moving in together

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Posted by - bringthepaayne

Harry: you and Harry have been together for almost a year. you spend equal amounts of time at each other's places, sometimes sleeping there for a week at a time. there's a drawer in his dresser for you and he's got a toothbrush on the counter in your bathroom. you're over one night, the two of you watching tv together on the couch. "oh, I got you something," he says at the commercial, waving off your protests. "stop it, it's just something little." he rummages in his pocket and then drops something small and silver in your palm. you look down at it and your eyes go wide when you see that it's a key. he grins at you when you give him a slightly confused look. "thought maybe you could move in with me? sell your apartment? you spend so much time here as it is, no point in paying rent on both places. figured I should give you your own key, maybe some space in the closet, a shelf in the bathroom, too. maybe we could put your sheets on the bed? I like them better than mine."

Liam: "that's the last box, babe!" he calls from the living room, setting it down next to the couch and then flopping onto it. he kicks his feet up on the couch as you make your way down the hallway. "I didn't realize you had so much stuff, Y/N," he says, grinning at you and pulling you over to him. he sets you on his lap and wraps his arms around your waist, pushing his face into your collarbone. "I'm so happy you're here," he whispers, kissing the spot where your neck meets your chest. "I'm so happy I've got you and I'm so happy you moved in with me." you laugh and kiss his lips once. "I'm really happy, too, Li," you say, still holding his face in your hands. "why don't we finish unpacking and I'll show you just how happy I am?" he raises his eyebrows and scoops you up, carrying you to the bedroom. "the boxes can wait," he says, mouth attaching to your neck.

Louis: you wake up at his apartment, wrapped in his sheets, but he's not in bed. you can hear his voice though, singing through the flat, and the tell-tale smell of bacon tells you exactly what he's doing. you clamber out of bed, picking one of his shirts up off the bedroom floor and yanking it over your head, walking towards the kitchen. you walk up behind him and put your arms around his waist, pressing your nose against his shoulder. "morning, beautiful," he says to you with a grin. "mornin', handsome," you mumble into his shirt. "I like it when you sleep over," he says. "I like waking up here," you reply, leaning forward to kiss his cheek. "what if you moved in with me? then you could wake up here all the time..." you pull back and look at him, suddenly wide awake. "are you serious, Lou?" he grins. "completely."

Niall: you're cooking in Niall's kitchen and he's sitting at the island watching, begging for a taste of the stir fry you've been working on for the last hour. "I like it when you cook for me," he says when you feed him a piece of green pepper off the end of the wooden spoon, laughing when he almost drops it. "'s nice." you turn back to the stove and jump a little when his arms are suddenly around you, chin resting on your shoulder. "you're nice," you say quietly, stirring the pan with a blush and a smile on your face. "you're nice, too," he replies, kissing your cheek. "but y'know what would be even nicer?" he asks and you shake your head. "tell me, Ni." he clears his throat once and squeezes his arms around you. "if you lived here, with me. then we could cook dinner together and make out on the couch all the time and take showers together and stuff." "Ni, we can do that anyway." "yeah, but I want you to /live/ with me, Y/N." he holds a key in front of your nose and you kiss him by way of a reply.

Zayn: you wake up with his head tucked under your arm, arms slung around your waist. "wake up, sleepy," you mumble out, your voice thick with sleep. you run your hand over his hair, letting your fingers slip through the silky strands over and over. "your bed's too small," he murmurs against your skin, pressing a kiss to your chest and rolling so he's on top of you, bracing his arms on either side of you. "mine's bigger." you bark out a laugh and he drops his lips to your neck. "well, I know that," you say, giggling at the innuendo. "but really," he mutters, "what if we slept in my bed every night instead of sometimes sleeping here and sometimes at my place? I mean, my place is closer to your work and it makes more sense, right? you could sell this place and then you wouldn't have to worry about rent and maybe we could get a puppy or something and I-" you press a fleeting kiss to his lips and then flop back against the pillow. "Zayn, are you asking me to move in with you?"

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