Part 80

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Mark turned to face him with a face of full of fear. The look rattled Jack to the core. He wasn't used to seeing Mark so scared of anything. Mark grabbed his arms tightly, telling him in a shaken voice. "Jack... Whatever happens... I love you." The ground shook as metallic clanks and whistling steam filled the air above them. Jack put his hands on Mark's shoulders, glancing up to see if he could see where the thing was... When his eyes narrowed on the edge above them. Jack's adrenaline flooded his veins as he pointed up to it, asking Mark. "Wait... Look there." Mark followed his gaze up to a large mounted dwarven crossbow. Mark shrugged, stammering out. "What about it? It's an antique." Jack opened his mouth to tell him something, when Umana cried out and toppled down the steps. Her iron axe and shield clanging loudly down the steps to them. 

Jack didn't think. He just snatched up her shield and ran up to her. She slowly sat up on the steps, her eyes locked on the platform she had come from. Jack reached her just as the Centurion made it to the edge of the steps. Mark yelled out his name, causing Jack to turn and see it towering over him like a massive mountain. Umana yanked her shield from him, bolting up onto her knees and yanking him down by the scruff of his neck. The Centurion's hands had changed into a massive two sided hammer and a large razor sharp axe. It rose its hammer hand to bring it down on them and Umana raised her shield to protect them. Jack didn't think it would be enough and raised his hand for the strongest ward he had. The ward appeared out before her shield as the hammer came down. Jack winced as the force from the hit shot up his arm. Even with his magic, this thing was strong enough to test his skills.

Umana's eyes widened in shock as she panted out to him. "Its hide is too thick! I can't dent it! We have to get out of here!" The Centurion raised its axe hand to take a swing at the ward as Jack rushed out. "The way is barred! We have to come up with something else!" The axe struck his ward and Jack cried out, breaking the spell as his arm flared in pain. Clutching his arm, he started to move back down the steps to join Mark. His arm felt like someone had hit it hard with a wooden sword. Umana watched his back, following him down as the Centurion moved to follow them. Umana saw the barred way and cursed loudly, yelling out over the loud metallic clanks. "That's just great! What are we suppose to do!" Mark wrapped his arms around Jack as the Centurion stepped over the steps to the first landing. Its cold solid metal eyes locked on them. Jack leaned back against Mark looking for a weakness. There had to be one!

Mark started to pull him back as the thing came toward them. Jack knew the other Automatons had soul gems in them to power them. This thing had to have something similar, right? Jack looked over the things massive broad chest, trying to see through the burst of thick white hot steam from its body. As the steam cleared, Jack saw it. A red glittering orb fixed into its chest in the center of its collarbone. The only problem was that they were no where near tall enough to reach it and arrows would do nothing. Unless... Jack glanced back up at the large mounted crossbow. The Centurion swung at them with its axe, scraping the stone enough for the axe to shoot up sparks. They jumped back and Jack yelled out to them both quickly. "Can you two distract it?! Just keep it down here!" Jack slipped away from Mark, before he could protest, rushing up the steps on the other side.

Mark called out his name, but stopped when he realized what Jack was heading for. Mark gave him a nod, nudging Umana to show her the crossbow. Jack smiled and finished running up the steps. Skidding to a halt by the large crossbow. There was already one large metallic arrow mounted in it. Was this like the Nord puzzles in the tombs? Jack grabbed the end to adjust it, straining to even move it an inch. His muscles burned and his feet slid across the stone, trying to get traction to push the end up. He needed the fucking nose to face down! Below Mark and Umana dodged around the Centurion trying to get him to move into the best spot. Jack cried out as his strength was close to giving out, but he managed to give it that last inch that lowered the nose. Jack staggered to the lever, just as Umana screamed in pain. She had rolled too early and got blasted with a burst of hot steam. She stumbled to her knees, causing the Centurion to target her.

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