Part 10

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The pain in Jack's head vanished almost in an instant.  Slowly opening his eyes, he bolted upright.  He wasn't in the tub anymore... he was no where.  Surrounded by bright white light.  Quickly climbing to his feet, Jack's heart began to beat out of control.  Did he drown in the tub and die!  Was this what it looked like to die outside of battle?  An endless white purgatory?  Jack shot a glance in every direction, before slowly falling to his knees.  He didn't want to die like this.  Not so soon.  Lowering his head, he tried to hold back his tears... when a weird voice spoke out.  "Dovahkiin, Alok".  The voice wasn't as deep as the dragon's... but It appeared to use the same speech.  Cautiously, Jack stood up and searched around for the owner of the voice.  There was no one.  He was alone.  Straightening up, Jack called out a little sourly.  "I don't understand. What do you want"?  The voice answered simply.  "Aan Kaal".  Jack pinched the bridge of his nose in defeat as he mumbled back.  "That doesn't help". 

Something glittered before him, making Jack look up.  It was a glittery gold light shimmering in front of him and as he stared at it, the voice seemed to tell him.  "Kein meyz. Tiid nu. Ofan dovah sil. Drun drem. Hin haal".  The golden light morphed and stretched until a man stood before him.  He was an older looking man and while one hand was reaching out for him palm out... the other was holding some kind of sand timer.  The mans face was gentle in appearance, but Jack could sense the power behind his golden eyes.  It was like nothing Jack had ever felt before.  Jack shrugged confused, hoping the guy would understand.  The man stepped closer shaking his raised hand in a little wave.  Feeling silly, Jack rolled his eyes and raised his hand to wave back.  Only the moment his hand went up, the man pressed his open palm against his.  Jack dropped to his knees in agony as something white entered into his fingertips and spread down his arm like blazing hot veins!  He wanted to yank his hand away, but it was stuck to the mans like iron! 

Grabbing his shoulder and groaning out loudly in pain, he yelled out to the man.  "What are you doing to me"?!  The man turned his golden eyes down on Jack, answering calmly.  "Revak kogaan".  When the man removed his hand from Jack's, he slowly began to back away as he told Jack seriously.  "Viik Alduin. Oblaan kein, Dovahkiin".  Jack rested his arm close to his chest as he rushed to ask the man.  "I don't understand! Who are you"?  The man's body started to shimmer and glow until the man was gone and in his place stood a large golden dragon!  The dragon lowered its massive head to answer with immense pride in its now thundering voice.  "Akatosh. Fin jun ahrk ln Dov. Vahlok wah Jul".  Jack stared at the dragon's glowing white eyes in disbelief.  There was no way.  He couldn't be talking to 'The Akatosh'.  The dragon god of time. The chief deity of the nine divines.  Why would he take any interest in him?

Without another word, the golden dragon raised it's large shimmering gold wings as if it was getting ready to take off.  Jack took a step back out of habit as the dragon lifted its head to stare up at the white sky... and vanished in a shimmering white gold light.  The next thing Jack knew he was waking up on the floor with Mark panting heavily over him.  Mark's body was soaking wet and when he noticed he had opened his eyes, he fell back onto his ass in relief.  Slowly sitting up, Jack asked him curiously.  "Mark... What's happening to me"?  Mark didn't seem to have the energy to answer as he pulled Jack into a tight hug.  After Jack managed to dry himself off, he was whisked away to sit on Mark's large fur covered bed.  It wasn't by choice.  Mark had forced him there in order to keep a closer watch on him while he finished cooking.  Apparently, Mark had found him unconscious in the tub and managed to revive him.  So, afraid that Jack would 'freak out' again... he was keeping him in sight. 

Jack sighed softly to himself, after recalling the 'dream' to Mark in detail.  He wanted to know what Mark thought of it.  Mark knew more about the gods then he did.  Mark stopped stirring the pot over the fire to ask Jack over his shoulder curiously.  "Wait... Jack, did you ask him for help"?  Jack shot Mark a sarcastic look as a response.  Mark knew he wasn't much for praying.  Mark's expression became serious as he stated sternly.  "I'm serious, Jack. People turn to the divines when they feel like the end has come. When Helgen got attacked did you pray for help"?  Jack rolled onto his back to stare up at the wooden ceiling as he dryly shot back.  "I didn't have time to pray. I was too busy fighting for my life. The only peace I had there was being carted to the block-".  Jack stopped mid-sentence as he recalled praying to any god that would listen... asking for help so that he could see Mark again. 

Slowly Jack sat up on the bed.  His eyes wide as he numbly told Mark.  "Before I was sent to the chopping block... I might have prayed to the divines for help. You don't think they really answer do you"?  Mark started to pour some soup into a bowl, then handed it off to Jack as he answered softly.  "I've heard that they answer... but not all of them answer the way you want them too. They don't do anything for free either. You can try appeasing him with a food offerings".  Jack shook his head, staring blankly into his bowl of soup.  Akatosh wanted something from him... but what?  Mark sat down in a chair at his table with his bowl of soup, while he continued on.  "Be thankful that Akatosh answered you and not some daedric lord like Molag Bol. Do you have any clue what Akatosh wanted you to do"?  Jack shook his head sadly, stirring his spoon around in the bowl.  Answering a bit depressed, he told Mark.  "No. He spoke in the same speech the dragon talked in. I have no clue what he wanted from me". 

Mark got up to sit down on the bed beside him, leaning a little against him as he sweetly remarked.  "I wouldn't worry, Jack. The gods don't give us anything we can't handle. Whatever Akatosh wants you to do. I'm sure everything will be made clear eventually".  Jack tried to smile but it didn't make him feel better.  He felt like he owed a debt... and was terrified at what the price of his life might be.  Mark took Jack's bowl away from him, setting both bowls carefully on the floor.  Before Jack could ask what he was doing, Mark straightened back up, pressing his lips against his.  Jack could taste the broth from the soup on his lips, but didn't pull away.  Closing his eyes, he kissed Mark's warm loving lips.  He even allowed Mark to lay him back against the bed furs, while Mark whispered against his lips.  "I love you, Jack. Now let me welcome you home".  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

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