Part 135

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Jack looked Delphine directly in the eyes, telling her in a defensive tone. "No. I won't. And if you know what's good for you. You'll let this go." Delphine's eyes narrowed on him with suspicion, stating out sternly. "Dragonborn, tell me you are not this stupid. He's an intelligent beast. He's told you whatever you wanted to hear to stay alive. We can't trust him! He's used to playing both sides and is just as likely helping his brother stay ahead of us!" Jack firmly shook his head, snapping back. "You're wrong! He's been more help to me than anyone else in Skyrim! He's not a danger to anyone!" Delphine puffed herself up, yelling out. "He's a dragon! He's a danger to all the races on this earth!" Jack stepped closer to her, snapping back heatedly. "We are a danger to ourselves! You can't condemn an entire race for the mistakes of one! Dragons have done so much for us in the past. They hold the knowledge of lifetimes! You don't know him!"

Delphine huffed sarcastically, glancing back at Esbern as she bluntly mocked out. "Are you hearing this? He has feelings for that monster!" Jack glared at Delphine, darkly saying aloud. "He's not a monster. I've learned to tell the difference. And I'm warning you, Delphine. You touch one scale on him, and I will show you no mercy." Delphine slowly looked back to lock her eyes with him. For a few seconds, the room was filled with a tense silence. Then Esbern eased himself into the conversation to inform Jack softly. "I understand where you are coming from, Jack. But please see reason. Paarthurnax is a powerful dragon. We are trying to kill his brother... If we kill Alduin and he decides to seek revenge... we may not be able to stop him as easily. Think of this as a... as a mercy killing." Jack clenched his fists, asking Esbern sharply. "And when you've slaughtered every last dragon. What next? Will you kill me too?! When does it end? By your logic, we should kill every family member that has ever had a murderer in it! Don't you see?! This isn't right! He's helped me get this far!"

Delphine put her hands on her hips, boldly retorting in a cold voice. "Exactly! Why would he do that? What if he wants us to kill his brother in order to take over Alduin's army?! You've been letting him steer you into his plans! Dragons are deceitful and cunning!" Jack pointed a finger at Delphine, yelling out heatedly. "And so are YOU! How can you stand there and condemn him, when YOU are guilty of it yourself!" Delphine reached for the handle of her katana, causing Mark to withdraw his own sword. Delphine shot a fowl look at Mark before sneering out at Jack. "By remembering my oath. I swore to rid the world of every last dragon and I WILL. I'm honor bound to protect the people and even YOU from their influence by any means necessary. I've been doing this a lot longer than you. You need to trust me before it is too late." Jack moved closer to her, looking into her eyes with his softer ones as he calmly told her. "I don't know what happened to you to make you think that was the right choice. But that's not honor. What gives you the right to dictate who deserves to live? Are you so consumed with hate that you no longer see any color besides red? Not everyone is your enemy."

Delphine didn't show any emotion as she told him simply. "You're starting to sound like these dickless Greybeards. Get you're head out of the clouds. We are at war. You need to pick a side. You're a dragon slayer! Start acting like one!" Jack shook his head, answering still in a calm confident voice. "No. I know my place. And it's right here standing between you and him. We don't have to kill them. We lived in peace once. We can do that again." Delphine scoffed, turning on her heel to leave. Esbern looked torn between the both of them. Jack couldn't blame him. Mentally Esbern was on his side, but physically his loyal friendship with Delphine was keeping him torn. As Delphine reached the working door to leave, Jack called out to her in a loud stern voice. "Delphine. You stay away from him. That's an order. For as long as I live and breathe, you will not hurt him. Am I clear?" Delphine glanced over her shoulder, stating out with clear malice in her tone. "Crystal... Dragonborn."

Esbern raised his hands quickly, coolly telling them both. "Now, let's not do anything rash. Let's both think on this and return here tomorrow morning with a consensus." Jack gave Esbern a nod but was not going to change his mind. He trusted Paarthurnax with his life. That wasn't going to change because of her dishonorable oath. Jack waited for them both to leave, before turning to sit on the table. Klipper moved closer to him, placing a hand on his shoulder as he proudly said. "Klipper is touched. You stand by friends. Making Klipper leak." Jack jerked his head up thinking Klipper was peeing on the table, only to see him crying. Smiling with relief, he placed a hand on Klipper's tiny clawed hand. Across from him, Mark sheathed his sword, discreetly saying in a soft undertone. "I really hate to say this, Jack... but I think we're in trouble." Jack nodded, mumbling out grimly. "Ya... In just a few short hours, my world has been blasted apart..."

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