Part 102

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Jack was vaguely aware that he was dreaming as he moved through a world haunted by shadows. The ground beneath his feet was as hard as stone, but wet. He couldn't see any farther than his outstretched arm could reach. Everything else was just a black void. As Jack walked along the never-ending path, he heard Miraak's voice tell him coolly. "How many dragons have you killed, Jack? A dozen? I've killed thousands. What makes you think you even stand a chance against me?" Jack stopped, turning to try to pinpoint the voice as he told him emotionlessly. "I don't know... Maybe I just find it interesting that you find me to be such a threat." Miraak let out a dark chuckle that filled the void, before answering in a deep honey coated voice. "You're no threat to me, Jack. You just have a few things that I want." Jack raised an eyebrow, curiously retorting. "What is that exactly?" Jack watched the dark void part to reveal Miraak approaching. Jack took a step back, his back hitting a wall.

Miraak stopped an arm's length away, then raised his hand to point his palm at Jack's face. Jack's breath caught in his throat as Miraak answered coldly. "The souls." Miraak's fingertips started to glow with a bright white light, causing Jack to feel like something was being ripped from his core. The feeling traveled up his throat from his chest, making him feel like he couldn't breathe. His mouth opened on its own to reveal that same glowing white light. Miraak was pulling a dragon soul from him, Jack panicked. Was this real or in his head? The shock of this being too real, jerked him awake. Gasping for breath, he scanned the dark room for Miraak. No one was in the tower except for Mark and himself. Jack stayed tense for a few minutes though, taking deep breaths to calm his racing heart. He wanted it to be a dream. A side effect to the Fear spell... but he couldn't tell. Laying in front of him, Mark rubbed Jack's arm that was still draped over his side. Jack's fingers curled to clutch at any part of him, while Mark whispered over his shoulder to him. "Bad dream?"

Jack nodded, still feeling tense. Mark turned over onto his back, coaxing Jack to lay his head on him. Stiffly Jack complied, loving how Mark's hands started stroking his hair and temples comfortingly. Jack snuggled against Mark, mumbling out sleepily. "What time is it?" Mark tilted his head to look out the window, before answering in a gruff purring early-morning voice. "Dawn. The sun should be coming up over the water shortly." Jack forced himself to sit up and stretch. He needed to wake himself up. Jack's body popped and he groaned, but he managed to get up. Mark got up shortly after him and together they collected their stuff in silence. They both were trying to fight off the urge to just go back to bed. Once they were ready, they made their way out of the tower. Mark had managed to find a map in the bandit's tower. So, he lead the way toward the center of the island where 'Miraak's temple ruins' was marked. While traveling along the coast for a bit, Jack took in some of the local wildlife.

Floating over the water along the coastline, were what looked to be big semi-rounded bugs with long purple tentacle legs. They dipped their tentacles in the cool water and made strange whale sounds to each other. He remained cautious as they passed a group of four. Although, they appeared to be rather docile. Mark cut down a few dog-seized grasshoppers as they moved farther inland. Which got Jack to wonder how on earth this place was ever apart of Skyrim. Skyrim was lush with green and thriving wildlife. This place was barren and dry. Jack coughed as a swirl of dust blew into his face, causing him to bump into the back of Mark. Mark had stopped and was eyeing a ridge just ahead. Jack followed his gaze to see what looked like a large scruffy bristleback boar with long thick tusks. Jack glanced around to scan for more. Boars were never alone. However, from what he could see... this one was alone. Mark very slowly lifted his glimmering icy blue bow after notching an arrow and pulled the string back. Jack was going to stop him, when he finally saw what Mark was really worried about.

On the back of the boar was a rider. A small rider. Smaller than a child. From were Jack stood, it looked like a goblin child. It had a greenish grey skin tone with short pointy ears. It was wearing small animal skulls and patches of fur as armor. In one of its tiny hands was a spear about the height of its own body. The boar snorted, rocking its shoulders to shake dust from its spiky mane of stiff hair. The tiny rider bared its sharp little teeth at Mark, then kicked the boar into a retreat.  Jack didn't get a moment to ask him why he was so tense over it, because Mark ran after it.  Jack followed Mark up the ridge, watching him drop to a knee and aim in the direction of the fleeing creature. Mark released the arrow, sending it into the back of the little rider. The rider fell off the boar, but the boar kept running. Mark slowly straightened up, telling Jack over his shoulder. "It's a Riekling. Little bastards. Pretty weak fighters, but overwhelming in numbers. So, if you see one. Kill it. Otherwise, they come back with a horde." Jack nodded, falling in behind Mark as he told him grimly. "So, they're like the Goblins in Cyrodiil... only tinier?" Mark chuckled to himself, replying lightly. "Yes. Exactly like them... Just more annoying."

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