He leaves for tour

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Niall: He lightly traced his fingers down your cheek, watching the way you leaned into his palm. This was the worst part about his job, the only part he hated: saying goodbye to you. Your eyes fluttered closed as he ran his thumb along your lower lip, his fingers trembling slightly. “Be good, okay?” He said huskily. You wrapped your hand around his, bringing it to your lips. “I always am. You behave.” You admonish gently. Niall can’t believe you can even find a way to joke right now, but damn, does he love you for it. “Always, princess.” The stewardess made the final page for the flight leaving to Japan, and you looked back up at him one last time. His eyes were so soft, so tender. So full of adoration. There were too many words to say and no time to say them. None of them could help though, you both knew that. Saying goodbye was gut wrenching, no amount of soft words would heal the emptiness he’d leave behind. Four long months he’d be gone. You stretched up on your toes and pressed your lips to his, trying to pretend that time wasn’t looming over your shoulder. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” he mumbled against your lips, his hands everywhere. “I love you back.” You tried not to cry. You hated crying. It always made it harder. With a final press of his lips, he turned and ran. He looked back once he got to the plane doors, pressing his fingers to his lips. One day, he promised himself as you stood there watching him, one day he would never leave. One day it would be forever.

Zayn: Zayn needed to be strong for you, because quite honestly, you didn’t handle the distance all that well. Neither did he, really, but as the man, he felt the need to be strong. So when you curled onto his lap in the airport, his happily dropped his bags at his feet so he could better hold you. You pressed your soft lips to his cheek, trying to memorize the feel of his scruff against your skin. “It’s alright, babe,” he said softly, his fingers moving the bangs out of your eyes. He smiled at you, that soft sweet smiled that had captured your heart so many months ago. “I know.” you said lamely, hating that you weren’t as brave as him. “Doesn’t make it any easier, I know.” He confessed, his fingers tracing yours. He looked at the bracelet you wore that he gave you. You never took the damn thing off. He ran his fingers over your wrist and pressed his lips to the pulse there, just taking a moment. This was hard for Zayn, he hated leaving you. Hated that he couldn’t take you. “Be strong for me, yeah?” He said against your skin. You just nodded, fat tears welling in your eyes. As he sat there holding you, Zayn meant what he said about you being strong for him. He needed it because it’s the only thing that would keep him together, too. Being without you was hard, and Zayn felt the distance in every single step he took away from you. Home was never quite so far away.

Harry: "Maybe you’ll fit in my suitcase," Harry said lightly, measuring the two of you side by side. You shot him an exasperated look as he grinned, his green eyes twinkling mischievously. "Just saying, your small enough," You stuck your tongue out at him and took his hand, slowly making your way through the airport. It’d been a normal morning, full of laughter and love. You both promised yourselves you wouldn’t dwell on what was happening, but it was hard not too. You both got quieter the further you walked into the airport and the grips you had on each others hands got a little bit tighter. When you reached his gate, you stopped eyeing it warily. "Do you have to?" You blurt before you stop yourself. You watched him stop and look at you, disbelief on his face. You’d never asked him to stay before, but you just couldn’t say goodbye to him again. “I can’t,” you cried, wrapping your arms around him. “I always think it’ll get easier but it doesn’t.” Harry dropped his bag, scooping you up into his chest. “I always come home to you. Don’t I? Don’t I?” he asked desperately, his lips racing over your face. You nodded yes, trying to memorize him. “I’ll come home to you again. I swear it. You are home for me, there is no home for me without you.”

Liam: Liam was almost annoyed at how well you were handling him being gone for four months. You hadn’t cried, hadn’t gotten upset. In fact, you seemed almost damn cheerful to see him leave. He glowered at you as he stalked through the airport, practically dragging you through the crowd. You didn’t comment, you just kept smiling as you matched his pace. When he reached his gate, he dropped your hand. “Liam?” You called, confusion covering your features. “Aren’t you going to say goodbye?” He stared at you a long moment, confused as well. “You don’t seem so concerned,” he growled out. “Smiling and happy all morning. It’s like you can’t wait to see me leave.” You coiled back as if you’d been slapped, your mouth agape. “Liam, no.” You closed the gap between the two of you and pressed your forehead to his. “My heart is breaking,” you said, kissing him deeply. “I hate saying goodbye to you. I hate it. I don’t want you to go, not now, not ever. I was just trying to make it easier on us both.” he shook his hand, his fingers lacing with yours as he kissed the breath out of you, his fingers tightening on yours. “I’ll be back,” he said hotly, nipping your lower lip. “Watch out for me, babe,” he tossed you a wink and kissed you one last time before disappearing onto the plane.

Louis:  He eyed the plane out the window, glaring at it. Why couldn’t the flight have been delayed today? Even if only for an hour? It was early, a little after Four a.m. and you were sleeping soundly beside him. You had on his sweatshirt and a pair of skinny jeans and god damn, were you adorable sleeping like that against him. He ran his fingers down your cheeks, his eyes softening as you nuzzled his hand. Damn, was he going to miss you. Damn, damn, damn.This is the only thing he hated about what he did. The only thing. If he had it his way, he’d pull you out of school and drag you around with him, but Louis respected you too much to do that. So instead, he stared down at your sleeping figure wondering how he was going to survive the next four months without you next to him. You stirred, rubbing your sleepy eyes. “Is it time?” you mumbled, moving away from his arm. He immediately felt its absence, and he wondered why he didn’t treasure the moment longer. “Yes,” he said quietly. You walked him to his gate, your small hand tucked in his. He kissed you softly, his fingers caressing your face. “I’m gunna miss you so much,” he said between kisses. He felt your hot tears on his fingers and he sighed. He hated this. “Right here, four months from now. You and me,” he said evenly, his eyes level on yours. “i’ll come home t you,” he said backing away, leaving you standing there hidden in his shirt. “I’ll come home.”


Posted by brizzlefromtheblock

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