red carpet

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Harry: you're starting to get used to being on the red carpet. and you're also getting more and more used to his antics. he's being a goof the entire time, hiding behind you when photographers try to get pictures of the two of you. you can't take your hands, or eyes, off of him, in his perfectly tailored suit and slightly unbuttoned dress shirt. "Harry, get over here!" you call when he prances off again. "they just want a good picture!" "you should listen to her, Harry!" someone calls and he stalks over to you, glaring at the photographers jokingly. "don't tell me what to do," he says, tightening his grip on you. "she's the only one who gets to do that."

Liam: he's going into protective-Liam-mode, and you're almost laughing at the way he keeps his hands on your the entire time. even when you're walking, he makes sure his hand is on your waist, hip, or the small of your back. "you look absolutely gorgeous," he whispers in your ear every once in a while, making you blush. when you're introduced to some celebrity or another, he tightens his grip, relaxing if a woman comments on your dress and tensing up if some guy checks you out. "you know you don't have to do that, right?" you ask, raising an eyebrow at him. "I'm yours, no matter what. no one's gonna take me away from you." he grins at you. "I know, but they can only look. I get to touch."

Louis: you told him some stupid joke right before you got out of the limo, and it really wasn't that funny, but it's got him giggling all the way down the red carpet. like, to the point where there are tears in his eyes and his face is red and he's clutching onto your hand like it's the only thing keeping him standing. you just smile at the cameras, giggling at your silly boyfriend. people keep asking him why he's laughing so hard, but when he tries to get it out, he just laughs more till there are tears running down his cheeks and he's laughing into your shoulder. you just smile and shake your head at him. "it wasn't that funny!" he giggles again. "yes, it was!"

Niall: he looks utterly delectable in his dark blue suit, and you feel amazing in your gown. you can't remember what even you're at, but you don't care, smiling away at the cameras, Niall's arm around your waist and your hip against his. when he presses a kiss to your cheek, you swear you've never seen so many cameras flash at once. "what are you wearing?" someone yells, but you just keep smiling, a little bit at a loss for words as Niall tugs you down the red carpet and into the venue where the event is being held. "how'd I do?" you ask him, tugging on his hand nervously. he tucks you under his arms and kisses your temple. "ya did great, luv. you always do great."

Zayn: he's half asleep, but you're making your way slowly down the carpet, your arm around his waist, stopping for pictures now and again, trying not to trip in your heels and keep him upright at the same time. "shoulda grabbed one of those energy drinks," he drawls in your ear, grinning as the photographers snap away. as you walk further, you get an idea and reach down when you turn to face the cameras again, pinching his ass hard enough to make him jump. he glares at you and you giggle. after that, he keeps you at arms length, holding tight to your hand, but when a photographer asks you to get closer, he pulls you against him. "you're gonna get it later, you hear me?"


Published by; bringthepaayne

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