Part 44

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Jack carefully moved down the snowy steps toward the buildings entrance.  Even though he had healed his side, it still burned.  Restoration wasn't his strongest magical skill.  As he approached the door, his eyes fell up on a small plaque that read; 'Thalmor Embassy, Elenwen's Solar'.  Jack sighed in relief.  At least, he was on the right track.  Crouching low, Jack slowly pushed open the door.  He didn't know who would be on the other side... but he hoped everyone was out to lunch.  The moment he cracked the door open, he heard voices.  A nervous disgruntled nord man was the first to speak, telling a robed High Elf.  "But, I need that money! I earned it- I-".  The robed high elf crossed his arms defiantly, snapping back.  "When he proves to have the information we need. Then you will get paid. We can't just go around paying people for turning in their friends if they are no use to us". 

The man shifted uncomfortably, replying shakily.  "I know he has the information that your looking for. He told me himself".  The High Elf shrugged looking bored as he stated coldly.  "Well, he refuses to share that information with us. So, until he does. We don't pay".  The man rubbed his hands anxiously together, pleading with the High Elf.  "Please. Just let me talk to him. I can reason with him. Get him to tell you what you want to know. He's my friend".  The High Elf looked down on the shorter man with a stern expression as he sneered out.  "I don't believe he is your friend anymore. Not after you turned him in for money. Besides, you did your job. If he has the information. We will get it out of him. You can be sure of that".  The High Elf started to turn away, but the man grabbed his arm to say in a cold voice.  "What will be left of him when you get what you want"?  The high Elf yanked his arm free of the man's grip, telling him in a calm threatening tone.  "That really isn't any of your concern now. Go home. I've had enough of your petty sympathy for a friend you clearly didn't like all that well to begin with". 

The High Elf started to move toward a door, when the man snapped out after him.  "He's still my friend"!  The High Elf turned on his heel at the door to snap back bitterly.  "Than you shouldn't have turned him in! Now get out"!  The High Elf slipped off into the next room, leaving the man to stare after him in silence.  Jack felt for the man a little.  The Thalmor hardly kept their word to anyone that they didn't see a value in.  Cautiously, Jack slipped in and headed quickly off to hide behind a stone counter to his right.  The man didn't noticed him.  He seemed lost in his thoughts.  Then he suddenly turned and headed toward the exit, grumbling out.  "Pointy-eared son of a bitch! Their all liars"!  The man slammed the door as he left and Jack watched a Thalmor soldier walk down the steps.  The Thalmor soldier moved to lean back against the post to stand guard over the lobby and Jack mouthed a curse. 

The damn guard was the one person between him and the desk he saw in the back room.  Jack swiped a sliver cup off the counter and tossed it to the ground out in the open by the counter.  He needed the guard to come a little closer to him.  The cup clanged across the cement floor, making the guard turn his head in its direction.  Jack smirked as the guards suspicion drew him cautiously closer to investigate.  The guard gripped the hilt of his elven sword and began to lean around the counter.  Jack waited, listening to the mans armor rustle louder as he drew closer.  When the man peeked around the counter and locked eyes with him, Jack flashed him a smile before punching him in the face.  The guard was knocked off his feet, toppling to the floor.  The guard tried to recover quickly, but Jack had the advantage. 

Jack snatched the guards elven helmet off his head and as the guard drew his sword out, Jack hit him hard across the face with his own helmet.  Jack didn't know if the guard was dead or just knocked out, but he didn't have time to check.  Dashing over to the desk, Jack started rummaging through the papers on the desk.  Most were documents about money debts and trade routes.  Jack moved around the desk to start opening drawers.  His fingers and eyes scanned over every paper looking for key words about dragons.  When he had searched all the desk drawers, Jack started to lose hope.  If the Thalmor weren't the cause for the dragon, than what were they looking for?  What information were they trying to get from people?  Jack turned slightly and spotted a wooden chest. 

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