Part 37

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Jack shifted uncomfortably on his saddle as they crossed the cobblestone bridge into Riverwood.  He had not ridden this much in his life.  Mark chuckled softly beside him, asking in a low voice.  "Saddle sore"?  Jack looked away trying to hide his embarrassment.  Mark didn't have to be so smug about it.  Mark reached over to rub his shoulder comfortingly.  It felt good, but didn't relieve the fact that his thighs were burning from rubbing against the saddle all the time.  As they passed by the Inn, Mark scanned the area with his cautious eyes.  The place didn't look any different.  The people were all calm and going about their daily routines.  They didn't look frightened or nervous about anything.  Everything felt... normal.  They rode to their house and dismounted.  Jack winced, but wrapped Argo's reins to the railing as he cautiously told Mark.  "Just remember. We want to get as much information as we can". 

Mark finished wrapping Tim's reins around the rail, before pulling Jack close by his belt and adding a little worried.  "Jack... You don't have to go. I'll go and-".  Jack covered his mouth, leaning in to whisper to him sweetly.  "You're not going in there without me. Who's going to watch your back if something goes wrong? Between your sword and my magic, we will be fine".  Jack removed his hand, watching Mark's expression fall deeper into uncertainty.  Mark shifted uncomfortably and Jack stepped closer to him.  Placing his hand on Mark's cheek, Jack kissed him passionately.  He hoped to take any fears Mark had.  When Jack finally pulled away, he whispered to Mark hopefully.  "Trust me"?  Mark sighed heavily, before nodding.  Jack patted Mark's shoulder and then lead him toward the Inn. 

Jack opened the door, stepping inside the nearly empty Inn.  There were just one or two people hunched over tables with food and drink.  Mark nudged Jack toward the man behind the bar.  Jack started to head for him, when a woman stepped out to cut them off.  The woman was fair looking with long straight blonde hair and dressed in a tattered Jean dress.  She folded her hands daintily over her stomach, asking them happily.  "Is there something I can do for you two gentlemen? I'm Delphine, the Innkeeper".  Mark eyed the place suspiciously, while Jack politely asked her.  "Yes. We'd like to rent your attic room"?  Delphine raised a curious eyebrow, looking them both over closely.  After a moment, she stepped back a bit to gesture to a large room off to her right, telling them curtly.  "Well... We don't have an attic room, but you can have the one on your right. Make yourself at home". 

Jack politely nodded, casually walking into the large room.  Mark closed the door behind them, then turned to tell Jack anxiously.  "I don't like this. We should leave".  Jack sat down on the bed, telling Mark with a smile.  "You worry too much. We will be fine. Whoever it is isn't even here yet".  Mark quickly strolled over to lean in close to his face, answering seriously.  "Exactly! The person had a head start on us. So, why aren't they here? Jack, we need to leave"!  Jack placed his hands on Mark's shoulders to calm him down as he told him tenderly.  "Mark, relax. Please? I know you trust your gut, but I'm feeling like we should stay".  Mark's eyes narrowed in on him as he growled back.  "Jack... When have I ever been wrong. I mean, when it really matters? I don't like this. It feels wrong".  Jack gave Mark another brief kiss, whispering pleadingly.  "Please, trust me"? 

Mark straightened up and moved to stand behind the door, drawing his sword.  Jack watched him stand there like a statue, before laying back across the bed.  Mark wasn't going to let this go.  Jack wanted to be afraid, but he just wasn't.  They were going to run into the person eventually.  It felt better to do it in a town with witnesses.  The hours seemed to tick away slowly, before their bedroom door opened.  Jack jerked upright on the bed as Delphine entered casually stating out in a bold manner.  "Hello Dragonborn. I think you are looking for this"?  Delphine held up a horn for Jack to see and told him much more commandingly.  "We need to talk".  Mark pushed the door shut and lifted his sword to her back, replying just as commandingly.  "You're right. We do".  Delphine glanced over her shoulder to stare at Mark unfazed.  Jack slid off the bed to stand up as he asked her honestly.  "I'm listening. What do you want"? 

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