Part 63

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The weather felt cool in the early morning glow. The trail back through the woods was so peaceful. The only sound was the soft thuds of their horses hooves against the uneven grass, or the creaking leather of their saddles. The world seemed to be at a transition point between awake and asleep. There was a hint of light rising over the horizon, yet the sun was no where in sight to chase away the remaining shadows. Jack took in the scenery all around him with a smile. Out here. Alone with Mark. He felt so calm and stress free. Mark flexed his arm, grumbling out. "My damn shoulder is killing me... I can't wait to get a decent bath at the Inn". Jack allowed Agro to walk up alongside Mark, before reaching out to touch his shoulder, asking concerned. "Did you sleep on it wrong"? 

Mark flashed him a grin, mumbling out playfully. "I didn't sleep on it. You did". Jack bit his lower lip, sliding his hands up Mark's warm bare muscular arm to his shoulder. Mark's muscles did feel tighter than normal. Mark brushed his hand down Jack's cheek, telling him sweetly. "Jack... I wasn't complaining about that. Besides, I'm sure it's just from the stress of dealing with Delphine for so long". Mark ruffled his hair and Jack released him to fix his hair with a smirk. Jack could believe that. Mark was always so protective of him. It made sense that his muscles were always tense around everyone else. Jack thought of a way to relieve Mark's aches and smiled. Looking around the area, Jack kept his eyes open for what he needed. He doubted that he'd find them easily, but it was worth a try.

Mark avoided the road as much as he could to avoid more Forsworn and bandits. Unintentionally, helping Jack with his search. Mark suddenly pulled Tim into a stop as the sun streamed through the trees ahead, highlighting a small wooden shack out in the middle of the woods. Tim pawed the ground with a hoof, eager to keep moving as Mark softly told Jack. "We should go around. They may not be friendly". Jack slowly Agro down, but his eyes were on the small fenced in garden and a table he recognized. An Alchemist. Coaxing Agro forward, he told Mark lightly. "Hold on. I want to... ask them something. Wait here". Mark gave him a stern look, but Jack was already riding toward the shack. As he drew closer to the shack, a hidden woman's voice shouted out to him. "What do you want strangers?! I have nothing of value! I'm a simple witch nothing more"!

Jack pulled Agro to a stop, then raised his hands in surrender as he stated honestly. "We mean you no harm. I was wondering if you had any ingredients that you might consider selling to us"? The woman materialized in front of Agro, replying curiously. "That depends on what you're seeking"? It unnerved Jack a bit that she was completely covered in her large hooded black robe... but he asked hopefully. "I'm looking for Ectoplasm, Fire Salts, Troll Fat, and Spriggan Sap. Do you have them? I can pay". The woman drifted closer to pet Agro's nose. Jack watched Agro's ears fall back a moment, before shifting a bit unsteady and relaxing. That reaction could only mean that Agro sensed something unsettling about her, but wasn't quite afraid of her. The woman chuckled softly, saying. "That I do. However, your gold is no good here, Mage. I don't believe in it".

Jack swallowed nervously, asking in barely a whisper. "What will you take as payment then"? The woman inched around Agro to touch his leg and Jack flinched at her touch. Her hand was really pale and her nails were long and lightly dusted in dirt. The woman lifted her head and Jack's heart skipped. The woman was beautiful with long white hair and stunning red eyes. A Vampire. She stared at him a long moment, then told him gently. "Your blood for the ingredients. Yes or no"? Jack glanced back at Mark, who was drawing his sword slowly. Jack sighed uneasily, listening to her say. "Just a pint. You know as well as I how much those ingredients cost... I simply seek a trade". Jack swallowed his doubts and nodded. The woman backed up to let him dismount. He shook a little, causing her to tell him sweetly. "You have nothing to fear from me. Wait here".

She walked into the house as Mark snapped out to him. "What are you doing"? Jack took a shaky breath, answering Mark confidently. "Just trust me. She's not lying. What she offers is fair. I can't turn into a vampire unless I drink her blood. I'll be fine". Mark shrugged confused, retorting. "Why are you doing this"? Jack huffed loudly, refusing to answer. He wanted to surprise him with it later. The woman returned holding a cloth loaded with the colored bottles of the ingredients he desired. He confirmed them to be right and she tied up the ends of the cloth. She handed them off to him, eyeing him closely as he slipped them into his knapsack on Agro's saddle. When they were stashed away, he turned to face her. She raised her cold hands to touch his face lightly, her eyes shimmering a bright red as she whispered to him in a calm voice. "I promise it won't be too painful. Just try to stay still".

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