Part 132

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Solitude was just as busy as the last time he had come through. Only this time they weren't beheading a man in the square and the street smelled of rich berry pies. They bustled their way through the thick crowds of chatting people, toward the castle courtyard. Within the courtyard, imperial soldiers were sparring with each other and practicing their archery. Most looked rather new to the legion. Too young and undisciplined. He guessed they were in training from the way older men barked orders at them. Jack couldn't help wondering what it would be like to go to Winterhold College now. Would the teachers really have anything to teach him now? Would they just assign him into a job that granted him more of a challenge? Was there even such a thing? He smirked at the idea. The thought of something so... normal. Mark approached a wooden door that appeared to be the most likely entrance to the castle. Only to have two guards block his way with their swords.

The guards glared at Mark, before one sternly asked him. "What is your business here?" Mark snorted at him, defensively snapping back. "That is between us and General Tullius. Now move those swords or I'll will by snapping them off with your wrists." The other guard stepped closer, bringing his sword to Mark's neck as he sneered out. "You dare threaten a man of the legion? You think the Legion needs some backwater farmer who thinks he has the balls to fight? Go home. General Tullius won't see anyone. He's in a meeting." Mark narrowed his eyes on the man, sneering right back. "Well, the legion didn't need the bastard of a whore either... but here you are." Jack quickly raised a hand, starting to rush out. "Hey, before this gets ugly. I'm the Dragon-" One of the guards cut him off by yelling out. "Stay out of this, pipsqueak! The men are about to settle this." Jack raised an eyebrow, mumbling out under his breath with soft offense. "Pipsqueak...? Alright... You wanna tussle with his muscle. Fine. He is all yours. Hardly a fair fight for him though." Mark cracked his neck, then snatched the wrist of the man with the sword to his throat.

The man didn't think on his feet fast enough and got Mark's elbow to his gut. Shoving the man away as he yanked his sword from him, he blocked the second guards swing with it. Jack merely took a casual step back as Mark rushed the man, stepping on his foot to pin him to the spot, before bashing the pummel of the short sword into the guard's nose. The guard went down, clutching his bleeding nose and bawling out. "Ugh, you broke my nose!" Mark twirled the sword in his hand, uttering out dismissively. "Be thankful it wasn't your neck." Jack crossed his arms over his chest with an amused smirk. Mark was getting much better at restraining his temper. Mark tossed the sword to the feet of the other gasping guard that was clutching his stomach, telling him flatly. "Your sword is off balance. The pummel is too heavy. I'd take that to a blacksmith if I was you." The gasping guard looked Mark over, then strained out. "Who the fuck are you?" Mark stared down at him, answering icily. "I am Cyrodiil's retired Grad Champion Pit Fighter. They called me 'The Crimson Blade."

Jack bit his lip upon hearing the name again. It had been so long since Mark had called himself that. It wasn't a nickname or title that liked using. However, the name still brought up fond memories for Jack. An older soldier began storming up to them with a look of pure disgust on his scruffy face. To which, Jack uncrossed his arms and straightened up. The Commander looked between all of them, yelling out loudly. "Now what is all of this then?!" Mark hefted a heavy sigh, but Jack piped up innocently. "My deepest apologizes. I'm here to give a message to General Tullius and there was a slight miscommunication." The Commander stepped up closer to Jack, bellowing out coldly. "Oh really? Messenger from where? And delivered by...?" Jack didn't blink or flinch as he answered confidently. "The Dragonborn and this is my bodyguard. You may know him as The Crimson Blade? Our business is a private matter. Could very well change this war." The Commander didn't appear to hear a word past Mark's introduction.

Turning to face Mark, he looked him over closely. In an instant, the Commander's face lightened up into excitement as he gawked out. "No way! I barely recognized you! I saw your fight with the White Orc! Now that was some impressive fighting." The Commander extended a hand out to firmly shake Mark's hand, praising Mark happily. "Your fight won me a lot of gold that night! Hey! I've got a great idea! If you've got time, I'd love to spar with you a bit! Show these milk drinkers a thing or two, ya?!" Jack lowered his eyes to the ground, trying to suppress a grin. For once he wasn't the famous one and it was kind of funny. Mark glanced at Jack, giving him a look that was discreetly asking for help. Unable to suppress his grin anymore, he winked at Mark and told him smugly. "You can go play if you want." The Commander clapped Mark on the shoulder, excitedly cheering out. "Brilliant! See? He doesn't mind. Come! I wanna show you something." The Commander started to pull Mark away toward the courtyard, but Mark stopped to purr against Jack's ear. "I'm gonna get you for this."

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