Cute Things He Does

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Harry: Harry will constantly compliment you, never letting you forget what you mean to him. Repeatedly reminding you that you're beautiful and how much he loves you or he'll be whispering sweet nothings in your ear while in public. He's been waiting all his life for a girl to call his own, to spoil, and to treat like royalty, and he's finally found someone who's stolen his heart. "you're perfect," he says, "in every way."

Liam: Liam is sweet and gentle but occasionally he'll get a little possesive in public. He'll always have a hand on you some how or being kissing you whenever possible. Even though he's internationally famous and has millions of girls falling at his feet, his worse fear is that you'll leave him for another, that he's not good enough. You'll never leave his sight when around other people and he'll always have his hand pressed to your back or your waist, or his fingers locked with yours. Or his lips might be pressed to your cheek, the top of your head, your shoulder, and when he's feeling bold, your lips; whatever's convenient. "you're mine," he'll whisper into your hair, "and only mine."

Zayn: Zayn will sing to you, when you're tired, bored, or scared, he can lull you to sleep with his voice, entertain you with dramatic renditions of their songs, or calm you with a single fluid note. Singing is his favorite thing to do so he uses it to his, and your, advantage. You love his voice, though he insists that he isn't that good. Often remembering your favorite songs just to sing to you in times like these. "you will never know," he'll sing softly as you lie in bed together, entangled in eachother's limbs, "just how beautiful you are to me..."

Niall: Niall will calm you down when you're feeling overwhelmed. When you've had a long day at school or work and you come home to do even more paperwork, Niall can see how frustrated you are. He'll tap you on the shoulder, looking deep into your eyes before taking your hand and softly pulling you away from whatever has you so stressed. Sitting you on his lap, he'll coo sweet nothings into your ear while rocking you softly. Once you've calmed down, he'll pull away and tell you to stay where you are as he goes to draw a bath for the two of you. "hey, everything's gonna be okay love," he'll whisper, accent heavy in his loving voice, "i know you're stressed but it's gonna be alright.

Louis: Louis will not only let you wear his clothes, he insists you do. He likes you better in his baggy shirts than in any of your tight or revealing clothes. If you're just sitting around at home you'll usually be in one of his jumpers, hanging past your thighs with just underwear beneath it. Or if you go out for a lazy day walk, bound yo be attacked by paparazzi, you'll have pulled on a pair of his gray trackies, rolled up once or twice and still hanging low on your hips. He loves when you wear his stuff in public because then everyone can know that you're his and that what's his is yours. "You look better in it anyways," he'll smirk, tossing you an article of clothing from his closet, "crazy as it sounds, you look much better in it than i do"


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