The Bed Isn't Big Enough

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The Bed Isn't Big Enough

Harry: "I could sleep on the floor.." Harry offered kissing your forehead. "No," You shook your head moving loser to him, "We can make this work." Harry smiled pulling your body on top of his, intertwining his legs with yours holding onto your waist. "Better?" Harry mumbled into your ear, running his fingers through your hair. You nodded your head smiling, "Better"

Liam: "Move over Liam," You groaned. "I can’t!" He replied. "There isn’t enough room." "How is the bed not big enough/" You mumbled under your breath shaking your head. "Don’t blame me!" Liam sighed, "Don’t worry though, I’ll make room." "How?" You demand tiredly glaring at Liam. "Like this." Liam stated scooping you into his arms and holding you close to his torso. His broad muscular arms wrapped tightly on your waist. "Thanks," You whispered nuzzling into the crook of his neck closing your eyes slowly drifting off to sleep.

Louis: "Isn’t this comfortable?" Louis asked sarcastically. "Yeah." You snorted resting your head on Louis’ chest. ""I wish we had more room." You mumbled referring to the size of the bed. "I don’t mind." Louis shrugged. "How can you not mind? How can you not mind this! We can’t even move." You groaned. "Because," Louis whispered against your skin, "It brings us closer"

Niall: You let out a sigh continuing to toss and turn having trouble finding a comfortable position on the small bed. “Niall.” You whispered gently tapping his shoulder. “Hm?” Niall mumbled slowly opening his eyes,”What’s wrong?” “I can’t sleep, there’s not enough room.” Niall opened his arms wide giving you a warm smile. “C’mere” You instantly scooted closer. “There we go,” He whispered kissing your head. “Now go to sleep.” 

Zayn: Zayn immediately awoke upon hearing a loud thud. “You okay/” Zayn questioned concerned as he scooped you back up into bed. “Yeah, I’m fine” You mumbled. “I’m sorry” Zayn apologized kissing your temple. as he gently laid you on the bed, “It’s not your fault.” Zayn pulled the sheets back on the top of you, tucking you in before draping his arm around you protectively. “I think we need a bigger bed.” Zayn decided noticing how small it was. 


Posted by tomlinsonswaggg

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