Part 95

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They followed the sailor onto the small ship with Jack tagging along behind. Since Mark seemed to know what he was doing, he let him take the lead. Probably was better that a Nord dealt with Nords anyway. Halfway across the plank to board, Jack noticed the name on the front of the ship. The name was faded and worn down but was clear enough to read. Immediately his guard went up and he realized why Mark had taken the lead. This was The Northern Maiden. On board was a light crew of about six people that were scattered about. One hammered away at the mast, while others swept the deck or repaired other pieces of the ship. Jack wondered if the ship had been damaged in a storm recently, or if they had run into some trouble. The ship was nothing more than a cargo vessel. Meant to run with a light crew in order to haul more goods. From the size of the ship, Jack guessed that the journeys were brief. Fortnights at most. The sailor stopped short of a man sitting alone on the deck. The man was older than most of his crew... and was drinking heavily from a tankard in his hands.

The sailor gestured to the man, his mood turning grim suddenly as he told them dryly under his breath. "If you're looking for passage talk to Captain Gjalund." The sailor then stormed away, grumbling about how they needed the money and the Captain was drinking again. If Jack doubted it before, he didn't now. Something had happened. Stepping around Mark, he inched forward to approach the Captain. The Captain must have overheard, or simply saw him in his peripheral vision, because before Jack could speak, he told them cold and straight to the point. "If you've come looking for passage to Solsthiem. Too bad. I'm not going back there anymore." Jack shot a quick uneasy glance at Mark, before asking him curiously. "What happened? Why won't you go back?" The Captain let out a deep heavy sigh, leaning his elbows on his knees as he reluctantly told them. "It's hard to explain. You wouldn't understand." Jack carefully moved to stand in front of the Captain, forcing him to look up at him as he stated out rather bluntly. "Try me. I've seen all kinds of shite lately. By chance did you get attacked by people in strange golden masks and dark brown robes?"

The Captain's demeaner changed to one of guilt and fear. Leaning back against the back of his chair, the Captain regaled truthfully in a shaky voice. "I remember those people with the masks coming on board. Then... The next thing I remember... I was here. And they were gone. And that's not right losing whole days like that. There has been something strange going on there for a while, but after this... I'm done! I'm not going back to Solsthiem." Mark moved closer to the Captain's side, asking gently. "What do you mean something strange? Have you reported this to the Jarl?" The Captain huffed sarcastically, snapping back at Mark. "And tell him what? That I was possessed? The crew already thinks I'm crazy as it is. Besides, Ulfric has no authority in Solsthiem. That's Councilor Morvayn's territory and he's not a fan of Nord's right now. Not while his people are starving and Ulfric has cut ties with him. As for the people there... You'd have to see it for yourself. Somethings just not... but the locals don't even bat an eye about it. It's like they can't see it. I don't care how much you offer. I'm not going anywhere near there ever again."

The Captain raised his shaking hand to take a long swig of his ale, but before he finished it, Mark took the tankard from him. The Captain gave him a perplexed look as Mark told him sternly. "Yes, you are. You're taking us to Solsthiem." The Captain slowly rose from his chair, puffing himself up to challenge Mark as he roared out. "Have you been listening to me? I'M NOT GOING BACK THERE!" Jack quickly intervened by answering aloud. "You will, because you owe me. Those cultists you brought here... They tried to kill me. I think passage to Solsthiem is quite reasonable. Considering the alternative. As a Thane of Whiterun and the renowned Dragonborn, I think the Jarl would behead all those involved in the attack. Don't you think?" The Captain's shoulders dropped, and his face went as pale as the snow. When the Captain turned his head to look at Sean, his eyes were filled with desperate mercy. Jack straightened up to his full height, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder as he added warmly. "However, grant me safe passage and not only will I pay you for your trouble. But I'll forget you were ever apart of it. I'd even be so kind as to talk to the Jarl about switching your trade route somewhere else."

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