Part 124

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Jack slowly climbed up onto his feet, the tip of Dragonbane dragging across the ground with a horrible scrapping sound. Turning to face Miraak, Jack stood up straight and locked emotionless eyes on Miraak. Miraak chuckled behind his mask, commenting playfully. "You really believe you can still take me? After what you just saw?" Jack lifted his chin, smirking darkly as he answered. "Ya... I do. Because you want my body... intact." Miraak stiffened at the thought, giving Jack the opening that he wanted, and he didn't hesitate. Jack quickly hefted Dragonbane, preparing to strike as he uttered out loudly. "Wuld Nah Hest!" Dashing over the ground in a whirlwind of speed, Jack hoped to mortally clip Miraak with Dragonbane. Miraak was surprised for a split second, before he shouted seconds before the blade hit. "Mul Qah Diiv!" Miraak's body began to shimmer and glow mere seconds before Dragonbane struck a powerful ward. The jarring blow caused Jack to stagger and drop to a knee.

The force of his own shout made him spin slightly from the impact, sliding him back a few feet away from Miraak. Jack let himself coast to a stop facing Miraak, quickly trying to assess if he had done anything to him. Miraak straightened up slowly from his crouch, lowering his hands as he dispelled his shield ward and turned around to face him. Miraak's ward had deflected his blade. His attack had done nothing, except provoke Miraak into fighting. What made matters worse was that Miraak's shout had been for Dragon Aspect. Miraak's whole body was now shrouded in a shimmering dragon like appearance of magical energy. He was certainly menacing to look at... and then he unfurled a set of magical dragon wings that shined with golden light. Miraak even had a magical dragon tail that swung behind him casually. He was the embodiment of a humanoid dragon. Miraak withdrew his sword, stating out with calm amusement. "Clever. You actually surprised me. Now let me show you real power, Jack."

One of Miraak's ethereal dragon wings swung out in front of him and in a shimmer, Miraak was gone from sight! Jack rose to his feet quickly, looking for any invisible shimmer or movement. A soft gust of wind brushed past him and he spun around to look into the heartless eyes of Miraak. Jack fell back across the ground in surprise, just as Miraak swung at him with a black sword that appeared to be a type of hybrid sword. It was the size of a slender short sword but designed almost like a scimitar. On the thick guard of the sword was a single sickly-looking eye and the whole blade was wrapped in slimy green tentacles like thorn vines. The sharp tip of the blade sliced across Jack's chest, making him scream in agonizing pain. Through the pain, Jack rolled over, scrambling to his feet to get away from him. He couldn't believe that Miraak was willing to destroy the body that he needed! After staggering a few feet away, he stumbled down to his knees weakly. Glancing back to where he had come from, he was surprised to see that Miraak hadn't run after him.

Jack touched his burning chest, preparing to heal himself... only to find that he hadn't been cut. Looking down at himself in shock, he saw that not even his clothes had been cut. Yet, his chest was burning as if he had been cut deeply by him. Miraak's ethereal dragon wings rose menacingly behind him, his tail wagging like a calm and confident cat. Lifting his sword to point at him, he smugly told him. "Did you think that I didn't take this fight into consideration? My sword doesn't attack the body... Just the soul. A gift from Hermaeus Mora to his true champion. Accept your fate, Jack. You can't win this fight. You're a sacrificial lamb... and your time is up." Jack slowly staggered back up to his feet, grunting out bitterly. "Not yet it isn't." Straightening himself up he shouted out boldly. "Mul Qah Diiv!" The rush of power flew through him, clustering just outside his body like a second skin. He hoped that Dragon Aspect would offer him more protection against Miraak's attacks. Even his magical sword should have a harder time.

Miraak lowered his sword with a hearty laugh, teasing him through a chuckle. "Is that all you can muster?" Jack raised an eyebrow, then looked himself over. His heart sank a little when he realized that he had no wings or a tail. He didn't understand it. He had the power for it... but the spell only gave him bare minimum result. Miraak shrugged at him, playfully teasing back. "Oh, don't look so surprised. Spells take practice to use..." Jack hefted Dragonbane with a stern expression, grumbling out. "Laugh it up. I'm still standing." Miraak nodded in agreement, seconds before his wings tilted and he shot across the ground straight for him. Jack braced himself, shouting to use his own Whirlwind Sprint. In the center of the tower, their blades clashed at such velocity that both blades burst with magical energy. Dragonbane pulsed with a bright light that made the dragons in the air scream with fear and pain as a loud ringing rang out through the air. While Miraak's blade pulsed with a darker energy that began spewing black tentacles from the ground all around them.

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