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Louis: “Stop it, please Louis. This is not funny anymore!” “It’s funny for me sweet cheeks,” he said laughing almost as hard as you now, as he slapped your butt in the process. He was ruthless and it was getting hard to breath. You really weren’t trying to, but when he moved his devil hands to your armpits you reacted with a fast sweep of your arm. You smacked him straight across his face. He quick grabbed for his eye. You rolled on top of him, “oh my god Louis I’m really sorry!” You rubbed where you smacked him. “No you’re not,” he winced in pain. “I can’t really be blamed for my actions while you were torturing me, it was an accident, but I am sorry.” You ran to the freezer, “yeah yeah,” Louis didn’t believe that you were remorseful. “Now hold this ice on it before management kills me when you get a black eye,” you put the ice where it was red. “You couldn’t give me a black eye if you had a baseball bat,” Louis scoffed. “Don’t push your luck Tomlinson,” you got up leaving him to hold the ice for himself.

Harry: “You know you want to,” Harry said clearly planning something. “I’m not so sure I do.” “I promise you do.” You gave him a stern look, “No, I’m SURE I don’t.” “I can make you,” he said sure of himself. You just rolled your eyes and continued what you were working on. “You made me do this,” he said jumping over to you and attacking you with tickles. “This is not going to work,” you managed to say and not suffocate. “Just say you will and I will release you, it’s hopeless Elmo, come on,” You hated how sure he was that you would surrender. You held off as much as you could until it really started to hurt, “fine I’ll do it,” you shouted unable to talk at a normal volume. It was a relief when he stopped. You got up and got a comfortable distance from Harry and crossed your arms, “I’m not going to do it.” You stepped out of the room after you said it. You heard Harry yelling from his seat, “this relationship is built on lies (y/n). Lies I tell you!”

Zayn: “I like you Man so I’m going to let you in on a little secret,” you heard your brother say as you eavesdropped from the kitchen. “That is if you want it, I mean she can be pretty stubborn.” Zayn must have contemplated for a minute, “I could use all the help I can get.” “If you really want her to do something just tickle her till she agrees. She’s hopeless, it will never fail,” he said proudly. “I am not hopeless,” you said stepping out of the kitchen. “When you’re being tickled you are. You’re completely surrendered to the person controlling your laughter,” he said with a knowing smile. You just shook your head. “Fine I’ll prove it,” he said jumping off the couch chasing you. He caught up to you on the stairs and tickled you to the point of pain. “Admit you were wrong,” he demanded as you tried to push him off. “I was wrong,” you said half laughing and half crying. You then realized that Zayn followed you both and was having an epiphany of how to get you to do what he wanted. “I hate you,” you told your brother going back into the kitchen to continue to help clean up.

Liam: “Hard day,” Liam asked as he walked in your room and observed you sprawled out on the bed. “Doesn’t begin to describe it,” you said letting your face hit your pillow after looking to make sure it was him.  You felt him straddle your sore back and start to rub in-between your shoulder blades. As he progressed down your sides your back arched, and your breath got caught in your throat. You only let out a small giggle. “Ticklish?” You could hear the smile in his voice but flipped to your back to make sure. “No,” you unconvincingly told the content Liam. He brought his hands up and down your sides causing you to react again. “You lied,” he said half insulted. “I didn’t want you to use it to control me like everyone else,” you rationalized. “I would never,” he said acting all innocent. “So we both lie,” you insisted knowing Liam enough to know this was not an innocent discovery.

Niall: “Congratulations,” Niall yelled as he ran toward you. You had been dating for a little while, but skipped straight to kissing, so when he brought you into a Horan hug you were caught off guard. “Thanks,” you giggled as your head reacted to his face tickling your neck by smashing your cheek to his head. You didn’t want to but couldn’t help giving him a little shove off. “I think I found your spot,” he said with a huge smile. He then locked you in a hug and blew on the crook your neck making a fart sound, like you do with a baby. You tried to laugh quietly since you were in public and shoved him off a little more forcibly now. “That’s not my only spot, I’m a girl of many,” you said with a small smirk walking away from the tickle monster. “Let me find the other ones,” he begged running up behind you and back hugging you now. “Is this one,” he said forcing his hands under your armpits. “You’re a child,” you tried to hold in your laugh as you jerked away deciding not only to run , but hide this time.


Posted by 1dwishesandkisses                    

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