Part 20

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Jack raised his sword up at the ready as the Draugr stood up off the slab.  The Draugr looked like a skeleton with grey sickly looking flesh stretched tightly over its bones.  The large armored Draugr hefted his battle axe and quickly brought it down!  Jack tilted his sword to block it and was forced down to one knee.  The Draugr didn't appear to have any muscles at all... but it's strike was more than powerful enough!  Jack's blade cut into his hand during the impact, forcing him to lower the blade on one side.  The draugr's weapon slid down the length of his blade, before the Draugr lifted it again.  Jack didn't have the arm strength to block it again.  So, he rolled aside just as the axe came down and clanged against Mark's great sword.  Mark quickly stepped in to shove the Draugr back.  The two of them seemed more evenly matched.  Jack staggered back onto his feet, watching his blood leak down the sides of his fisted hand.  He was just starting to heal it, when he spotted more movement along the other wall. 

Two more Draugr climbed off their slabs to join in on the fighting.  One carried a short sword.  The other a large great sword.  Quickly they moved in to surround Mark.  Jack couldn't let them overpower him!  Pulling out his dagger, Jack throw it at the Draugr with the great sword.  The dagger's aim was true.  Sinking into the Draugr's skull!  The victory was short lived though as the Draugr turned to face him.  It wasn't enough to kill it.  The fear lurched in Jack's chest.  Could you even kill something that was already dead?  The Draugr jogged over to Jack and swung his great sword.  Jack managed to duck in time and charge forward, slashing the Draugr's side with his sword.  To any mortal man that would have been fatal... to the Draugr... he didn't even appear to feel it!  The Draugr turned to face him with a gruesome grin and Jack tried to think quickly.  This was why Necromancy was so important to learn!!  He didn't know how to counter this!  The Draugr raised his sword to swing again and Jack charged in to knock the Draugr's jaw with the hilt of his sword.  The Draugr staggered back, lowering his weapon.  Jack took a quick step back getting ready to try decapitating it, when the Draugr's hand shot up to grab his throat!

The Draugr's hand felt icy and smelled of fowl decay.  Choking the life from him in an inhuman grip!  Using what energy he could, Jack brought his sword down on the Draugr's arm.  Hacking it off in one swing.  The Draugr staggered back more out of imbalance than any pain.  Prying the loosened hand and from around his neck, Jack dropped to his knees coughing loudly and gasping for air.  Glancing up, his heart sank.  More Draugr were making there was toward them from farther down the tunnel.  They were vastly outnumbered!  Behind him, Mark kicked a Draugr back and decapitated another.  The headless Draugr turned away from Mark, chasing after its rolling head.  While Mark ran up to him, yelling out.  "We gotta run! Come on"!  Mark yanked him up onto his feet, pulling him along as he charged for the narrow tunnel entrance into the next room.  Only as they approached it, Jack saw Mark's foot trip a wire!  He barely yanked Mark back in time before the narrow hall became filled with swinging blades!  The first blade 'dinged' against the Iron chest plate of Mark's armor and he took a step back.

Glancing behind them, Mark asked Jack in a rush.  "Do you trust me, Jack"?  Jack glanced back himself at the fast approaching Draugr and turned back to nod.  Mark gripped his arm tighter and yanked him closer.  Mark was watching the first blade.  When it swung back into the wall, Mark rushed forward.  Jack gasped and shut his eyes as the first blade swung back behind them and the second blade swung out in front of them.  Mark didn't focus on anything else but the blades.  Timing them perfectly, they made their way through.  Behind them the Draugr tried to follow but stopped after the first few blades diced up there comrades.  Once they escaped the blades, Mark took Jack's hand and began to run through more tight halls lined with more Draugr.  Mark cut around one corner and was shoved off his feet as a Draugr stepped out away from a nook in the wall!  The Draugr turned then toward Jack, drawing his sword... and Jack panicked.  Raising his hand he casted a spell for flames!  Fire burst from his palm, engulfing the Draugr in mere seconds.  The Draugr let out a roar of pain, before crumpling to his knees and peeling away into ash! 

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