"I Did Love You"

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"I Did Love You"


"I did love you, didn’t I," Liam asked, pulling on the hospital bracelet still attached to his wrist. The amnesia wasn’t as bad as it was when he woke up, but I still felt terrible, knowing I only got out with few cuts and bruises. It was funny how he remembered everything with the band, but that was probably for the best. He couldn’t lose what he loved, even if it meant he lost us in the process. "You did. But I’m not going to push you to remember, or make you stay with me if it makes you feel uncomfortable. I can go." I let go of his hand and the cold bar attached to his side, and went to leave. "Y/N), I want to remember. I remember little by little, and I know I did love you…so much. I just need-" "I know. You need time. And I get it," I mumbled, leaving him in his room confused and needing answers. Answers that hurt to much to tell if he didn’t believe me.


"I don’t know how you can stay with me like this. After all the bullshit I’ve pulled. I don’t deserve you," Harry whispered. He wasn’t right in the words he said. We both messed up sometimes, but I loved him. I wouldn’t lie and say he hurt me a long time ago, but my heart was always with him. Apart or together. "Harry, back when we were…really screwed up, even if you think I didn’t, I did love you. No matter what, I always will. So stop doubting yourself. You can’t keep me away, no matter what new bullshit comes along," I joked, kissing his lips to disintegrate his earlier words. "Don’t ever leave. Always love me. Never stop please, because I could never love somebody else," Harry replied. His lips were only inches away from my neck, and his hands held me close to him, his grip proving he was scared I would run. "I couldn’t stop if I tried Harry."


A run-in with an ex is never a good thing to most people. But seeing Zayn again was some breath of clean air, after walking through smoke. It had been weeks with no word. He asked me the simple questions, like how I’d been and what I was doing now. But his last question before I got the chance to leave startled me. “Did you ever love me,” Zayn mumbled, his eyes looking strained and pain-stricken. The clouds were darkening outside, and little droplets of rain started to pour on the both of us. Did I ever love him? Was he turning into a fucking idiot? “How the hell can you say that? I did love you Zayn. I still do. You just didn’t try hard enough.” “That’s bullshit. I tried my best to make us work. You know I did,” He snapped. “Well, I guess you’re best wasn’t good enough,” I mumbled, knowing if my voice got any higher it would break. I would break.


Words and memories replayed over and over in my head, wondering how he could say this now. I love you? He was just a tad bit too late. After we had been friends for so long, knowing we would never be together, I had to move on. I couldn’t whine or sulk on what would never be. And now, this just brought every emotion back in, or released them from their repression. “Niall, you can’t expect me to do this now,” I said clenching my hands into fists. “Don’t marry him (Y/N)! You know you love me. We’ve known each other for-” “Exactly! You tell me this the night before my wedding, and now I should just run off with you because I love..” I stopped myself before I could continue, and sat back in front of my vanity. “Niall, I did love you. I may still, but I can’t do this. You can’t expect me to just pick you because I’m conflicted and you’re what you think the obvious choice. It isn’t fair to me.”


My phone beeped beside the papers stacked on my desk, and I immediately answered it after I discovered it was Louis’ ID. “Hello?” “Hey pretty girl,” Louis slurred with a slight giggle in his tone. “Louis, are you drunk?” “You are too smart for your own good.” I rolled my eyes, and ran to get my keys. “Louis where are you?” “Did you ever love me (Y/N)?” “What?” “I know you didn’t,” He growled, “If you did, you wouldn’t have left.” “That isn’t true. I did love you.” When I said the words, the other line went dead, along with my voice, trying to figure out what to do next.


Posted by harrystyleit

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