Part 82

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Another roar blared through the cavern, causing more dust and grand soul gems to fall from the ceiling. Jack was frozen to the wall. He was too terrified to move. Mark staggered on his feet as the place shook violently, grabbing Jack's arm and yanking him back toward the way they had come. Jack had just got to the door, when he started hearing the horrified shrieks of Falmer from somewhere in the cavern. Mark's grip tightened, rushing him back down the tower and out into the castles square. Mark rushed him to the gates of the castle, when something crashed into a tower behind them. Jack lost his footing stumbling to the ground, before curiously looking back. A dragon much larger than any he had ever seen was now perched on the crumbling tower across from the orb and the throne.  It's blood red scales glinting in the light coming off the orb.  The dragon's massive head scanned the throne ledge with emotionless eyes. He was looking for someone. 

He felt silly knowing that he could be looking for him... but that look was longing. Mournful almost. The dragon turned his head away from the throne, his claws digging into the tower with a vibrating snarl. Scanning the horizon, he bellowed out in a deep furious growl. "HET DOVAHKIIN! Ahst laat! Mu krif!" Beneath him, the tower caved in and forced him to leap to the next tower. Where he could now see them! Mark ran up to pull him to his feet as the dragon's lip curled to expose long pointed teeth. A light started to glow between his teeth and Mark pulled him through the gates, screaming in a panic. "RUN!" They just cleared the gate as a burst of fire slammed into the wall of the gate. The Dwemers open metal gate melted in seconds and the heat that rolled off to them was suffocating. His fire was unlike anything he had seen before! It was the very essence of fire. Dragon fire was hot, but Vulthuryol's was in another league!

Jack followed Mark down the steps, only to slow down to a stop as a shadow soared over them. Jack glanced up to see Vulthuryol gliding over them to cut them off. As he watched him, water dripped off him. Vulthuryol was soaking wet... like he had been resurrected from... a watery grave. Vulthuryol let out a painful whine, before crashing chest first into the ground. As he recovered, staggering up onto his hind feet. Jack stood still on the steps, looking over Vulthuryol closely. Mark's story had been right. Vulthuryol couldn't fly. His wings were swollen and he barely put any weight on them. Mark halted at the bottom of the steps, glancing back up to Jack and yelling out. "JACK! What are you doing?!" Jack recalled Vulthuryol's words on the tower. He had been waiting for the dragonborn to show up. To finish their fight. Vulthuryol's tail whipped across the ground, knocking Mark off his feet and away from them. Jack swallowed, but stood his ground. Vulthuryol turned slowly to face him with powerful green eyes that glinted with hatred.

Mark started to rush back in, but Jack yelled at him quickly. "MARK, DON'T!" Mark slowed down, glancing between them confused. Vulthuryol turned his head away from Mark, his gaze locking with Jack's again. Jack gestured for Mark to stay back, telling him seriously. "Stay out of this one, Mark. This is my fight." Vulthuryol shifted on his feet, making room for Jack to come down and face him. Mark lowered his weapons, shouting back. "What are you doing?! You can't fight him by yourself! He'll kill you!" Jack slowly walked down the steps toward Vulthuryol, who was arching like a defensive cat with a powerful snarl. Without looking at Mark, he told him confidently. "Mark, The dragonborn in your story didn't finish the fight he started. Vulthuryol feels wronged. He didn't get the satisfaction of a fighting the man who crippled him. I have to finish this."

Mark moved closer to the stairs, shouting at him heatedly. "You didn't start the fight with him! Jack! This is insane!" Jack finally looked at Mark, retorting with a smirk. "I'm a dragonborn, Mark. I'm suppose to bring peace to the land, right? Well, Vulthuryol won't rest until he gets peace of mind. I didn't start it... but for his honor. I'll finish it with a fair fight." Mark shook his head, grumbling out stubbornly. "Dragon's don't play fair! Jack! Please!" Jack stepped off the last step, telling Mark one final thought. "It's a fair fight, Mark. His wings are broken and I can't fly." Jack locked eyes with Vulthuryol, conjuring his blade. Vulthuryol tilted his head in acknowledgement, than took a deep breath to belt out a burst of white hot flame! Jack raised his hand to throw up his ward and gasped. Why did his magic feel stronger? The flames hit his ward, spanning off around him. Other than the gust of heat, he didn't feel the strain of holding a spell against something so powerful.

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