Part 4

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Hadvar glanced over his shoulder, noticing Jack was following him.  So, he told Jack confidently.  "With me, Wizard? Let's go".  Jack followed him to a tower and slowed down.  This wasn't the main keep.  Where was this guy leading him?  Hadvar kept his eyes on the skies, but told Jack reassuringly.  "Come on! We need to get inside"!  Jack pushed his way into the big wooden doors.  Inside were beds along the walls with trunks at the foot of them.  Weapons and imperial armor along the walls.  A barracks.  Jack glanced over his shoulder as Hadvar closed the doors behind them.  Hadvar had a hopeful expression until he saw how empty the room was.  With a little sorrow creeping into his voice he told Jack.  "Looks like we're the only ones that made it. Was that really a dragon? The bringers of the end of time"?  Jack moved over to a small table and discreetly picked up the gold coins that had been left there.  The soldiers had taken all his money.  If he survived this, he'd need something to get by!  The faint roaring of the Dragon, drew both there attentions to the door.  Softly, Hadvar told Jack.  "We should keep moving. Take a look around. Take whatever gear you need. I've got to find something for these burns". 

Jack quickly moved over to him, taking his wrist gently to stop him.  Hadvar flinched and Jack could see why.  All up his arms were lightly coated in black burns.  Hadvar shot him a confused look, but Jack ignored it.  Raising his hands, Jack moved his hands an inch above Hadvar's burned skin.  A bright golden light streaming out from his palms as he went, healing Hadvar's arms.  The man had been kind to him.  The least he could do was return that same kindness.  He had a gift.  It was a waste not to use it.  When Jack finished, Hadvar flexed his arms and happily told him with a smile.  "Thank you, wizard".  Jack rolled his eyes, turning to find a sword as he shot back a little irritated.  "It's Jack. Calling me wizard is like me calling you soldier".  Hadvar chuckled, replying apologetically.  "I'm sorry. I had forgotten. My name is Hadvar".  Jack pulled an Iron sword off the wall, staring at it distastefully.  He missed his green glass sword.  These blades were bottom of the barrel at best.  Buckling the belt that held the sheathe around his waist, Jack lifted his head to smile at Hadvar, answering playfully.  "Now that we've got that out of the way. Do you know a way out of Helgen"? 

Hadvar strolled over to a chain on the wall.  As he pulled it down, the barred doorway lowered, while he sarcastically shot back with a smile.  "No".  Jack brushed a hand through his long green bangs with a smile.  Hadvar had a sense of humor.  That was rare among imperial soldiers.  Hadvar stepped through the doorway, asking Jack curiously.  "I wanted to ask before. How did you get your hair that color? Where you born with it"?  Jack followed him out into the dark hallway, answering proudly.  "Alchemy potion. I made it. Part of my summer exam last year. Every student had to make something. I thought I'd try something more advanced".  Hadvar chuckled softly to himself, then answered a little dryly.  "Looks good, but makes you stick out".  Jack didn't get a chance to ask what he had meant by that, because a male voice up ahead yelled out to someone.  "We need to get moving! That Dragon is destroying the whole keep"!  A second person answered.  A woman.  They had the thick accent of nords.  The woman sounded tired as she panted out heavily.  "Just give me a minute... I'm out of breath".  Hadvar turned to Jack, whispering softly.  "Hear that? Stormcloaks. Maybe we can reason with them".

Jack tried to grab his arm, but Hadvar casually strolled into the bright rounded room, telling the stormcloaks nicely.  "Hold on now... We only want to-".  Jack stepped out just as the three stormcloaks drew their blades, yelling out startled and angry.  "Imperial"!  They surrounded Hadvar and Jack seized the moment to jump in.  The stormcloaks hadn't noticed him.  So, he drew his sword and sank it deep into the back of a male nord wielding a great sword.  The nord fell to the ground, drawing the attention of the nord woman.  Jack raised his sword just in time to block the nord woman's swing, pushing her blade away and spinning around to plunge his sword into her side.  Hadvar easily overpowered the last Stormcloak, looking over the mans dead body as he solemnly stated.  "Well, that's the end of that. Let me see if I can get this door open. We need to keep moving".  Jack nodded, kneeling down to frisk the dead body of the nord man he had killed.  Hadvar got the door open, turning to shoot Jack a disapproving look.  Jack sighed heavily as he snatched up the coins off the next nord, answering bluntly.  "Say what you will. They attacked us. Where their going they won't need worldly possessions. I on the other hand, will need money to survive".  Hadvar nodded in understanding, but he still seemed displeased with it.

When Jack quickly finished taking the last of their coins, he followed Hadvar out into another very dimly lit tunnel.  They made a sharp turn into a long hallway, spotting a group of soldiers standing just ahead.  It was unclear whether they were Stormcloak or Imperials... but it didn't matter.  They only took a step or two, before there came a loud roar from a Dragon and a loud 'thud' overhead.  The tremor sent dust falling from the ceiling and Hadvar pushed Jack back, as the stone ceiling caved in on the soldiers ahead.  Jack's heart was pounding, while Hadvar examined the stones blocking their way, adding hopefully.  "We might be able to get around this through the old storeroom. If we're lucky".  Jack approached the door just off to the left, listening to the sudden loud voices on the other side.  He couldn't tell whos side they were on, but they were men and their voices cracked with fear.  "What are you doing? We need to get out of Helgen"!  The second man yelled back a little more calmly.  "Wait! These imperials have potions-".  Whatever he was going to say was cut off, because Hadvar opened the creaky wooden door.

Jack heard them draw their weapons and moved in alongside Hadvar.  Stormcloaks.  The place was crawling with them!  Their was just two this time.  Hadvar and himself took on one each and easily cut through them.  Jack guessed a lot of the rebels were no more than disgruntled lower class.  None of them really seemed to have any real training with how to handle a blade.  He wasn't an expert himself, but he had learned from Mark.  Jack stared down at his dripping blood stained blade.  Mark's blade had tasted more blood than any blade he had ever owned.  Being a retired Pit Fighter though... of course his would.  Hadvar gently patted him across the chest, drawing him back out of his head.  He looked Jack over a little concerned, when he asked him.  "You alright? See if you can find some potions. Might come in handy".  Jack nodded, helping Hadvar check every corner of the room quickly.  Snatching up a few small red potion bottles, Jack jabbed them into his pockets and rejoined Hadvar at the next door.  Hadvar opened the door carefully, peeking out to see if the way was blocked as he told Jack casually.  "Thought I'd lost you for a moment there. What were you thinking of"?  Jack's voice felt far away, when he replied longingly.  "Home".  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

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