Part 120

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Jack relaxed only slightly as Hermaeus Mora backed away from him. He didn't like that Hermaeus Mora didn't appear to know anything about personal space. Even now, he wasn't as far away as he wanted him to be. He could still smell his stagnant bog water stench. Hermaeus Mora's tentacles released him but they hovered around him protectively. Shuffling his feet, Jack cleared his throat, grumbling out sternly. "What do you want from me this time? And don't bother asking for my soul... because I won't give it up to you..." Millions of tiny eyes blinked at him from all over Hermaeus Mora's large swirling black mass, before his big eye drifted closer to answer in a cool tone. "Of course not. Your progress since obtaining my Oghma Infinium has been rapid. You follow closely in the footsteps of my servant Miraak... but you still have much to learn. For now, I do not require your soul. You seek to bend the world to your will and I only wish to help you." Jack straightened up to his full height, defensively yelling out. "I do not! I'm trying to save it!"

Hermaeus Mora's large eye tilted to the side, upon innocently stating out. "In order to save it, you must impose your will on others. To fix a broken world, you must be willing to... bend it into a new shape. No matter how noble your intentions, it means the same thing. If even one person opposes, you impose your authority on them. All to avoid the... chaos of the opposing side." Jack lowered his eyes to the ground, feeling that hit him like a weight across his shoulders. He had never seen it like that before. A tentacle slithered over his shoulder to bring him slight comfort, when he added out to him in a glorified tone. "I am willing to help you learn Miraak's secrets. All you need to do... Is ask for it. I am... Your friend." The words sparked Jack out of his gloom, causing him to swat off the tentacle from his shoulder as he sneered back. "Like you were Miraak's? Yet, here you are. Plotting to kill him with me. You're no one's friend. I don't need your help. I'll learn Miraak's secrets on my own."

Hermaeus Mora blinked slow and unphased, telling him casually. "All that Miraak knows, he learned from me. I know him better than you do. If you have any chance of defeating him... you will need my help. To brush away my generosity is unwise. Especially, when you have so much more to lose than he does." Jack took a shaky step back, feeling like this conversation was cleverly planned to trap him. He couldn't deny that losing the fight with Miraak would cost him everything. Miraak would kill him and anyone that opposed him without remorse. However, to win... the cost could be just as devastating. Once again, He was dreading the idea that this could only end one way. Hermaeus Mora's tentacles wrapped around his shoulder and neck, forcing him to look at him. Staring deep into his large eye, Hermaeus Mora purred out to him rather firmly. "Miraak has served me long and well. But he grows restless under my guidance. His desire to return to your world will spread my influence more widely. But it will also set him free from my direct control. Allowing him to shape the world into feeling as empty as he feels."

Hermaeus Mora closed his large eye for a minute or two, sounding slightly disappointed when he stated out. "This is where we began to disagree. Forcing me to replace him for a more loyal servant. One who will appreciate the gifts I have to offer. So, you see... defeating him benefits us both. I prefer a controlled chaos. Enough to be feared and worshipped as the opposing force that I am." Hermaeus Mora opened his eye again, locking his gaze on Jack as he seductively drawled out to him. "Miraak served me well and was rewarded. Now I offer you the same. I can grant you the same power as he wields, but all knowledge has its price." Jack swallowed, lifting his chin a bit to avoid a tentacle stroking his lips again as he asked numbly. "I can't imagine this price isn't light... So, just tell me already. What is your price for such a... generous gift now?" The corners of the large eye perked up in a creepy kind of smile as Hermaeus Mora answered gleefully. "Knowledge for knowledge."

Jack narrowed his eyes on him, mumbling out dryly. "Ok... But I don't think I know anything that you don't already know yourself..." The tentacles slowly uncoiled from him, lingering on his arms and chest though as Hermaeus Mora almost lovingly informed him in a tender voice. "Not you, my champion. I want you to simply convince them to give their knowledge up to me. You see, the Skaal have withheld their secrets from me for many long years. The time has finally come for this knowledge to be added to my library." Jack stiffened up at the idea that Hermaeus Mora even knew he had come into contact with the Skaal. Inhaling a shaky breath, he cautiously uttered out in a soft curious tone. "What if the Skaal refuse to give up their secrets?" Hermaeus Mora's tentacle moved up to his cheek to caress it, almost menacingly telling him. "I'm sure you can convince them in some way. After all, without my help... Miraak wins. And the first place he will burn to the ground will be their village. All thanks to you helping them cleanse the stones."

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