Part 123

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Jack put Sam away very slowly.  His fingers anxiously wrapping around the hilt of Dragonbane as he took up a defensive stance. Keeping his eyes on her, he told her with a twisted heart. "I just want to see if he'll talk to me. Please? I don't want to hurt you." She bared her sharp fangs at him in response, sneering out. "You won't hurt me... I'll hurt you!" She tensed her body, lifting her wings aggressively. Jack released the hilt of Dragonbane, standing up more naturally. He was done killing dragons if he could help it. Her head jerked in surprise, before she hissed out. "What are you doing, Dragonslayer? FIGHT ME!" She slammed her tail against the ground, causing the tower to tremor. Jack shook his head, honestly telling her. "No. I'm here for Miraak. Not you." Her eyes narrowed on him, giving him a feeling of dread. With a deep throaty growl, she softly retorted through her teeth. "You'll have to kill me, because I'll never take you to him! I am loyal to him alone!" Swiftly she arched her neck, getting ready to strike out at him.

He couldn't tell what she would attack him with though. At the same time that her neck arched back, her clawed foot rose, and her tail tensed. He was getting nowhere with her. It was now or never. Inhaling as his own body tensed, he shouted out to her at the same time that her head shot forward at him. "GOL HAH DOV!" Jack flinched, feeling her hot breath puffing over his whole body. Her fangs were inches from him... but she didn't shut her mouth. Instead, she slowly backed up before closing her mouth at a safe distance. She looked at him with sudden gentle eyes, causing him to wonder if the shout had even worked on her. Her posture immediately began to relax into a calmer one, her head lowering to the ground at his feet to purr out in a loving voice. "Hail, Thuri. Your Thu'um has mastery. My name is Sahrotaar. Climb aboard and I will carry you to Miraak." Jack touched her nose, feeling the warm snake like skin of her flesh. He hated the idea of controlling her but couldn't help feeling like he had simply broken a spell on her.

Had his bend will shout cancelled out Miraak's bend will shout on her? She wasn't acting as obedient as the werebears had. Her warm breath ruffled his hair as he cautiously moved around her. Her large eye followed him, but she was so docile now. At her neck, Jack hesitated. He loved the idea of riding a dragon... but he had one small issue. Heights. The last few dragons that he had been on had done their best to kill him and this just felt like a trick. Sahrotaar chuckled sweetly, asking him in a gentle purring voice. "Don't be afraid. If I wanted to hurt you, I wouldn't lower myself to tricks." Jack cleared his throat, mumbling out under his breath. "I... I have a thing about heights..." Sahrotaar laughed loudly, teasing playfully. "A Dragonborn that is scared of heights?" Jack crossed his arms over his chest, rolling his eyes as he mumbled out embarrassed. "I don't think it's funny..." Sahrotaar stopped laughing, but the grin remained on her face.

Tilting her head enough to look at him, she comfortingly said. "Oh, sweet hatchling... I laugh at how cruel that is. For a Dov knows no greater joy then when they are riding the wind. A Dov without wings is truly a sad sight. But no Dov should ever fear the skies. Come. Let me be your wings." Jack exhaled heavily, hefting himself up onto her smooth snake like neck. Adjusting to sit comfortably, he shakily told her. "Just... don't drop me..." She slowly rose up, spreading her wings out carefully, while warmly replying. "Fear not. I will not drop you." Her back feet pushed off the ground as her wings went down, giving her more lift into the air. Flapping her wings, she rose slowly into the air. Jack held her neck tightly with his hands and legs, feeling terrified. Unlike the other dragons, she had no spikes to hold onto. Just a large fin down her back that didn't help him. He felt like a breath of wind would knock him clean off of her. She continued to rise straight up into the air at a steady pace, until she was clear of the tower.

From this height, Jack gawked at the horizon. There were towers and arches spaced out infinity throughout this realm. It looked so open and empty, but he knew every tower was jam packed with knowledge. Seeing it from this height made Apocrypha look... depressing and lonely. He couldn't imagine being trapped here for centuries. Sahrotaar shook her neck and tail loose, before cooing out to him nicely. "Just lean with me on turns and you'll be fine." Jack nodded stiffly, regrettably leaning forward a bit to look down. Seeing how high they were and noticing nothing but grimy water beneath him, he swallowed hard. Sahrotaar belted out a loud roar into the air, giving Jack goosebumps. This was actually kind of fun. He was riding a dragon that didn't want to kill him for change. Her wings expanded out, locking outward as she glided around the tower for a minute. Jack wondered if she did it just to show him what it would feel like to lean with her on turns. After completing a full circle, she leveled out and began to fly straight.

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