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Liam: “Y/N? Sweetheart, have you seen my snapback? The black one I wore yesterday?” Liam’s voice echoed through the house, when you were sitting in the kitchen, eating Ben and Jerry’s. “Uhm,” you answered, licking the ice-cream spoon, while trying to escape the situation, “Maybe…” You smirked when Liam ran to the room, groaning when he saw the black snapback on your head. “Y/N, it’s mineee..,” he whined like four years old, pouting his lip. “But I like it!” you argued, looking him teasingly before taking a spoonful of ice-cream again. “Well I need it,” he demanded, coming closer, trying to take it off. “Liam!” you screamed, trying to hit him with the spoon. He laughed, looking at your attempts. “I’m not afraid of your spoons love, just those who’s bacteria I don’t already have,” his laughter filled the room when you pouted, making him win. He put the snapback on, smiling happily. “I just love my snapback,” he whispered happily, making you stick your tongue out. “I hate you, Payne,” you said, stuffing your face with ice-cream again. “I love you too baby girl,” he said, kissing your nose before taking a taste of your ice-creamy lips.

Zayn: You smirked, kissing his unshaved cheek. His eyes were closed, breathing deep and steady when he lay on the couch, leaving every trouble behind. He looked so peaceful, wrapped to his shirt, red Obey snapback covering his black, messy hair. He had promised to wait for you, but obviously failed. TV was still on, South Park leaving noises to the apartment. You giggled, kissing him again, trying to wake him up from his dream land. “Zaynie? Boo? You need to get up, you’ll back will hurt in the morning,” you whispered, stroking his showing hair gently. The Obey was barely on his head anymore, almost falling out when he slept, hand keeping head up, not letting it fall. Only he could sleep in that position. “Zayn,” you giggled, giving him another kiss. His eyes stirred open, making you smile. “Don’t sleep baby, you still have your snapback on,” you whispered, giggling. “Oh,” he answered sleepily, reaching to throw his hat off before allowing you to pull him up to your bedroom.

Louis: “Well, Harry, truth or dare?” Liam asked, smirking when Harry’s turn hit. You smiled to the curly haired boy, knowing that your turn would be soon. “Dare,” he said proudly, making Louis laugh next to you, giving you butterflies. “I dare you to prank call Paul,” Liam dared, making everyone laugh. After Harry’s failure attempt, was your turn. “Y/N…Truth or dare?” Harry asked, smirking to you. You gulped, knowing that either of those would be easy. “Truth,” you said hesitating. You didn’t want to do something embarrassing… “Okay…drumroll…Y/N what is your ultimate Louis sex fantasy?” After Harry’s words left his mouth, you could feel your cheeks going burning red. “Um,” you started, hoping you would have taken the dare. “C’mon, tell us!” boys cheered, making Louis join them. “Well,” you confessed biting your lip, “Uhm, Louis without anything but a snapback in our bedroom.” You looked down ashamed, when other boys started to sheer and laugh. After a moment you felt Lou’s mouth against your ear, “Don’t be embarrassed babe, I think we could work on that tonight.”

Harry: You sighed, turning your ipod back to suffle when another cloud escaped from sun, leaving you to bath in hotness. It was one of the warmest days in the summer, exhausting everyone who even bothered to go outside. You laid next to your pool, trying to tan yourself while Harry was at work. Few minutes later you heard the door slam close and Harry appeared to the backyard. “Hi kitten,” he said, kissing your lips before he whipped his forehead. “Hi love, it’s warm, huh?” you answered, looking at him smiling when he took his shirt off, revealing black tattoos. He stripped down his pants too, leaving nothing on but his snapback. It was normal for you, he did it all the time. Your backyard was safe and only your place, leaving you to do whatever you wanted. He turned to look at you, smiling back, “Like what you see?” You giggled, nodding before getting up and kissing his waiting lips. You readjusted his snapback to his head, making him smile to your kiss. “You’re hotter than the sun babe,” you whispered, making you both giggle.

Niall: You lay on the couch, feet on his lap, drifting to sleep. Niall was watching another football game, like every other Sunday in Horan resident. Your hands lay on your pregnant belly; smile on your face when you listened his yells and screams to the screen. “You cunt the ball was right there! Fuckin’ idiot!” Niall growled, making you smile on your sleep. Whenever you were even near to falling asleep, your baby kicked you, not letting you miss anything. You let out another whimper when the baby kicked you again. “What is it princess? Ya’ okay?” Niall asked, looking at you, scared. “Your son won’t let me sleep, he’s kicking all the time,” you whined, pouting your lip. “He’s just excited about the soccer!” Niall laughed, rubbing your belly, “ ‘Ere, maybe this will help.” He placed his green snapback to your round belly. “How is that helping?” you giggled, looking at his cute happy face. “That will make him realize he’s a fan, not a player on the field,” Niall said laughing before kissing the spot next to your bellybutton, “Your mommy is not a football bud, just relax and let daddy explain what’s happenin’ in da game.”


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