Part 134

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For a long moment, Jack and Ulfric just stared each other down. Jack didn't move or back down. Ulfric seemed to understand that he wasn't going to give him an inch and lowered his eyes in acceptance. Jack took the small gesture as him relenting to him and turned to the other Jarls. Lowering his hand, he told them all sternly. "Don't you understand the danger? Don't you understand what the return of the dragons means? We're here because Alduin has returned! And while you bicker and fight over lands and titles... Alduin is out there raising his army of dragons and preparing a war that will end ALL wars!" Jack moved closer to the table to rest his hands on it as he announced to all of them more bluntly. "I called this meeting because I need your petty war to stop so that I can deal with a much greater threat. Alduin is out there! And his dragons are burning your lands and devouring your comrades! Your people!" Jack's expression softened only a little as he glanced between Ulfric and Tullius, asking them curiously. "Can you not put aside your hatred for even one moment in the face of this mortal danger?"

General Tullius leaned casually back in his seat, crossing his arms over his glossy brown and gold breastplate as he retorted mockingly. "Now that is a very pretty speech... You almost had me going. But I don't believe any of this Nord nonsense. I see this as a Mage spouting tall tales to scare me off their land. Which isn't going to work. So, take your telltales to the Tavern drunks." A Jarl woman stood up with pride, telling everyone present. "As Jarl of Riften, I will not be removed from my post by either of you! You have no right! War or no war. I did not side with Ulfric to be removed from my station! So, Archmage... If you promise my station as my own, I'll side with you. I haven't forgotten what you did to save my people from the dragon." Ulfric moved back to his seat, rushing out a bit heatedly. "You would dishonor yourself by pledging yourself to another?!" The Jarl lifted her chin, stating aloud. "The Dragonborn is right. My people are not your playthings. Riften will stand with the Dragonborn."

Another Jarl woman stood from her chair to announce aloud. "Aye. As Jarl of Morthal, my hold stands now with the Dragonborn." Tullius turned furious eyes on her, stating out. "You can't do that! You pledged yourself to Jarl Elisif! To the Empire!" The old woman shook her head, stating to the other Jarl's. "Nord nonsense? Long have I endured the Empire spitting on my traditions and culture. Every year I see a little more of my land chiseled away. I'm old and tired of biting my tongue! If you two feel WE are replaceable... Try and take my land!" Jack sat back watching the Nords glance at each other and rise slowly. Jarl Balgruuf nodded to Jack, then told Ulfric and Jarl Elisif seriously. "I've never believed in much of our old tales... but I've seen and heard of the Dragonborn's deeds across Skyrim. He fights for the people. I, Jarl of Whiterun, stand with the Dragonborn. None of my people are going to bleed for your war." A few Jarl men, rose and banged their chests, bellowing out. "AYE!"

Jarl Elisif stayed seated, expressing with a hurt voice. "You'd all weaken Skyrim by stubbornly turning your backs on the Empire?! By disgracing my husband's memory?!" One of the male Jarl's glared at Elisif and Tullius, stating out bluntly. "We are Nords! We shaped this land long before the Empire saw fit to place themselves here. The Empire made us weaker! Turning us on each other. I've been blind... The Empire would replace us so easily? Trade us out like cattle? I served loyally... but no more. I'm a Nord! I won't send more of MY people to fight under an Empire banner. We made your husband High King because he spoke for us... but no more. This Snake has been hissing in both your ears for too long! It's time we Nord's stand and choose again to rule by Nord law." Ulfric looked to the Jarls, but they turned to look at Jack. Jack stood shaky and speechless. The male Jarl, lifted his chin, announcing loudly. "I, Jarl of Markarth, appoint the Dragonborn and Archmage of Winterhold as the New High King of Skyrim! What say thee, my brothers and Sisters of the North?!"

Jarl Elisif shot to her feet, snapping out sharply. "NO! You can't do this!" The other Jarls ignored her outburst, stating one after the other around the table. "Aye." After all of the seven Jarls agreed, they looked to the last three unspoken leaders. Ulfric of Windhelm, Elisif of Solitude and Jack of Winterhold College. Jarl Elisif shook her head desperately, pleading with the other Jarls. "Don't do this! He's not even a Nord! You'll start a war with the Empire!" Ulfric rested his hands on the table, lost in thought. After a long silence, Ulfric chuckled and lifted his head to say with a smirk. "Not a Nord... but he has the heart of one. However, I can't agree without knowing something, Dragonborn. Where do you stand on Talos worship and the presence of the Empire?" Jack swallowed nervously, but honestly answered. "People should be allowed to worship who they want. As for the Empire... I believe that the Embassy would allow us to keep things civil between us... but the Empire's grip on Skyrim needs to go. Things concerning Skyrim and her people should be brought to the Jarl's of each hold. Nord land should be ruled and decided by the sons and daughters of the North alone."

The DragonbornOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara