack leaned over him, pressing his forehead to Mark's and whispering to him lovingly. "You still with me, Mark?" Mark didn't response. Jack lowered his head to Mark's bare shoulder. For a minute he just listened to Mark breathing. Closing his eyes, he told Mark lovingly. "I didn't mean it... When I said that if I died that I'd blame you... I didn't mean it. I could never blame you... You know that, right?" Tears leaked out from under Jack's eyes, splashing against Mark's tanned skin. He knew Mark would be fine. He just couldn't help thinking how close they had come. In other time or another life... This could have been it for them. Jack pressed his cheek gently to Mark's bandaged cheek, whispering to him. "Mark... Promise me that you won't die. Not like this... But in bed with me... Years from now. Please?"

Jack buried his head in Mark's neck, feeling himself break down. Crying softly against his neck, he draped an arm over his chest to snuggle against him. Once he started crying, he couldn't stop. It was a promise that he knew they couldn't guarantee. Everything in his future was so unclear and that twisted his heart. The burden of not knowing if this would be it for them was crushing him to the floor. Jack felt an arm curl up across his back as a voice whispered gruffly into his ear. "Jack? Why are crying?" Jack jerked his head up, his heart pulsing with strength at the sight of Mark smiling. Mark's other hand rose to slid over Jack's wet cheek, whispering in a voice dripping with sweet honey. "These aren't for me, are they? Didn't Frea tell you that I was ok?" The words burst from Jack in a jumbled rushed mess. "Mark, I'm sorry. I don't blame you! I know Frea said you were ok... but I got to thinking that if she hadn't been here to save you... Then I would have lost you and I- I can't... I can't lose you... Not now."

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