Part 116

311 21 11

Jack stayed back with Mark, following Neloth at a cautious distance. He didn't like the idea that they were being used or tricked. Neloth stomped down the wet stone steps, grumbling over his shoulder at them. "Oh, do keep up will you! Honestly, I thought you were hardened adventurers. Not scared little children." Mark made his way down the steps slowly, huffing sarcastically as he muttered out. "Ya... As wise adventurer is a cautious one. Only fools rush in." Neloth didn't appear to hear him as he strolled up to a pedestal that sat nestled before a door that was out of their reach. Mark raised an eyebrow, removing his sword to have it at the ready. Jack lifted Sam at the ready, asking Mark discreetly. "The door wasn't underwater... Why did we have to drain this place?" Neloth chuckled, clearly overhearing him in the empty hall, because he answered clearly. "We drained it, because we can't reach the door unless we do this." Neloth carefully set the second cube on the pedestal.

The cube whirled to life, causing stone walls to rise from the opening under the door at odd heights. Forming a set of stone stairs up to the door and once they were in place, a loud solid 'Clang' rang throughout the room. Jack held his breath, listening intently for any other sounds to follow. He was sure that the golden doors had unlocked... but what else had unlocked with it? Mark had the same idea. They both glanced around the room for even the tiniest things that moved. There were stone table with bits of Dwemer spiders, but none of them moved. Jack was only slightly impressed by the fact that the Dwemer metal didn't appear to be rusted, despite the pieces being under sea water for so long. Neloth huffed at them loudly, mocking them dryly. "Look at you cowering like a couple of dogs beneath a master's boot. Honestly, what did you think was going to happen. Let's go." The lower part of the stairs was blocked by a golden bridge, but Neloth quickly pointed out a set of stairs that would take them across it.

Neloth reached the stairs first, then suddenly his paced quickened to a brisk jog. Mark dashed after him, cursing under his breath. "Son of a bitch!" Neloth made it to the bridge, just as Mark raced up the steps. Jack's heart dropped to the floor as one of the Dwemer Centurions stepped away from his wall mount with burst of hot steam. The Centurion raised its massive hammer hand, knocking Mark clear off his feet and back down the floor. Mark hit the stone floor with a painful grunt. Jack ran forward to stand by Mark just as the Centurion lifted its other hand to aim its fist at them. From the Centurion's arm a set of huge metal crossbow limbs popped out. Jack swallowed hard, barely catching a glimpse of Neloth running up the steps toward the golden doors as he called out to them. "That's it, boys! Keep them distracted! I'll get the cube!" Mark stiffly sat up, clutching the chest of his armor as he winced out breathlessly. "Did he say 'them?" Jack pointed Sam at the Centurion, casting a ward from Sam's mouth as the Centurion released a large bolt at them.

The bolt struck the ward, clattering to the floor. Jack exhaled in relief that the ward had been strong enough, when Mark shoved him to the floor, yelling out. "GET DOWN!" Jack hit the wet stone floor with a yelp, seconds before another large bolt pierced the stone where he had been standing. Mark rolled to his feet, hefting his sword as he glanced between the two Centurions. Jack's heart began to race in his chest. Just one of these things had almost killed them last time. Now there was two?! Hot steam burst from the Centurions joints as they careful descended the steps. The second their heavy metal feet touched the puddled floor, the water burst into thick steam! Getting close to them was not an option. They were radiating enough heat to be their own forge and the hot steam was scolding! Mark gritted his teeth, growling out angrily. "I HATE these things!" Jack took a deep breath, shouting out at full force toward one. "FUS RO DAH!" The blast of power cleared the water from the floor and hit the Centurion square in the chest.

However, the Centurion was so heavy that it merely slid backward across the floor a few inches. Jack's jaw dropped as he uttered out in horror. "Holy shite..." Mark backed up into Jack's back, asking him hopefully. "Jack? Know any cold spells?" Jack braced his staff before him, answering shakily. "Ya... but they're both generating too much heat... I'd kill myself trying to overpower just one of them." Jack pointed Sam at the ground, shooting a frost rune circle at the foot of the approaching Centurion, then turned to do the same on Mark's side. Both Centurion's stepped on the rune circle without hesitation. The rune exploded in a burst of frost to case their foot... but just as quickly melted away. Mark reached back to grab Jack's free hand, telling him boldly. "What about heating up the room to melt them?" Jack chuckled darkly, replying seriously. "You wanna kill us too?" Mark's grip on his hand tightened, upon answering. "Might be a faster way to go..."

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