Part 35

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Jack shifted in his sleepy state to snuggle closer toward the warmth in his bed.  He hadn't slept this peaceful in days.  No nightmares.  No visions.  No warnings.  It felt good.  He never wanted to leave this bed.  Someone softly cleared their throat and Jack's eyes flew open.  He had almost forgotten where they were.  Lifting his head up, Jack tried to recall last night.  Then blushed a bright red.  They had been drinking and fooling around, until eventually Mark pulled the fur blankets off both their cots to lay across the stone floor.  With Mark's blanket under them and his blanket over them, it was much more comfortable than the stupid single cot had been.  Jack slowly sat up from laying across Mark and pulled the fur blanket up his exposed chest.  Sure, as a guy he didn't have anything that Master Arngeir hadn't seen before... but he was always kind of self-conscious about the way he looked.  Compared to nords, he was scrawny. 

Besides that, Jack had heard rumors about devote monks that raped people to quench their lust.  He wasn't so sure these Greybeards were the type, but you could never tell with people anymore.  Master Arngeir stood close by, keeping his eyes averted to the ceiling as he told Jack very softly.  "Dragonborn, Can we have a word with you"?  Jack trembled a bit from the guilty nervousness he felt, but whispered back.  "Ya, sure. Just a... Give me a minute".  Master Arngeir simply turned around, but didn't leave.  Slipping carefully out of the blankets.  Jack gathered up his clothes and quickly dressed himself.  Jack thought about waking Mark, but simply tucked him in.  He'd let him sleep.  When he was ready, he walked along Master Arngeir as he lead him across the castle at a slow walk as to not make any noise.  They never rushed anything. 

While they walked, Master Arngeir told him in a soft casually voice.  "Were the cots not comfortable for either of you last night"?  Jack rubbed his shoulder anxiously.  He didn't want to offend the greybeards, but he didn't want to lie either.  Reluctantly, Jack answered just as softly.  "We are just used to sleeping together".  Master Arngeir nodded, folding his hands before him as he stated a little seriously.  "I understand. However, It should come as no surprise why we find this to be a bit of a concern. Your voice is a very powerful weapon. With a strong natural gift such as yours, if it were released in a heightened emotional state... It could be devastating".  Jack bit his lip.  He had already seen what happens first hand.  Although, he wouldn't necessarily call it 'Devastating'.  Jack nodded, refusing to say anything on the matter.  It was too personal. 

Master Arngeir then simply continued on a bit lighter.  "We simply just want you to take care, Dragonborn. A gift like yours needs to be protected and nurtured. With our guidance we can provide this. Which leads me to why you have been summoned this morning".  Master Arngeir stopped to gesture into a large room with a circular table and many high back chairs.  All the Greybeards were sitting silently at the round hollowed out table as the fire pit in the center of them crackled softly.  Jack cautiously entered and looked up at the worn out gold and silver banners hanging around the room.  Upon the banners were dragon runes, but Jack didn't get a chance to read them as Master Arngeir gently guided him to an open black stone chair.  Taking a seat, Master Arngeir walked around the table to take his own seat across from him. 

When he was settled, he told Jack in a proud voice.  "We were convening last night and came to a unanimous decision. We would like you to join us".  Jack blinked a little confused and looked around the table.  They were all staring at him with expecting eyes.  Jack shrugged, honestly expressing to them graciously.  "I'm flattered. Really, I don't know what to say... but I'm not sure what this means".  Master Arngeir rested his hands on the table, still informing him with a proud booming voice.  "By joining us, Dragonborn. We will teach you all there is to know about who and what you are. We will take you under our wing and teach you how to master the full potential of your voice. Then when you are ready. You will be able to travel up to the peak of the mountain.  To the summit of throat of the world and meet the highest of our order. Paarthurnax". 

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