You have no money

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You have no money

Louis: “Oh, I really like that one!” Perrie smiled, pointing the dress next to you, “It would look good on you.” You smiled, looking at the gorgeous dress what was hanging in the hanger. It was absolutely unbelievable but so was the price… “Yeah, I don’t know, maybe I should still look if I find anything else,” you said, faking a smile to your face. It wasn’t easy to be pop star’s girlfriend. You had to attempt to galas and parties, and still, because you were just another working university girl, you had no money. At the evening, you walked up to Louis’ apartment, empty handed. He lifted his head when you walked through the door, and looked at you with his sparkly blue eyes. “You didn’t find anything babe?” he asked, surprised, “Those dresses we saw in the window, were pretty.” You shrugged, sighing when you plopped next to him in to the couch, lifting your feet up. With Perrie, it was easier to avoid the subject, but Louis knew you. “What is it?” he asked, tone serious, when he saw your face. You were holding back tears, trying to escape the situation. You didn’t want to embarrass Louis. It wasn’t his fault that he had a poor girlfriend. “Nothing,” you said, looking away. “Yea, bite me,” Louis argued, turning your head around so you could face him. “I just…” you started, voice hoarse, “I can’t come to the VMA’s with you.” Louis stared at you for a second, eyes widening, “Why?” You gulped, “I don’t want to embarrass you.” Tears were now flooding on your cheeks, when you looked down to your lap, feeling Lou’s burning eyes on you. “What? Babe, you would never embarrass me, I swear! What this is all about?” his voice was sad. He knew it was something bigger. “Uhm, I…I don’t have…I’m not a dancer like Dani, I’m not a singer like Perrie. I’m a student and I work in a coffee shop. I have loans and I eat macaroni almost every day… I just can’t afford pretty dresses like that, I’m sorry. I know it sounds silly, but I just can’t…” Tears blurred your vision, rolling down to your cheeks, leaving warm trails to your skin. Louis was quiet for a moment, letting your sniffles become the loudest noise in the room. “Babe,” Louis said quietly, “Can you forgive to your boyfriend who’s the biggest dickhead in the world?” You looked at him, surprised, “What?” He was smiling a little, tears on his eyes, when he pulled you closer. “I’m such an idiot. I should have thought it. I’m sorry, it’s my fault,” he kissed your forehead sweetly, smiling to your confused face, “Tomorrow we’ll go out together and I’ll buy you the prettiest dress. You deserve it, love.” You opened your mouth, trying to protest, you didn’t want him to buy you stuff. You weren’t that kind of girl. Louis laughed, pressing his hand over your mouth so you couldn’t say anything, “I am buying you a dress babe. That’s it.” You smiled against his palm, kissing it lightly when he pulled you for a hug, whispering to your hair how sorry he was that he didn’t think.

Niall: “I’m hungry,” Niall whined again, dragging you to another food place, full of people and delicious smells. “Ni you just ate,” you giggled, shaking your head to your boyfriend, whose appetite was endless, even when it was late. “Yea but do ya think subway is enough for growin’ man?” he asked laughing, when he stroked your hand with a thumb, stopping outside the pizza parlor. You bite your lip, stomach grumbling when you saw the large pizzas, full of cheese and tomato sauce, on the table. “Oh yea, we’re going to eat ‘ere!” Niall laughed, looking the same pizzas with you, before pulling you inside the restaurant. You bite your lip, looking down at your shoes. You were starving too. You ate earlier that day at McDonalds with Niall, but the hours has passed, and you didn’t eat at the subway, or now. “Two,” Niall grinned to the waiter, pressing your hand on his. He loved to show you off, letting every waiter and people know you were his. He kissed your cheek sweetly when the waiter showed your table. “Oh no thanks, I don’t eat,” you smiled, when he was giving you a menu. “Princess, why don’t ya eat?” Niall asked blue eyes wide. “I’m not hungry,” you lied, smiling weakly, when the hunger inside grew the whole time. Truth was that you couldn’t afford to eat out three times a day. Last week you had to buy a birthday gift to your friend, and after that you didn’t have even that less money you used to have. Niall looked at you, concerned, when the waiter took his order. The minute he left, Niall’s hand was on yours. “What’s wrong princess? Please tell me, I know somethin’ is wrong,” the fear in his eyes made you break. Those gorgeous blue eyes looked so hurt, and it was all your fault. “I just… I’m not hungry,” you tried again, not wanting to make Niall feel guilty, because you knew he would be. “Right,” he huffed, looking away, now clearly annoyed. He was a carefree mofo, but when it came to you, he wanted to know that everything was alright. It was his job to protect you. “You’re not dieting are you?” he asked, voice panicking, when he looked at you with pleading eyes, “please say you’re not.” You sighed, knowing that he wouldn’t let you go if you wouldn’t tell him the truth. “No, I’m not baby, breathe,” you said, a small smile on your face, “It’s just that I’m a student. I have no job and absolutely no incomes. I can survive in everyday life but I can’t just eat out three times a day you know… This place is so expensive.” Niall looked at you, mouth hanging open, when the realization hit him. “Oh shit princess, I’m sorry,” he groaned, running his hand through his hair, revealing brown roots,” I should have known better, I’m such a bad boyfriend…” You sighed, rolling your teary eyes, “Niall Horan, this is not your fault. You can’t blame yourself for this, okay! I should have told you earlier.” His face softened when he leaned to kiss your lips gently, memorizing every moment, “I love ya princess, please tell me if somethin’ is wrong.” You nodded, kissing him again when the waiter brought his pizza. “We’d take another one,” Niall grinned, “I’m extra hungry today.” You looked at him, raising an eyebrow when he chuckled, “Wanna share princess?”

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