How He Deals With The Fans Hating On You

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Niall : Being Niall’s girlfriend came with a lot of hate from his fans.  You always acted like it doesn’t bother you.  But you were having a terrible day and logging on to twitter was a mistake.  You checked your mention and one bad tweet was all it took. “eww. @(Y/T/N) is a whore.  she is clearly using niall.  don’t know why he’s staying with her she’s ugly.”  You burst into tears and buried your head in your legs.  You’d been sobbing for a few minutes when Niall walked through the door.  “Princess?  What’s wrong?”  You stayed silent.  He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close to him.  He quietly sang a slow version of What Makes You Beautiful to you as you cried.  When you had no more tears left he asked if you wanted to talk about it. “I’m just having a bad day.”  You told him.  “You are so strong through all the hate all the time.  Everybody breaks.  Don’t worry, babe.”  He always knew just what was upsetting you.  He gently kissed you.  He held you in his arms until you fell asleep.  You woke up the next morning and saw a mention from Niall.  “@(y/t/n) i love you.  you’re beautiful.  don’t listen to what anyone says.  we know the truth.”

Harry : “You look so hot.”  Harry said as he stared you up and down.  You were about to get into the limo that would take you to the Brit Awards.  You were surprised Harry asked you to come with him as his date, even though you guys had been dating for months, Harry liked to keep it as private as possible and you didn’t mind.  Once you were in the limo with Harry and the other boys Harry poured glasses of champagne for everyone.  You knew you shouldn’t drink it, you’re small and underage, one drink gets you pretty tipsy, but you did anyway.  You had the drink and before you knew it you were arriving at the red carpet for the awards.  Hundreds, maybe thousands, of fans filled either side of the carpet.  Louis exited the limo first.  You went next, Harry wanted to go behind you.  With your high heels and the alcohol running through your blood it was hard for you get out and you stumbled in front of everyone.  Luckily, Louis held you up.  The fans laughed but you tried to shake it off.  Then you heard a girl in the front scream, “Are you blowing Louis now too?  Whore!”  Harry rushed out of the limo and put his arm around you and pulled you in for a proper snog.  “No she isn’t, but thats a good idea!  The three of us would have a lot of fun.”  Harry smiled cheekily at the girl, it was definitely meant to be rude though, the rest of the fans laughed.  “Someone’s salty!”  He shouted.  All the boys laughed.  The rude fan was really embarrassed as Harry had just publicly humiliated her.  It was clear the boys did not care for her at all. 

Liam :You were sleeping at your best friends house with a few more of your closest friends.  You had a lot of twitter followers, you were Liam Payne’s girlfriend, and since you frequently tweet your friends, they had quite a bit as well.  Your best friend enjoyed the extra followers and decided it would be fun to do a twitcam so she tweeted the link to her 11k followers.  You had 800 viewers but your friend wanted more.  So you RTed her tweet to your 500k followers.  The viewer count went up to 17k viewers.  Your friends announced that viewers needed to send in questions. All the girls were having fun reading out the questions that were all for you from 1D fans.  You were just uncomfortable.  Soon the viewers took notice to your shyness and they started to be rude.  Comments started flowing in, “(y/n) is so stuck up!”, “why would liam date you?  you have no personality and you’re ugly.”  you grew even more uncomfortable.  Soon the chat exploded with “OMG LIAM IS WATCHING!” and you decided to check Liam’s twitter to see what was going on. He was tweeted the link of the twitcam, “I’m watchin and I can read all the hate u are sending.  It disapoints me.  but (y/n), u look beautiful.” 

Zayn : There was a photoshopped photo going around twitter of you with some other guy.  Some One Direction fan made it in hopes of breaking you two up.  Both you and Zayn knew it was fake, and you’d tweeted that it was fake, but it didn’t stop the hate.  You’d received hundreds of mentions about how much you were hated.  It was really upsetting you and you wished you could be with Zayn, but he was away on tour.  Later that night, there was an interview of the boys released that they did earlier that day with a radio station in LA.  When asked about girlfriends Zayn spoke up quickly.  “I have an amazing girlfriend. And theres been a lot of drama with a photoshopped picture and such.  The rumours aren’t true.  If I see that (y/n) receives anymore hate about it, I’m just going to delete my twitter, because it angers me seeing those tweets.” 

Louis :You recently deleted your Facebook page, your tumblr, your instagram, the only thing you’d kept was twitter.  Your other social networking sites had been consumed with mean messages so you deleted them.  And it aggrivated you when you signed on to Twitter to see loads of nasty messages.  When would the hate stop?  You sent out a quick tweet.  “Not going to put up with the things you are saying.  Just going to delete twitter so I don’t have to see them anymore.”  And you deactivated your account.  It was annoying you had to do this just to be with the guy you loved.  An hour later you get a text from Louis, “I’m sorry that you had to delete your twitter, babe.  But you are trending worldwide right now.”   You go on and see the trending topics and see that, #(y/n)backontwitter and #welove(y/n) are trending all over the world.  You decide Louis has something to do with this and go to his page.  “Really sad that some of you can’t just be happy for me.  If (y/n isn’t going to be on twitter I won’t either.”  The fans had started those trending topics to get you to come back.  Soon you reactivated your twitter and Louis kept his!


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