Part 130

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Jack quickly made his way down to Mark by the entrance, informing Mark of their decision. Mark took it with a grain of salt, muttering out. "Of course, they'd make us wait. What do we do until morning?" Jack glanced at a sleeping Klipper, answering a bit tired himself. "Let's just get some rest." Mark reluctantly nodded and began unpacking their tent from the horses. While Mark set it up in the far nook of the great hall, Jack asked him curiously. "Mark... You don't think that I'm pushing everyone too hard, do you?" Mark stopped working to look over his shoulder at him. Jack shifted uncomfortably against the wall, mumbling out nervously. "I mean... With the Jarl... I wasn't wrong to do that, was I?" Mark snorted with a smirk, openly telling him. "In my opinion, you could have ruffled his feathers a bit more. He was being an ass. You didn't hurt anyone. You did just fine." Jack slid down the wall to sit down, uttering out grimly. "I still threatened a Jarl... Maybe he was right... Maybe I'm turning into Miraak..."

Mark threw a pillow at him, hitting him directly across the face. Jack hugged the pillow to his chest, shooting a numb look back at Mark. Pointing a stern finger at him, Mark told him seriously. "Jack, stop it. The Jarl was being a stubborn ass and you only spoke the truth. I've known the Jarl a long time and for the first time... I smelled his fear. I saw it on his face. The way those Nords bent a knee to you. The way his own brother would believe every word you say. He's threatened by you because his own people respect you." Jack hugged the pillow tighter to himself, anxiously saying. "Not all of them..." Mark scoffed in response, before scooting closer to him to say lovingly. "You don't need the whole world to love you. You just need enough people to listen and understand. And you gave them something to think about. A man that can stare into the eyes of a dragon and show no fear... That's a leader." Jack chuckled sarcastically, mumbling out embarrassed. "I'm always scared... I just don't let them see that."

Mark chuckled, kissing his cheek before whispering to him sweetly. "That's why you are a powerful leader. In times of war, it's the warriors that are afraid but still show strength that leads people to conquer outstanding odds. You give them faith and hope. But most importantly... You care about them. When you faced the Jarl because you were thinking about his people. The people saw that." Jack smirked, mumbling into the pillow. "You really think that Ulfric and Tullius will listen to me?" Mark shrugged, honestly purring out against his ear. "I don't know... but we won't know unless we try. Now come to bed." Mark touched the circlet on Jack's head, pushing it off him as their lips met in a tender kiss. Jack released the pillow to cup his face better, starting to deepen the kiss when Mark winced in pain. The circlet softly clanged against the stone floor as Mark dropped it and looked down at his hand. Jack glanced at the circlet, then Mark's hand. It didn't take long for his brain to piece it together, causing him to snatch Mark's hand to look at it more closely.

Mark's fingertips had turned a pure white and were smoking. Sean started healing his fingers, asking terrified. "Mark, are you ok?" Mark nodded, smirking as he told him lightly. "Pure silver." Jack frantically healed and checked on Mark's fingers, stating out shakily. "Why are you smiling? That could have killed you! Mark, you've got to be careful." Jack traced Mark's fingertips, quickly asking a bit panicked. "Can you feel this?" Mark raised his fingertips to lift Jack's chin, answering him in a deep loving tone. "I'm ok, Jackaboy." Jack forced himself to take a deep breath, letting Mark pull him into a hug. Mark soon coaxed him to lay down with him and he joined him. Snuggling up with him, Mark whispered sleepily over his shoulder. "I can't wait to take a whole month off and just spent it all in bed with you." Jack chuckled, huddling against Mark's arm as he slowly drifted off. Jack slept for a few hours, before he got up. The castle was so dark it was hard to tell if it was day or night.

Everyone was still asleep, when Jack grabbed his Skaal jacket and headed out into the courtyard. The snow sparkled in the early morning light. The sun hadn't officially come up yet on the horizon, giving off a peaceful sleepy feeling to the world. Finding a spot by the edge of the cliff, Jack took a seat and crossed his legs. Staring at the bright blue and pink horizon, he slowly closed his eyes and tried to meditate a bit. Letting his mind go blank, he sat listening to the soft sounds of birds in the far distance. As his mind drifted to meditating on the words of power, he felt his body pulsing with magic. The more it pulsed the more he felt at ease with it. It was like getting to know his magic better. Feeling how strong his magic had become and how his emotions effected his energy. A strong cold gust of wind hit him from behind, before the sounds of crunching snow. Jack smirked to himself, then slowly climbed to his feet. Turning around slowly, he bowed his head to the old white dragon. Paarthurnax grinned, folding his tattered wings stiffly as he purred out. "Drem Yol Lok, Dovahkiin." Jack lifted his head from his bow, replying with a warm smile. "Drem Yol Lok, Paarthurnax. You look well. Have your wounds healed?" Paarthurnax smirked, his voice practically purring out with joy. "They have. Although... age is slowing me down quite a bit these days. How are you, Hatchling?" Jack rushed across the snow to hug Paarthurnax's nose. He didn't know why, but he felt like giving a hug to his friend. Paarthurnax purred in response, giving Jack goosebumps. His scales felt as cold as the snow, but his breath was so warm as it puffed out over his chest from a large nostril. When Jack stepped back, he told him casually. "After the days I've been having... It's just so good to see you."

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