Part 139

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As Odahviing free fell from the tower, Jack squeezed his thighs tight and squeezed his arms around Nate even tighter. Nate raised his hands into the air, letting out an excited cry of pleasure that overpowered Jack's own screams of fear, making Odahviing chuckle deeply. Odahviing arched his back at the last second, spreading his large reddish-brown wings to catch the wind. Odahviing rose quickly back into the air, riding a wind current up passed the clouds of morning. The clouds puffed over his skin, dampening them in light water. Jack shivered, loosening his grip as Odahviing straightened out to glide over the clouds smoothly. The sunrise was beautiful from up here. It was peaceful with bright shades of colors with a ground of fluffy clouds. Nate stared at the soft colors, mumbling to himself softly. "Wow... One could get inspired up here... So, beautiful." Jack looked to the horizon, stating out himself. "I wish Mark could see this..." Nate reached back to pat his thigh, warmly encouraging him. "I'll help you bring him home. You have my word."

Jack looked at him, asking a little doubtful. "How? I still don't understand why a Daedric Lord that I've never met would help me with this? And no offense... but the ones I have dealt with... they ask for heavy prices." Nate stared into his eyes, answering confidently. "The price isn't yours to pay. It's mine. You're not the only one on a quest to save the world. Helping you will help me get the hang of myself and if not... I'm not coming back." Jack raised an eyebrow, asking perplexed. "I don't understand... I thought you were a Bard?" Nate scoffed, chuckling out. "What? You think that because I'm just a Bard that I can't be an adventurer? Come on." Jack shrugged, asking him curiously. "Ok... So, what quest are you on?" Nate glanced over his shoulder, saying seriously. "I was working with the Vampire hunters to take out Lord Harkon. But I a... hit a snag." Jack cleared his throat, adding lightly. "You got bitten?" Nate licked his lips anxiously, before regaling honestly. "I went to steal something from his men... and unearthed his daughter... literally."

Jack's eyes widened as he mumbled out. "Oh, Nate... You didn't... Did you?" Nate shot him a narrowed look, but reluctantly admitted. "She didn't give me a choice. She'd been buried for centuries... and I was the only thing living in the damn place. Let's just say that I'm lucky to be alive... but now Lord Harkon hunts me because of what I'm becoming and the Dawnguard too. I've been able to outrun them... but what I'm becoming... I'm afraid. Every day it gets harder to resist. I don't know what kind of monster I'll be... but I feel something cold and dark beneath the surface." Odahviing turned his head to calmly state back. "Primal nature is hard to overcome. Fearing yourself will only make you more dangerous to those around you." Nate huffed, retorting back shortly. "I know. Which is why I was told to do this... I have to get this under control." Odahviing chuckled, uttering out dryly. "You'll take your newfound powers out on the dead? How will that help? Or is your plan to battle Dovahkiin there?"

Jack stiffened, until Nate quickly retorted. "No. There is a special Dragon in Skuldafn. A legendary guardian... No one has ever gotten past it. And Sanguine thinks it will give me my answer. And if all else fails... I can distract it long enough to get the Dragonborn through." Jack was taken aback as he said aloud. "This is a suicide mission for you?" Nate scoffed with some defiance, stating back honestly. "I hope not... but I'm damned anyway." Jack straightened up, reluctantly telling him with a serious tone. "I know what you're going through... Mark was afraid of his own curse at first. He thought it would change him into a monster too. But he learned to control it and I think you can too." Nate raised an eyebrow, asking curiously. "What does he suffer from?" Jack bit his lip, mumbling out softly. "Mark is a... a Werewolf." Nate let out a chuckle but said in a playful voice. "Is that right? Damn. No wonder he didn't like me... He probably smelled it on me." Jack smirked, adding out with a smile. "Actually... He told me you just smelled like alcohol... Which you do."

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