You Get Hit on...

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You Get Hit on...

Harry: "Ready to go?" Harry asked, grabbing your hand. You nodded your head and hoped you would both go unnoticed. "Let’s go," you grinned. Your cocktail dress that you had worn to your dinner reservations was not cooperating. It looked way shorter than usual, because it rode up your waist every few minutes. Harry sure didn’t mind, he sent you cheeky winks throughout your date. He held the door open for you and simultaneously held his warm hand on the small of your back. The outside air blew into your faces and moistened your eyes for a moment. There was a small gaggle of photographers to your left, already snapping photos with their large obnoxious cameras. "Y/N, looking good!" One shouted, reminding you to pull down your dress. He wolf- whistled and said, "Need my card? S’got my number on it, love!" He flicked his crummy business card your way-which Harry caught. He stopped in his tracks and ripped it into small pieces in front of the much older man’s face. "She will not be needing that, thank you," Harry indicated. You snickered after Harry joined your side once more. "Creep," he uttered, making you laugh once more.

Liam: "Wanna wait out here while I go run into the Pharmacy and grab some stuff for the train?" Liam asked, looking down into your eyes. You shrugged and smiled nonetheless. He kissed your cheek and walked inside of the small store. You hoped that Liam wouldn’t take very long-you had a train to catch. You also didn’t feel your best, being that you were sporting yoga pants and a sweatshirt for your long ride. As you went to grab your cell phone to use to check the time, your wallet made it’s way to the floor. You bent down to pick it up- but you felt a hand slap your bottom as you did so. "Nice," a guttural voice spoke. "Excuse me?" You gasped, now standing straight and facing the pervert. He was interrupted as he was about to say another word, "Is there a problem here?" Liam asked, noticing your expression. "Your girl’s got a nice, no, I don’t believe there is," the stranger replied smartly. A right hook to the jaw was all it took to send him away, regretting his actions and choice of words. "That’ll teach ‘im. Nobody treats you like that, alright?" Liam declared, "Now enough of that, let’s go catch a train!"

Niall: "Mullingar is amazing, Niall. I love it here!" You smiled, taking another sip from the beer you were sharing with Niall. His arm was around your shoulders as you walked back from the shops to Niall’s home. He blushed a bit, proud of his hometown and his blood. "Yes, I come down here at every chance I get. Homey, isn’t it?" You nod and observe the nearly empty streets and the beautiful sunset. "Is it usually this vacant?" you ask. But Niall’s attention was shifted to a slow driving car beside the side walk-only a few feet away from you both. It didn’t take long for you to notice either. The car rode alongside you both now, and the driver rolled down his window. "Hey, sexy, why don’t you join me so I can teach you a good time!" A clearly intoxicated man spoke. He eyed your bare legs and chest. You became scared immediately, but luckily Niall wasn’t intimidated. "Why don’t you go and get your dirty ass away from her before I beat the shit out of you?” Niall spit, his Irish genes coming out by the second. The driver just scoffed and threw a beer can at your feet. “When you drop this bloke, you can come and find me, lass.” And he drove off, but not before Niall could flip him off. “Ya’ alright?” Niall winced, stopping to hug you. You only nodded, disgusted at the event. “I promise, I won’t let anyone treat you like that, alright, babe?”

Louis: 'Keep your head down.. don't turn around,' you thought, wishing you could magically transport yourself to your car to get out of this situation. Another whistle sounded from the chapped lips of the grungy man who was leaning against the window of his car. You stopped at the grocery store, and on your way out was a cab driver, parked at the curb and awaiting another costumer inside. But apparently, your legs weren’t fast enough and he made a rude remark towards you. “Wait up, baby!” Louis called, carrying the other half of the grocery bags. The expression changed on the mans face from cocky, to disappointed. Louis didn’t stop him, though. He wolf-whistled and clapped a few more times. Your boyfriend knew he was gesturing towards you, and became enraged. His muscles bulged and he puffed out his chest. “She’s not a dog, alright?” Louis voice was thick and venomous, “Make one more noise and I’ll come over there and knock you out.” He turned back around towards you and growled. “No one treats you like that—as long as I’m around.’

Zayn: “‘scuse me? Where are the bathrooms?” You asked a man, who was facing the lighting panels. “The only thing we have here at the moment are those porta-pottys down there,” he explained, pointing to a row of four outdoor toilets, “but you’re… I’ll let you use the facility bathroom.” His eyes trailed down your body and back, making you uncomfortable. But honestly, you did not want to use the outdoor toilets, so you figured he would lead you to the bathroom without trying anything. You were wrong. He placed his hand on your back that slowly made its way down to your bottom. You said nothing, yet desperately wanted to shove his hand off of you. You both continued walking down the corridor while an awkward air circled around you both. He finally dropped his hand, only to grab his keys and use them to unlock the door. “There you Call me if you need anything else..if you know what I mean.” he winked. When you exited the bathroom, he was gone. You saw from a distance Zayn and the other four boys running to get changed. “Zayn!” you called, running towards him. “Hey babe, I was just about to look for you! Having fun?” You didn’t answer. He opened the door for you to get into his dressing room. As he peeled off his clothes, you spoke, “Zayn, I need to tell you something.” He checked his watch, “You have forty five seconds before I get out there..what’s up?” You spoke quickly, “There was this really strange crew member who led me to the bathroom who was touching me a lot and calling me rude names! I just thought I’d let you know, but I’m just really..,” you shuddered, “creeped out.” He stopped rushing his clothes on and looked you in the eyes. “By the time this show is over, I’m gonna have his ass fired. Doesn’t who know who’s you are?” Zayn growled. He forced his lips on yours, not caring about how long it was until he had to make a run for the stage.


Posted by happyhorann

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