Part 103

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Jack exhaled slowly, waiting to see if the mind controlled workers would fight him. Instead, they all just stood like statues. Watching him closely. There was no doubt in Jack's mind now. Miraak was watching him. Frea lowered her axe in awe, asking both of them shakily. "What in the name of the All-Maker was that?" Mark cautiously approached Jack without answering her to ask Jack softly. "Jack? You alright?" Jack lifted his chin proudly, commanding them both seriously. "Come on. We have to keep moving." He couldn't say anything to them about how his own power had surprised him. He couldn't show fear. Not while Miraak was watching. Jack didn't wait for them. He quickly strolled down the spiral to the small narrow iron carved door. Pulling it open, Jack quickly stepped inside. He stopped just inside only when he noticed that Frea and Mark were right behind him. Mark was the last one in and as he closed the door, he whirled around to snap at him. "Are you going to explain to me what happened out there? Since when can you do something like that?"

Jack gave him an honest shrug, answering coolly. "Just now. I don't know. Maybe the meditating that I did on the boat made my shouts more powerful? At least we are alive." Frea gave Mark a nervous nod, telling him hesitantly. "He does have a point... A necromancer would have been hard for us to take out on our own." Mark held out a polite hand to stop her, addressing Jack with a concerned voice. "As grateful as I am, that is not what worries me. Jack... You had control over that thing... didn't you?" Frea's eyes widened as the thought sank in. She had been the closet to it after it snatched the last Cultist. Jack shuffled his feet nervously, mumbling out to the ground. "I think so... I don't know." Mark moved closer, stating out in complete shock. "You think so? You don't know?!" Jack licked his dry lips, glancing anywhere but at them as he defensively replied. "I don't know, Mark! I've never seen it do that before! I may be a Mage, but I don't have all the answers. I'm just a vessel magic works through. I can't control every detail about it."

Mark stared at him with guarded eyes, telling him sternly. "Jack, I'm trying to be understanding... but you've got to understand my concern. You've lost your temper before... I just don't want you to-" Jack cut him off as he straightened up to snap out. "To what? Turn into Miraak?! How can you even think that?!" Mark's shoulders dropped and his voice took on a deeper tone as he finished off casually. "To hurt people." The tension in Jack's body faded away, making him feel guilty and ashamed for assuming. Mark reached out to place a comforting hand on his shoulder, soothingly telling him. "Jack... Should I be worried about you? Is something wrong?" Jack looked up from the ground, asking Frea in a shaky voice. "Can you give us minute? Please?" Frea nodded respectfully, pointing ahead with her axe as she softly told them. "Sure thing. I'll scout ahead for more of Miraak's followers." Jack nodded to her, waiting until she had walked far enough down the tunnel that he could speak openly without her overhearing.

Letting out a deep shaky exhale, Jack turned to face Mark. Placing his hands on Mark's chest, he whispered to him in a strained voice. "Mark... I'm scared." Mark raised his warm hands to cup his cold face, telling him in a confidant deep voice. "It's alright. You're not going through this alone." Jack laid his hands on Mark's gauntleted wrists, admitting to him. "No, Mark. You don't understand... I can still feel him... He's in me. And I'm scared..." Mark shook his head defiantly, saying assuredly. "No, Jack. He's not. It's probably just the side effects of the Fear spell. You're fine." Jack felt a tear run down his cheek, when he shakily told Mark. "It's not. I can feel him in my heart, and I can see him in my dreams. He did something to me... Mark, I don't know what to do..." Mark wrapped an arm around Jack's neck, pulling him in for a strong hug. Against his ear, Mark practically growled out. "Listen to me, Jack. He's not taking you from me. But I need you to help me fight him. I can't do it by myself or I would."

Jack sniffled, taking a step back from Mark, he wiped a stray tear off his cheek. He was going to say more, when Frea cautiously strolled back toward them and asked lightly. "Are you ready to help me now? We should not delay." Jack gave her a swift nod over his shoulder without really looking in her direction. Mark cupped Jack's cheek, stroking his thumb over her cheekbone lovingly. The gestured made a tiny smile appear on Jack's face. To which, Mark grinned and then patted Jack on the shoulder to encourage him to follow. As they made their way down the tunnel, Frea pointed to the rooms on either side, telling them over her shoulder. "I already checked these rooms for supplies while you were talking. A few dusty health potions that the Cultists were stashing. They might come in handy." Jack leaned forward to peek into the first room. Seeing a rounded table with fancy high back chairs that just barely fit into the small room. The walls all around it had shelves carved into them to save space. It was rather nice in a spooky dusty kind of way.

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