Keep It

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'Keep It'

Zayn: Tears burn at the back of your eyes as you look away. It's starting to feel as though the two of you spend more time saying goodbye than you do anything else; muffled announcements and lingering glances haunt the lounges of each airport you visit. Zayn cups your hands in his, pressing something into one of your palms. It's something small and smooth and curved - a ring. "Keep it?" His voice is a whisper but you still catch a small smile, a flicker of warmth.

Liam: "We've been meaning to keep it quiet actually." He boyfriend leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he clasps his hands together. The interviewer is still prodding, still poking. Liam glances over, uncertainty etched into his expression. You offer a small wave and a supporting smile from your position on the rim of the studio. And suddenly he's biting back a broad grin and you know that it's time. Your boyfriend turns back to the interviewer, eyes ablaze. "But yeah, it's true. Y/N and I are engaged."

Niall: His lips caught the side of your neck, prompting a small squeal. "Niall!" By the time that you turned Niall was already scampering towards the door, a victorious grin plastered across his face. It was only a matter of seconds before you were after him, slipping and sliding as your socks contended with polished floorboards. "Horan!" You bellowed, "you stole that kiss!" "Uh-huh," his response echoed through the corridors, laced with laughter. "All the more reason to keep it."

Louis: He slips one of his sweaters over your head and within seconds you've been engulfed by warmth. The sweater itself is at least two sizes too large. Your thighs vanish behind a veil of fabric. Louis chuckles at your expression, it's not every day that he manages to surprise you. "Keep it, love," he murmurs, pressing a kiss against your forehead. His fingertips brush lightly against your skin, hands settling on your shoulders. "It looks better on you."

Harry: "A key for your place?" You glanced up at Harry, eyes wide. Lately arguments had been escalating. Your throat was raw and you could hear the exhaustion in your voice - he must have seen that. He must have known that you moved from house to house thinking that anything, absolutely anything, was better than a home. "Yours and mine," he murmured, pulling you into a tight hug. "Just promise me that you'll keep it."


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