There's A Rumor He Cheated While He's On Tour

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Zayn: You were grocery shopping when you saw his picture with a girl in the cover of at least three magazines. You immediately open it up and start reading it, but two pictures made you think the worse. It was a picture of Zayn’s hand around her lower back, and she had a very short dress. Your immediate reaction was to call Zayn, you didn’t think he would cheat on you, but at the moment everything is possible. “Is it true?” you ask him right away. “Is what true?” he questions. “The pictures. The rumor of you cheating,” you cry. “Don’t you trust me,” he shouts into the phone. “Yes…but I don’t know.” “Believe what you want, all I know is that I didn’t cheat,” he yelled before ending the call on you.

Liam: You were entering Liam’s hotel when you heard something that shocked you. “Why is she here visiting her cheating boyfriend,” a couple of fans whisper. You ignored them and kept on walking until you reached Liam’s room, you knocked for a good 5 minutes until he finally opened the door still asleep. “Had a long night yesterday babe,” you sarcastically say. “Yeah I did,” he yawns. “How was she?” you ask entering his room. “Huh?” he asks confused. “The girl you cheated on me with,” you reply. “Where did you get this from, of course not,” he furrows his brows. “Your fans have been talking about it,” you say walking away  not letting him say anything else, “Enjoy your time with them.”

Harry: “You have to believe me, I’d never cheat on you,” he states, taking his head in his hands, frustrated that you don’t believe him. “I don’t know what to believe anymore, this isn’t the first time this happens and you know it Harry,” you sigh, looking over at him who was just as tired as you. “You have to believe me,” he says again, but your response is still the same. You didn’t feel like arguing with him over it so you left his tour bus and rented a hotel room for yourself. All night your phone wouldn’t stop buzzing getting texts and calls every minute. They all said the same, but honestly you had had enough. “I don’t think we’re gonna make it anymore,” you sent in a text just before falling asleep.

Louis: “They have to be photo shopped,” you gasp looking through your phone. But the more you looked at the picture it was clear it was real and not photo shopped like you had hoped. There were two pictures one Louis going out into a bar with a chick, and another leaving a hotel that wasn’t his in the morning. You couldn’t help but cry as he name appeared on Skype. “What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” he asks. “Why would you do this to me,” you cried. “Do what?” You showed him the pictures, and he immediately turned red. “I can explain, it’s not what it looks like,” he begins. “Then what does it look like, Louis, I can’t do this right now I’m sorry don’t bother calling me,” you say ending the Skype call.

Niall: “Did you?” you ask while choking back on your tears. “No of course not,” he muttered over the phone. “Then why is it all over twitter, everyone is saying that Niall,” you say now crying. “It’s not true babe, you have to believe me, yes I was drunk but I would never cheat on you. Stop making a big deal out of it. Fans always make up rumors,” he says trying to calm you down. “Not make a big deal about it, everything points to it Niall,” you sigh, “You know what forget it about it Niall, forget I ever called you enjoy your time on tour,” you say in defeat. “Wait [Y/N], don’t hang up on me,” you hear him say before ending the call. He wanted you to not make a big deal about it but how could you not if you loved him.


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